More of these, strongly encourage Sup Forumsacks to make their own

More of these, strongly encourage Sup Forumsacks to make their own.


They're called memeballs







Is that how you think?







>not posting the superior verison


That's how I know baby


good lord she needs to stop lifting.



















Queer Anarchism





When you try to talk shit stay more on the generic side or people will know everything about you in no time, young autist.



And then get killed in turn for trying to invent democracy













rly maeks u tink

Seriously though, seeking validation stems from being capable of empathy. (you)'s and reuploaded pictures are pretty much the only way to get any validation here, so that's the way it has to be. You're a sociopath if you don't want to fit in anywhere.


Like I care what some potatonigger thinks about me





This is why I'm here

Thanks charlie





Not white enough and not nationalist enough. Therefore the surprise.






The ones about countries are funnier than the ones about ideology.














>while in public
i'm actually doing this...


Same here, I'm in the bus.


we all do

we're here forever

