Sup Forums can I pass as a Jew? I am 100% macedonian
Sup Forums can I pass as a Jew? I am 100% macedonian
afaik most groups of "insider" jews will expect you to prove your lineage... if that's what you mean.
I never saw a jew, but I suppose they have big noses.Send a profile pic, perhaps?
>Sup Forums can I pass as a Macedonian I'm 100% Jew
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria Macedonian
Que tu cuerpo es pa' darle alegria why cosa buena
Dale a tu cuerpo alegria, Macedonian
Hey Macedonian
What's your name?
Como se yama?
>100% macedonian
No such thing
y*. Also an hero.
¿Cómo te llamas?*
You guys are making my eyes bleed.
You know what a chazzer is?
It's a Yiddish word for "pig." See, the guy, he wants more than what he needs. He don't fly straight no more.
You look like me - the Jew nose, you'd pass as an Ashkenazi.
Thank you fellow merchant
the only thing jewish looking about you is your eye shape and face shape
so yeah you could say you are jewish and some will probably believe you but you might be asked questions like
"what tribe are you from?" (I've heard jews ask each other this and I still don't know what it means)
"where did you go to school" (they'll expect you to have gone to some jewish religious school)
So how will they know
I am not a chivato,in that case?
you could just say that you aren't religious, you'll still be part of the tribe in their eyes. They see being judaism as a race, and following the religious aspects is just a secondary option
WTF are you talking about "What tribe you are" "Where did you go to school" we are not in fucking biblical times these do not come up.
If you need to make up a story just take you Christmas story you have and change is into a Hanuka story:
Cristmas tree = Menora
Presents = Dreidels and walnuts (Cheap ass jews I know)
Food = Latkes (Fried potato srisps) and Sufganiya (basically a fried bread with jam in the middle)
I shit you not, they literally call themselves as part of a tribe in the usa. or at least here in florida
Are balkan people part of the jewish race? We are not so far from israel
American Jews are mental...
You have to do an IQ test for them to accept you. Minimum IQ of 120 is required to be jewish
Ashkenazis do have slavic blood in them
Jews are not a race, we are an ethnic religious group formed of many races, being a Jew is all about being born one or converting to Judaism, are you "cut"
>I am 100% macedonian
No, you are not.
Well Sup Forums says Lauren Southern looks Jewish.
I guess you do too in a meme sense.
"Tribe" probably means sephardii, ashkenazi, mizhrain, etc.
do I look jewish?
Friendly reminder that the (((jews))) are not jewish. They are satanists
subhuman kys
No you look like the autistic Slav you are
You look like a mixture of Norwegian and Mexican
Half Jew at best OP
king jew for reference
Half jew half macedonian here. No.
I'm basically a sub-jewish.
I have to go to the special ed classes at the synagogue.
The nazis would have thrown me in the microwave
I'm just missing a candle or two on my menorah
The rabbi accidentally bit off half my head during my circumcision
Satan didn't grace me with Ashkenazi levels of IQ
not really, left is a mixture of mexican and germanic.
No, but you can pass as a Supreme Gentleman.
Thanks OP, you reminded me what it feels like to be American today.
I always assumed Macedonia was in Asia due to your flag. TIL it's in Europe after being confused as to why you look white.
You've been marked goy.
Did you think we look like actual slavs? We are from southeast europe
I am not religious at all
Explain yourself
Sad your blood has been turkified. Im only half maco but have blue eyes and brown hair like the rest of my maco family.
are you 19?
(just curious to see how good I am at guessing age)
My mom has green eyes it means nothing here
You look Albanian
You have to be 18 to post on this board, Caleb.
Albanians are inbred that's a croat
stop ignoring me
oh damn
Off by 3 years. Pretty good guess.
Shkreli is an Albanian, though.
You're pretty cute
Why don't you put that flag to good use and get your phalangites together, there are some eastern empires in need of conquering
I didn't know Macedonia was still a country I thought the Greeks absorbed it 2000 years ago, mind blown
Macedon conquered the greeks you historically illiterate retard
according to some charts i've seen ashkenazi and sephardi jews are closer genetically to southern italians and greeks than they are to middle eastern jews.
His mom was a Croat slav
Most people tell me I'm good looking
That's why I don't care about posting my face on 4chinz
thinks jew is a look
Funny guy
The greeks are weak
wouldn't be hard to get started
wow what an undisciplined phalanx
that spear length is more like what the macedonians used
why are all the shields from different city states
why do the greeks have roman style hair?
It's a macedonian phalanx, that's literally what I was saying because he's a macedonian
are you retarded
People have always told me I look Jewish, but I'm a WASP. Fucking kikes ruin everything.
If I kill greeks where will I vacation in summer
Being jewish is only considered a race when it's convenient for ((them)). You can be a jew regardless of what you are.
You look like me