Sup Forums. Why haven't you converted to the most based religion in this world yet?
Sup Forums. Why haven't you converted to the most based religion in this world yet?
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i want to go to heaven
No idea
Kuffar goes to Jahannam.
Those people have nothing to do with Islam and need to be executed. Let's make Islam European again.
Because a Warlord/Pedophile will never be my prophet.
Deus Vult
But I have. I converted to kekism.
> Christian West: Conquered almost the whole world. The beauty of the white race was the world standard. The white man was feared by their wives. There were almost no gays. The family was regarded as sacred. Westerners control Muslim Nations.
> Secular West: Getting cucked by mudslimes. BLACKED. White Women falling in love for niggers and sandniggers. Full of beta men. Muslims control various Western cities.
Red pill me on why Atheism is not a Jewish invention to turn Westerners into miserable cucks.
My mum said no
So you rather have a cuck as your prophet?
Those people have nothing to do with Islam
because the jews
Nice try, Ahmed
What do you mean, i allready am.
Sweden you should've been taught in the madrasah by now that one reverts to Islam, not converts.
You sandniggers are just Jewish orcs. Faggotry is not based. Islam was taken over by Jews ages ago. See Kabbalah, see how the head of ISIS is a Mossad agent.
...Nothing wrong with that they are kuffar!
We did, Sup Forums is a Kekite board now.
Why havent you killed yourself yet and stopped replying to leftist shitposting threads yet?
>Sweden calling people cucks
Don't make me laugh fuckboi.
Jesus is a prophet in Islam too, cucktard
Not attracted to little girls
>Moon devil worshippers
>Kiddie Diddlers
>Foretold in the Bible as Muhammshit being the anti Christ
A reminder that kek is dead
Pick one
whatever floats your boat, Ahmed
Terrorisim is a mossad plot against islam we all know it
Too bluepilled for me. Far too universal, a lot like Christianity. It's too multi ethnic and Globalist, and even has a built in welfare system in Sharia. Other than that there's a lot to like, I like it's spiritual and metaphysical hyper masculine philosophy, the concept of Jihadism (internal and external struggle for God) is admirable and at times beautiful.
Oh and much like the other two Kike religions, it's anti homosex, which is bad for me.
sure it is
>trusting kikes-led organizations for statistics
>Why haven't you converted to the most based religion in this world yet?
Asatru? Just dedicated myself last week.
See you on the rainbow bridge, Sven.
I trust the Jew a hell of a lot more than you backwards sand-dwelling Pedophiles.
This is literally what ibn-ilkhatab did to muslims in north africa. Open a book sometime
shut up
Judging by how progressive americans are I'm sure you do
Because they will all die.
>everything is managed by kikes, the earth is flat
Quran 2:190: Fight in the way of Allah those who fight you but do not transgress. Indeed. Allah does not like transgressors.
Quran 2:192-193: And if they cease, then indeed, Allah is Forgiving and Merciful.
Quran 3:28: Let not believers take disbelievers as allies rather than believers. And whoever [of you] does that has nothing with Allah , except when taking precaution against them in prudence. And Allah warns you of Himself, and to Allah is the [final] destination.
Quran 3:84-85:Say, "We have believed in Allah and in what was revealed to us and what was revealed to Abraham, Ishmael, Isaac, Jacob, and the Descendants, and in what was given to Moses and Jesus and to the prophets from their Lord. We make no distinction between any of them, and we are Muslims [submitting] to Him." And whoever desires other than Islam as religion - never will it be accepted from him, and he, in the Hereafter, will be among the losers.
Quran 5:32-33: Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely. And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors. Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment
I won't bother with all of them, but you do not only use verses out of context, you give them incomplete.
Then again, you are a Jew, so no surprises.
Checks out
I am not sexually attracted to 5 year old girls or goats
It's your people's goddamn fault. The Middle East is Jewish property as soon as you idiots accept that we won't have peace there.
I hope Israel wipes you heathen scum from the face of this planet.
you cannot jew a jew, Ahmed.
The prophet did it can't be harmful you know. I'm sure it's some kikes plot to distort the image of islam tbhwy
No beer. No bacon. Rampant 1st cousin inbreeding. Gays are bad...unless it's a little boy, then it's cool.
Fuck Islam.
>The prophet did it can't be harmful you know.
isn't it the problem though? that you follow his every word like sheep instead of thinking yourself on the situation?
>the jews did it
I'm sure the Jews give you pilot lessons and bombs as well.
Stop your Muslim lies already.
They try to distabilize the peace of the countries but they don't have influence here. And keep the wishful thinking you filthy kaffir
Prophet muhammed is god's chosen and was given the wisdom and taught by allah so yeah nothing wrong. And the fucker in your pic is not islam desu
>what are mercenaries
Anti-Semitic much?
>The Muslim taking out of context verses out of context
2:191: And kill them wherever you overtake them and expel them from wherever they have expelled you, and fitnah is worse than killing. And do not fight them at al-Masjid al- Haram until they fight you there. But if they fight you, then kill them. Such is the recompense of the disbelievers.
2:193:Fight them until there is no [more] fitnah and [until] worship is [acknowledged to be] for Allah . But if they cease, then there is to be no aggression except against the oppressors.
The Quran is describing those "who cease" as those who cease Fitnah and acknowledge Allah as God. Fitnah, or transgression, is going against that of Allah, and isn't combat.
>Quran 5:32
>Because of that, We decreed upon the Children of Israel that whoever kills a soul unless for a soul or for corruption [done] in the land - it is as if he had slain mankind entirely. And whoever saves one - it is as if he had saved mankind entirely
It is quoting the Talmud, Mishnah Sanhedrin 4:5. God decreed on the children of israel that to kill another Israeli is to kill all of mankind. The Quran then modifies this law as follows:
>And our messengers had certainly come to them with clear proofs. Then indeed many of them, [even] after that, throughout the land, were transgressors.
Muhammad found proof of those who partook in Fitnah, or the act of transgression and disobeying Allah, as such, the Quran created a means of which to justify killing a Child of Israel, such as those of the Banu Qurayza:
> Indeed, the penalty for those who wage war against Allah and His Messenger and strive upon earth [to cause] corruption is none but that they be killed or crucified or that their hands and feet be cut off from opposite sides or that they be exiled from the land. That is for them a disgrace in this world; and for them in the Hereafter is a great punishment
Note "to cause corruption", which is Fitnah
There are too many arguments here for me to refute on Sup Forums, mainly because I am a lazy NEET.
However, I'll say this much, Shari'a allows non muslims to be judged by their own laws if their transgressions aren't directly against the acting government.
Taqiyya is something introduced in the Shia part of Islam. Otherwise there are only 3 justifications for lying; if your life is in danger, if you are in active war against an opponent (even then you cannot lie in treaties) or to save someone's marriage.
I don't have enought information to talk about the first one, however as it is said in the start of the video, everyone believes different parts of a broad ideology and what is explained in the 1st part is just a part of Islam that is unpopular in practice.
To anger the Muslim boy who made me suck his dick after school every day in 10th grade.
To finish These are not peaceful verses. But come on dude, accept how badass your faith is that they're willing to kill their enemies and preserve their culture/society.
You probably have a shrine to Muhammad AND Hitler you third world little shit.
Because I'd look bad in a Yarmulke.
>Not a Swedish Flag
I'm disappointed, fellow burger.
can't you see the problem?
you are not thinking for yourself, you just follow the quaran blindly.
Everything would have been better tbqh, you fat fuck
that in incorrect, the quaran encourages Allah's followers to lie to people so they will covert to Islam
HOW would have Hitler made things better?
>a jew is trying to persuade me from my faith
surprise surprise
Just saying to everyone ITT if you're going to bother fighting Islam and winning arguments, actually read the Quran and study it, don't rely on tired arguments/phrases or some shitty 10 minute youtube video. It's honestly embarressing seeing some of you guys get decimated by what should be an easy debate to win for you.
Know the actual good arguments, know the theology behind it, and you'll actually get somewhere.
>new pol
I am willing to kill anyone who actively works against the interests of Islam.
Isn't this how patriotism works?
I am not denying the fact that in Islam, there are a lot of killing involved. None of them however just based on people's ideology, but based on their acts on their ideologies. And as it is a popular opinion on this board, live in line with the law of the country that you live in.
Islam doesn't stop you from teaching or practicing your religion. It doesn't stop you from building your own temples. It just says don't go around throwing shit on Islam. It is an easy law to follow.
Islam is like Conan the Barbarian meets L. Ron Hubbard. Muhammad was an 7th century tribal leader who figured out the way to really get rich would be to start a religion. So he ripped off Judaism and Christianity, got a few idiot followers, and then tried to convert a tribe of Jews. The Jews were "like WTF is this shit no dude you're not a prophet". Muhammad was all like "REEEEEEE I KEEL YOU" and Islam was born.
The only difference between Islam, Mormonism, and Scientology is time. It's the same story, tho. New religious movement, wackjob cult leader.
>a religion that puts pussy on a pedestal
It's literally the religion for virgin nerds
If that's the only benefit I'm happy Hitler lost so that we could wipe the Muslim scourge out with our greatest ally, Israel.
>Islam doesn't stop you from teaching or practicing your religion. It doesn't stop you from building your own temples
stop posting
Arabs smell bad
You're next Abdul. We're coming for you. You and your family will soon be dead.
OP and all muslims on suicide watch.
But I have...
Your unjustified hate for Islam is blinding you from the enemy. You shall see it willingly or not
Because Jesus is my lord and savior.
Make me. Give me arguments.
>calling me in a buzzword, so you won't need to give a counter-argument
You can read arabic?
But it's true!
I can read but I can't understand the meaning.
>thinks sand nigger death cult of pagan moon god is based religion
Jesus has the power that mohhamad wishes he could achieve.
>never sinned
>wasn't a pedophile
>believed in righteous acts
>stood by the word of god until death
>recieved second body
>your islam means nothing.
Get baptised and recieve the lord into your heart, it will make you whole.
>I am willing to kill anyone who actively works against the interests of Islam.
>Islam doesn't stop you from teaching or practicing your religion
The Quran says that Fitnah is punishable by execution, Crucifixion and exile. 5:32. Worshiping another God in the domain of Allah is Fitnah, thus I, for example, am liable to be punished if so desired.
>It doesn't stop you from building your own temples.
I haven't heard this one before? Could very well be true, but it could also be construed as Fitnah because you are influencing the Muslim population by your existence.
>It just says don't go around throwing shit on Islam
You have a modernist interpretation of your own faith. The Quran considers transgression, or Fitnah, as punishable. What is Fitnah? Well, anything, it's vague and unspecified, but it specifically derives from acts originating from unbelievers.
It could be worshiping another God, trying to convert Muslims, idolatry, having temples in a Muslim land, not paying the Jizya or anything.
then give me a reason why I was wrong, instead of being a retard! you are anonymous here, so you will probably keep your head!
Islam is the enemy.
I don't see Jews blowing centers of trade up.
I don't see Jews slaughtering Western men.
I don't see Jews waging holy war against America.
I don't see Jews pushing Sharia law on Europe
I don't see Jews flooding and ruining the culture of my forefathers.
The Jews are one of our greatest allies and share half of the Christian faith.
Islam is a cancer much like Mormonism.
Omaric pact or whatever you call it to jeuraslam specifically stated that no new churches are permitted to be built and the old ones were not to be fixed you look it up
Fitnah means setting people up against each other and make profit out of their losses. It doesn't have to be made by unbelievers.
Believing in another religion doesn't qualify as fitnah.
Allah gave it he knows better :)
but I'm already catholic
>Fitnah means setting people up against each other and make profit out of their losses.
Much like what you said about the Temples, this is the first time I've heard of this. I have never in my life heard a Muslim describe Fitnah as what you just did.
>Fitnah means setting people up against each other and make profit out of their losses. Badawi & Haleem (2008), p. 692.
I think you're confusing the word itself, and what is often attributed as to why Muhammad went to war with the Jews, because they often collaborated against him. I think I've heard the argument somewhere that Muhammad only killed people because they were conspiring against him.
But that has nothing to do with Fitnah or the teachings of the Quran, that's his political career.
Whoops I pasted what you said where I was meant to paste this;
>"to purify gold and silver by smelting them; to burn; to put to the test, to afflict (in particular as a means of testing someone's endurance); to disrupt the peace of a community; to tempt, to seduce, to allure, to infatuate."_Badawi & Haleem (2008), p. 692.
I see what you mean and while I see the terms of this treaty unnecessarily harsh, it is still a treaty and not an Islamic law.
That is why I tried to avoid using good examples of behavior against non-muslims by muslims as well as bad examples.
I could fap to this post , very good
>21st century
Because I'm not mentally retarded.
you can't convert, not really
muslemism is an inherent experssion of being a sandnigger, as christianity under the new covenant is an ingrained expression of european people and their nature, if you understand it before it was subverted and redirected to fulfill the designs of synagogue of satan, the new jews, as is their nature to subvert to create grounds where they can exist and persist on the labour who they see below them
in essence there's no converting, there's only your race, society and your family failing you to such an extent that subjecting yourself to sandniggers dune ritualism becomes an option