Human females are shit

Human females are shit.
Animal females are pure.

Get yourself a furry wife today.

Other urls found in this thread:

Godspeed, Switzerland

Absolutely degenerate

>if only

Why does this furry depict a fat black woman?

you need jesus


Julie Bruin
Judy Hopps (for hugs, not for fugs)
Pure Aryan Polar Bears
Arctic Foxes
Red Pandas
Siberian Tigers

Everything else is food for the oven

>Judy Hopps
>not for fugs
kill yourself

So are they actually like tying the horses down so they cant move?
because otherwise the horse will most likely kick you to death if you're making it uncomfortable

>judy hopps
>not for fugs
u w0t m8

jokes on you hans....there are more cow fuckers then horse fuckers

they probably drug them or just kill them

(You) belong in the oven

furryfags are the worse kind of faggots
Have some self respect and be a pedophile

The bun is always for fug.

Its just I've never heard of that happening but I've heard a lot about people having sex with horses without doing anything like that

>Making fun of sexual deviancy
Nice try Hans

Add Amelia to that list, faggot.

the horses could have also been accustomed to their owner/were in heat

>thinking you can lewd the Jude

even british weirdos go to your country to fuck goats. Maybe it's the thinn air.

>furry art is "degenerate"
>but anime and loli isn't

>lewd the jude,do it dude

it's what Sup Forums believes in and stands for

Thats what I was thinking of, and in that case it isnt really that bad imo


And dead is this degenerate thread

Did it have to update and show your post while I was drinking a 40?

>and in that case it isnt really that bad imo
>it isnt that bad
>beastiallity isnt bad

Dont think he did it to fuck goats but Im sure you'd know better than I.
After all we arent the ones with insitutionalized sex zoos.
Get fucked by a moose... or a bull you sick bastard.

Is it still considered a furry if it doesn't have fur?

no,its a scally

Well I get that it goes against a lot of peoples morals but if it isn't hurting the animal, then whys it so bad?
Other than because you probably find it repulsive

another furry thread.

back to the /trash/bin with the lot of you.

well yes,it is repulsive,its immoral,its all around wrong

What about pic related?

>well yes,it is repulsive,its immoral,its all around wrong
If thats all there is to it, then why does it matter?
Although I get why youd be against it if you had to watch them do it, but I dont see any reason other than that

Good bread

ridiculous shit like this always cracks me up for some reason

the thought that somebody came up with this and then probably masturbated to it is absolutely hilarious

Thanks for helping me fill my autism folder.

what the fuck is that
>why are you against it
because it doesnt only affect them,it affects society as a whole
the legalization of beastiality is just another step on the slippery slope
it all started with gay rights,then gay mariage,now beastiality,whats next,pedophilia?

What kind of hellish cock is that

First off Germany is for dogfuckers. Maybe a few horsefuckers too but goats and sheep only get shagged by shitskins.
Secondly, this whole bestiality brothels stunt was a scam from the green/left to get votes and for "charities" to scam more money. That myth originiated from Sweden/Norway by the way.
Police never ever found a shred of evidence supporting that shit, so in spreading this disinfo you´re shilling for the same fucks who cry "fugees welcome".
And if I´d be so bold to connect these dots, you´re the most fucking degenerate in this thread and deserve a nice ovening.

Literally never happens. The fucks who rip horses get their kicks from gore, afaik no horse killing ever involved direct sexual contacts.
As for the tranqulizing.... that only shows how little you know how horses react to such. They´re actually quite fragile in this regard.
Thats more likely, though female horses in heat dont let just any stud near them, which is why artificial insemniation is such a biggy with horses (well a part of it)
And even for this they often need to get bondaged.... art. insemn. is much more rapey with animals then any known zoophilia case (though bestiality can easily cross the line to rape)

That was todays TMYK broadcast.

Go back to Sup Forums fucktard.

>whats next,pedophilia?
I don't know, are we talking about actually going out and molesting or fucking children, or are we talking about jerking off to loli?
I feel like the best place to draw the line is where it starts to directly harm other people, and maybe animals idk


Fucking lol

I literally have sex with horses, but seeing news articles like that blows my fucking mind

Have one more.

>First off Germany is for dogfuckers. Maybe a few horsefuckers too but goats and sheep only get shagged by shitskins
>”lol guyz,we dont fuck goats like those sick middle easterners,we fuck dogs,we re superior”

>think I'm done with pokemon crushes
>THIS sexy fucker comes out

>tfw no thicc bird gf

Pajeet in America?
Fucking goats is wrong, dude.

>are we talking about actually going out and molesting or fucking children, or are we talking about jerking off to loli?
well,fapping to lolis,even tho is kinda wrong,is perfectly legal as long as its drawn loli
no,what i m talking about it allowing grown people in their 30s to marry and fuck kids in their 10s