Sup Forums:

Sup Forums:
>Blacks are inferior because they have statistically lower IQs, lead currently unsuccessful societies and typically occupy the lower class.
>Whites have statistically higher IQs, lead currently successful societies and typically occupy a higher class than blacks.
>Therefore, whites are superior to blacks and deserve their position of power.


>Jews have statistically even higher IQs, occupy the upper class at a massive rate and, according to Sup Forums, control the planet in a massive racial conspiracy.
>But somehow, jews aren't the superior race and dont deserve their power?

Face it Sup Forums, your contradictory white identity politics are unsustainable. Submit to the superior race.

IQ isnt the end all be all, just a patch on a mosaic of greatness






Sage goes in all fields, new friend

Conveniently ignoring what you just said about us building more successful societies, how's your society without all its foreign aid kike? Oh it's worthless? Oh okay well then that's where you were confused, I thought I would never say this but, your welcome your record has been corrected faggot

Not an argument


>Jews have statistically even higher IQ
nice trips but israel average iq is NINETY

I'm not Jewish nor do I seriously believe they're the master race, these are Sup Forums's contradictions dumbass.

Or fight back. Don't you think?

Do I get more IQ points when I convert to jew-ness?

>Israel is home of the successful jews
Not really, they're in western countries. They control banks and political, positions, they have power there too.

but senpai if Jews were superior why are they always the minority in every country they go to besides Israel and why do they always get kicked out desu

Are you implying inferior groups should fight back?
Better get campaigning for BLM, cuck

only ashkenazi jews have that high IQ, koreans are also in the "master race" range together with north italians

they are contradictions though I just fucking explained that, why do you kikes want to perpetuate "muh iq" and play dumb in almost the same breath?

Aren't* autoikike, fuck you rats got guys everywhere

Muh Iq is the same argument used to justify other racial hierarchies.

Israel is not 100% Jewish. Jews score higher on IQ tests. What OP is saying is true, look it up.

How is this a leftist shitpost?

You're still getting gassed.

Yes, I think social and racial groups should campaign in favor of their betterment, specially if a small special interest group is harming them. Sue me, bitch.

Fuck off Jew

It's because they are albino niggers.

I haven't seen any real counter argument so far in this thread.

Good job, at least your ideas are consistent. Pat yourself on the back for having the first non-contradictory point of view in this thread.

The answer is sepratism.
Who would want to rule over niggers? Your strawman of a white supremacist?
Fuck off

You don't need high IQ to retain bank power, believe me i know people how work for banker and not all of them are high IQ they rule by experience instead.

I think something that jews has over the gentiles are people with economic experience.
As example my jews friends their parents talk a lot about economic and know enough about the subject, but they're not the high IQ they claim.
It's just like japanese over other cultures, they are quite methodical and disciplined.

Yeah because we use it to benefit our society not disseminate another one that another race built to line our packets, inb4 native Americans, we did it once not every fucking time we turn around and we did it like men

Thank you little bitch.

>just like u-uh friend of mine. Yeah, that's it a friend of mine is Jewish
Nice try you fucking sick kike

i'll take it for kek

they're not dumb, they're just evil

Jews are superior to whites, as are asians.

Personally idgaf because my IQ is higher than the average for any ethnic group or country, but taken as groups the science is pretty clear that the average member of my group isn't as smart as the average Ashkenazi Jew or East Asian.

While I'm bragging I also have a penis longer and thicker than the average of any country in the world.

Jews only occupy places like finance, entertainment and education, mainly due to nepotism not merit, being a highly evolved parasite that can't survive without it's host is hardly an achievement.

I'm replying just to spite you toothpaste

This is Sup Forums and you can't counteract free speech by plugging your ears and yelling.

also black people are clearly the superior race

They are dumb because if they were so smart they would build an advanced society like the white man, instead they steal from him time after time and last time we all opened our fucking eyes and put them in ovens I doubt they were thinking "muh iq Jewish master race bro" more like "we just wanted to be a part of something great like you guys but we only know how to calculate interest rates"

now Sup Forums has these options:
1- call you a jew
2- admit that IQ isn't a good tool to measure intelligence capacity at all, or else...

Jews have almost nothing to show for their high IQ. Israel is borderline third world-tier and could not have been founded without the assistance of White, western countries (namely Sweden), and continual economic support (namely USA).

Jews have achieved very little as a group throughout human history. The vast majority of human achievements and significant people came from places with very low populations of Jews. If Jewish influence had any impact at all on regional prosperity, Poland would be the cultural and economic epicenter of Europe. Instead, it's the continent's Mexico.

>inb4 we wuz oppressed by whitey

I'm not jewish and that's good to me.

>a) Low IQ blacks fuck up my country

>b) High IQ kikes fuck up my country

>c) Gas Chambers & Death Squads

I choose C.

>Israel is not 100% Jewish. Jews score higher on IQ tests. What OP is saying is true, look it up.
there is no country with a higher percentage of jews. yet israels IQ is 90

Refer to
fucking post above yours brainlet Brazilian


Because non Ashkenazi Jews.

We don't care who'se inferior or superior. We want to be left alone. Israel for kikes. Africa for the niggers. Europe for Europeans.

Ashkenazis jews are selfish people i know them and friend teach on their schools, they're very selfish and worst than nazi german education.

That's the problem with Jews. They are so egotistical that eventually they turn everyone else against them.

Jews have an average IQ of 94 though, you're barely above sandniggers.

You're retarded and think superiority means higher iq. In reality IQ isn't one thing. Kikes have a high visual iq and thats it. No other subset is higher. Asians are similar.

also my jews friends are very racist and doesn't defend themself when you attacked them.

>check to see (Yous)
>does not disappoint

Cherry picking Ashkenazi groups is like me cherry picking Quakers in England f.example who has like 130 average IQ and use them as representatives for the entire white race, it's dumb.

Secondly IQ don't mean shit, Chinks have high average IQ's, they haven't contributed shit to science, they are unproductive, their civilization is shit.

White people have contributed about 2000 times more to humanity in terms of science, music, art, architecture, literature, than all other races on Earth combined. Now that's superiority.

nigger, worst (You) I ever received
where is the argument?

jews = higher IQ than whites
therefore if whites are smarter then its not because of IQ

In my view the Jew is not superior to a downs white, Jews can think what ever they want.

>therefore if whites are smarter then its not because of IQ
No you dumb negro, it's just that there's more factors such as gross racial iq, and the gross racial iq of the semetic Jews is low and thus has low outputs outside the individual level.

The jews do it through CRIME, not honest work. Usury is just scamming people into thinking they're richer than they are.

All that money you put into the bank? It's gone the moment it is deposited.

You are measuring the entire European race that developed separately and thus are unique race, to Jews which developed from Arabs and all of that jaz, you compare the collectivity of the entire Semitic race and it doesn't touch any western european nation.

actually they have higher cognitive and verbal IQ with subpar visual/spatial awareness IQ

Yes Ashkenazis have higher IQ on average, but IQ doesn't equate to moral intelligence. In fact higher IQ with lower moral awareness just makes you a snake

And if IQ matters so much, why are Chinks barely better than niggers when it comes to science?

Surprised Aus is on here desu

probably all Antarctic/marine bio papers though

No, it's just you are comparing false equivalences.


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Ashekenazi Jews /=/ an entire race

The difference between Asians and Europeans in terms of science is Asians lack the creativity and abstract though needed for innovation. they primarily succeed in making things smaller and working with current models, whereas Europeans are at the forefront of pushing the boundaries. Two sides of the same coin, but Europeans have that critical abstract thought along with intelligence that separates us

>Chinks haven't contributed shit to science

Japan won 25 nobel prizes, mostly in Science.

List of Japanese Nobel laureates
Yoshinori Ohsumi, Physiology or Medicine, 2016
Takaaki Kajita, Physics, 2015
Satoshi Ōmura, Physiology or Medicine, 2015
Shuji Nakamura*, Physics, 2014
Hiroshi Amano, Physics, 2014
Isamu Akasaki, Physics, 2014
Shinya Yamanaka, Physiology or Medicine, 2012
Akira Suzuki, Chemistry, 2010
Ei-ichi Negishi, born in Manchuria, Chemistry, 2010
Osamu Shimomura, Chemistry, 2008
Toshihide Maskawa, Physics, 2008
Makoto Kobayashi, Physics, 2008
Yoichiro Nambu*, Physics, 2008
Koichi Tanaka, Chemistry, 2002
Masatoshi Koshiba, Physics, 2002
Ryōji Noyori, Chemistry, 2001
Hideki Shirakawa, Chemistry, 2000
Kenzaburō Ōe, Literature, 1994
Susumu Tonegawa, Physiology or Medicine, 1987
Kenichi Fukui, Chemistry, 1981
Eisaku Satō, Peace, 1974
Leo Esaki, Physics, 1973
Yasunari Kawabata, Literature, 1968
Sin'ichirō Tomonaga, Physics, 1965
Hideki Yukawa, Physics, 1949

No, you're just using retarded measurements.

No one compares the iq of a group of 20 black doctors as the value of its race, iq is not a true measure of the racial value nor racial attributes.

I said Chinks, not Nips

Ashkenazi Jews are European mixed Jews. don't play dumb. there's middle eastern Jews and Sephardic (Spanish) Jews along with Ashkenazi. Don't speak about thing on which you have no knowledge. Unsurprisingly, the ones that mixed with Europeans along with practicing eugenics for thousands of years on a cognitive/literary/speech basis have decent natural ability. This just makes the ones who want to do harm exceedingly more dangerohs

There is a good reason why Trump is staffing his cabinet with God's chosen, he knows they are the best qualified to advise him.

Through Trump, Jews will make America great again.

And to be fair they are 127 million fucking people, while Sweden with 9 million people has won 30 Nobel prizes.

The grievances Sup Forums has with Jews was never about them "deserving" their power, it was about the evil shit they do with their power. Do you even read this board?

Why do you define what is there to be measured?
Measure the entire genetic neighbors of "ashkenazis" for their true racial ability as their genes developed from those, and Ashkenazis are not European Jews.

>Honest work

Choose one.

The argument is if they are so smart why did they piss of a small nation of whites so bad that 6gorrillion of them got packed into ovens, I mean does your nigglet brain think that's something a smart race would do, a race with the intellect to build its own advanced society?

normal people view jews the same way niggers view "the white man"

England is 50 million people and has won 108 Nobel prizes.

It's not really that impressive desu. And that's just Japan, China is worse.

As parasites on the white race which dwells in our superior states?

What are you even talking about in regards to what I posted?

To respond to you, saying that discrepancy between entire groups is totally abstract and not real makes you a post modernist and is intellectually dishonest. of course there's reasons for discrepancies which can generally be scientifically explained. for example with Jews, they practiced eugenics for thousands of years. Europeans had to evolve future planning skills to fit to winter climates. I believe east Asia originally had fairly small areas that were legitimately habitable, so only the best and most cooperative got to pass genes.

stop denying science in favor of muh social constructions

The fact you think the non racial intelligence of Jews matter one bit when we are talking of race is funny.

No it's just white man don't know the essential trickery the Jews deploy, so you get a Jew to be your bitch and help you weed his race out the country you intend to make great in return for safety

There is nothing that matters about ashkenazi iq, they aren't a race nor genetically isolated, just a semitic tribe of the middle eastern race.

Israel's average IQ is actually 95. Where America will be in a few decades anyways.

>American education

You are the one arbitrarily deciding the factors to decide racial iq, Ashkenazis develop all their genes from arabs and such and thus belongs to that racial collective their group intelligence doesn't mean anything.

The number of publications is not the same as the amount of valuable scientific research produced. There is a publish-as-fast-as-you-fucking-can-and-as-much-as-you-can culture in the countries that show up there as blue. This is actually leading to what many scientists believe is a reduction in the quality of research.

ie quality over quantity is what you should be looking at in

>hey look some smart semites of the middle eastern race exist!

Japan - 25 Nobel prizes - 127 million people

It's not that impressive dude. 1.9 per 10 million inhabitants.

You're a fool and your posts and practically incoherent. I suspect you're either a nigger or a mez. that's fine. there are clear genetic roots and relations between ashkenazi Jews. they settled in Europe around a thousand years ago and mixed with the populations. The genetic variants between Ashkenazis and Sephardim are documented.

Try investigating for a few god damn minutes before you spout nonsense

There you go, that's a better point.

And Japan is the vastly superior Asian country when it comes to science.

Look at China

So smart they have to live like national leeches just to exist

any regions genetics are "documented" doesn't change the fact that they aren't genetic isolates nor a race.

say what

You may want to actually label what your graph is measuring if you're going to throw it around.

Thats like comparing a HIV (jews) to a bacterial infection (niggers). One will spread rapidly if given the right environment, but is relatively easy to kill. The other destroys your immune system, making it even easier for the bacterial infection to kill you, or any other myriad of diseases (consumerism, feminism, etc.).

Even if the jews have high IQs, it fails to matter since their intelligence is used for parasitism and not contribution.

Likewise, high "jewish IQ" is specifically only found in Ashkenazi jews, not Mizrahi or Yemeni jews, and that can be partly traced to their intermingling of European DNA with their jewish.

>tfw most of your nobel prize winners are counted for usa or germany

>Ashkenazis develop their genes from Arabs

incorrect. Jews have always Brennan tribal group that forbade intermarry until a thousand years ago or so when they moved into Europe. They lived in isolated communities which forbade intermingling with goyim where they practiced intellectual eugenics. There was hours of required Talmud study every day since childhood, and the best readers/debaters got the most wives.

you're complaining about "picking and choosing" the criteria for intellect which is laughable. there's only a handful my friend. pattern recognition, mathematical computation, verbal cognition, spatial awareness. maybe one more. attacking the criteria of the arguer is a very poor argument when you haven't acknowledged a single center point I've made besides being dismissive

>I said Chinks, not Nips

I'm a Half-Nip living in Brazil. I hate China and Korea. Korea won zero prizes, but China won many prizes recently.

I don't said that Nordic Countries aren't smart. Whites are smart. But Asians are too.

But as a Engineer Student I am too proud of my country.

The "Asians contributed nothing" is just a false Sup Forums meme.

List of Chinese Nobel laureates
Tu Youyou, Physiology or Medicine, 2015
Mo Yan, Literature, 2012
Liu Xiaobo, Peace, 2010
Ei-ichi Negishi*, born in Manchuria, Chemistry, 2010
Charles K. Kao*, as a British and American citizen, Physics, 2009
Gao Xingjian*, as a French citizen, Literature, 2000
Daniel C. Tsui*, as an American citizen, Physics, 1998
Edmond H. Fischer*, born in China, Physiology or Medicine, 1992
14th Dalai Lama*, as a Tibetan refugee, Peace, 1989
Chen-Ning Yang, Physics, 1957
Tsung-Dao Lee, Physics, 1957
Walter Houser Brattain*, born in China, Physics, 1956

Sole Nobel of Taiwan
Yuan T. Lee, Chemistry, 1986

List of Japanese Nobel laureates
Yoshinori Ohsumi, Physiology or Medicine, 2016
Takaaki Kajita, Physics, 2015
Satoshi Ōmura, Physiology or Medicine, 2015
Shuji Nakamura*, Physics, 2014
Hiroshi Amano, Physics, 2014
Isamu Akasaki, Physics, 2014
Shinya Yamanaka, Physiology or Medicine, 2012
Akira Suzuki, Chemistry, 2010
Ei-ichi Negishi, born in Manchuria, Chemistry, 2010
Osamu Shimomura, Chemistry, 2008
Toshihide Maskawa, Physics, 2008
Makoto Kobayashi, Physics, 2008
Yoichiro Nambu*, Physics, 2008
Koichi Tanaka, Chemistry, 2002
Masatoshi Koshiba, Physics, 2002
Ryōji Noyori, Chemistry, 2001
Hideki Shirakawa, Chemistry, 2000
Kenzaburō Ōe, Literature, 1994
Susumu Tonegawa, Physiology or Medicine, 1987
Kenichi Fukui, Chemistry, 1981
Eisaku Satō, Peace, 1974
Leo Esaki, Physics, 1973
Yasunari Kawabata, Literature, 1968
Sin'ichirō Tomonaga, Physics, 1965
Hideki Yukawa, Physics, 1949

>They lived in isolated communities

Then (You) fucking stupid because now you're making a national exception to a racial argument you previously made. kys

When I said that "I am proud of my country".
I mean I am proud of my Japanese Ancestry"
because I agree that Brazil is too fucked up.