will white males ever be Men again?
will white males ever be Men again?
>implying he doesnt slay pussy all across the globe instead of being tied down
He can fuck elite whores everyday, why does he need a relationships?
>source of wealth
lol, not for long you dumb fuck
for what purpose? he's not even breeding, not even spreading his genes.
he's a genetic dead-end. a cuck.
He's probably a manlet
What's the problem to pay a woman to have a biological child when he needs? Surrogacy exists
>implying he's not impregnating all of the pussy he slays and using his money to support his legions of children while still being legally free to continue dominating vagina across the planet
It's almost like you don't understand how alphas operate or something
There are still plenty of desperate men who will marry you, femanon. Don't worry.
If his wealth is derived in stocks he won't be rich for long.
why would you marry when you are that rich, just to get cucked out of half of your money?
He's a fag and has sex with the BLM organiser.
He's a literal faggot and is dating the Black Lives Matter guy.
>for what purpose? he's not even breeding, not even spreading his genes
Shocking but some people have sex not just to reproduce.
Plus with his wealth, he won't find any type of genuine love, it will only be for money
if he got married he would be divorced a year or 2 later. then only have half a bil
>that much money
>not plowing a qt model
This guy its the betaest, doesn't matter if you're an autistic son of a bitch, if you have anything above a million you can get pretty much any girl you want, let alone over a billion.
There is nothing that annoys me more than seeing a rich person who is rich from bs social media crap. Social media might have damaged us as humans beyond repair.
>when he needs
he's already 40. it's like he WANTS to have genetically inferior children (if he decides to have them later)
he's not. plus, having kids with dumb whores/gold diggers = they'll be brought up like a bunch of numale and feminist fags
fucking hell.
he's gay as fuck pham
>might be linked to pedophilia rings, or worse. The active censorship of Twitter regarding several related matters is very suspicious.
only betas rate men through women and sex
This explains why twitter is going to hell.
Will they ever learn?
>Real alphas are virgins
you what?
Literally every single chad does exactly that.
betas are pussy hungry and see chad as an alpha, even though chad is not an alpha at all, just an insecure guy who's life has no meaning beyond used up pussy.
the real alpha is the guy that doesn't look like an effeminate dude in a pink v-neck (like chad).
the real alpha is a man, with manly skills who is self reliant AND provides for his woman and children and maintains his family with himself as the leading figure. His wife has the wifely duties, and has the relevant skill of keeping home and raising kids.
>he's not
>effeminate dude in pink v-neck
nobody considers these people to be chad
>he is
not in your ideal world, but irl, they are the ones in clubs getting all the club going pussy.
Just thinning the herd.
A coalburning fag who is about to see his fortune slip through his fingers.
>this is what Sup Forums actually believes
no wonder all these pathetic faggots live vicariously through soft babymen like trump
What value is a modern family in our fucked up society
As a billionaire getting married only means he has a very good chance of losing 500 million dollars
He is no man he is a sinner,
he fiddles and/or cannibalize on kids.
>faggy sub-men are fucking club sloots
and nothing of value is lost. Quality women don't fuck guys in clubs. If you see these genetic bottom-feeders as competition you need to adjust your thinking
But the concept of a "real man" is obsessed over on the internet these days, and men changed because of technology and feminism. Both of those phenomenons replaced the role of the male in the world.
Of course, women and other men still endlessly whine about "WHAT HAPPENED TO MEN THESE DAYS" but they fail to see the forest for the trees. Technology made many things that men previously did become an automated process. Feminism destroyed traditionalism. And it's ironic, because now feminists and traditionalists are always teaming up to shame men back into their traditional, historical roles. Retards allying with retards, go figure.
This guy wears button up Tapout shirts, and if you've ever actually listened to him speak in a closed forum, he's got fucking autism.
They even had him on shark tank and his numale was showing.