Sweden: "We can now receive more refugees than ever"

The government announced on Wednesday measures to facilitate local acceptance of new arrivals.

The government occasionally give municipalities a little more time to accommodate new arrivals. But at the same time threatens with sanctions against those municipalities that are trying to escape.

- We will this year and next year to accommodate more refugees than ever. At the same time, we have a housing shortage. It is a very tough position for municipalities, says Labour, the establishment Minister Ylva Johansson (S) at a press conference.

- But the law applies. It is not voluntary or freely chosen work in this, says Ylva Johansson and states that the government will not accept that any municipality attempting to escape.

- If there are municipalities that do not follow the law, so I am prepared to impose sanctions, says Ylva Johansson.

Next year will increase local quota will increase to just over 30 600. The total municipal reception is expected to reach nearly 80,000 new arrivals.


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SD2018 confirmed.

Make sure to expose the cuckery everywhere, swedebros.

There is in sweden a political party you can vote that isnt cucked to the core?

when are your next elections
it's obvious you're too cucked to overthrow them

God I wish I was brown so I could rape and impregnate thousands of fertile Swedish women consequence free.

I guess they want to accelerate the timeline to fall down to third world tier

So delusional I feel sad for the Swedes



>We can now receive more refugees than ever
>We can become a third world country even sooner
Sweden YES!

you can get some info here

(just select sweden)

i've made the test but i'm blocked at a point were they ask me "were party you feel close to?" and i cant naswer because i dont know who the fuck are these parties.

some swede halp.

just skip it

This is actually great news, believe it or not. Sweden it literally waking up, right now. Just a few more straws and that camel's back will be history. This politician is a complete idiot, and threatening to punish municipalities legally by not completing impossible tasks WILL blow up in their face. Let's just say I have insight in Swedish politics. Get comfy swe, shit' about to go down.

I think is great! Full speed to collapse, we won`t have to wait till 2030 to see it.

Sverigedemokraterna for fuck sake!

Traitor cunts.

your system is overloaded to point where your economy is about to collapse

the fuck are they on about?

Post your results. (1/2)


How is it?
Fuck I've no strong match with anyone only weak match and negative. Cant vote for shit if I was a swede.

wew lad


>we can't take anymore refugees sweden WILL collapse
>we can't bring even 10.000 more sweden will collapse

I can't see how this will go wrong.

There is no questioning left, SD will become the sole majority party. Here in Sweden you could think that everyone is a subverted leftists but when you actually talk to people outside of the rich city centers, pretty much 95% of people support SD quietly.

at this rate i honestly won't be surprised if fucking ND(National Democrats, literally national-socialists) makes it into parliament.

All the floral imagery Jesus fuck


I'm glad that sweden's politic agree with me that Sweden in cancer and destroy it.

There is no real right wing party here. They are all "muh welfare" cucks. SD is the only decent one because they are against immigration.

SD is your highest.

Why are there flowers? Guys, really, flowers? Why are swedish politicians so obsessed with being "good" people and being so "nice"? Have they never heard the phrase, nice guys finish last?

Sweden is dead and swedish people love it and keep voting for more.

Where are you swe friends moving to?

Why are you afraid of CHILDREN? Because that is what most refugees are.., Poor, defenseless children!

At the end of the day Swede's are just a bunch of fuccboi's.

Sweden will collapse by 2030.

If you ask nicely maybe Ivan here will send army in to free your country.

What are the policies of this party?If they win the next election will they succed in uncucking sweden?

It's a tradition here to have a flower as the party logo.

ND doesn't exist anymore. But with the divine power of Kek's meme magic, NMR might have a slight chance to get into the parlament.

SD doesnt want to uncuck sweden.

The entire Swedish government is nothing more than the ultimate evolution of Soviet subversion. They are a biological weapon. One that should be eradicated.


They want to integrate them and make them fuck swedish women. They truly are nazis...

A party that has a flower will not uncuck Sweden, they are like Canada, they think they are altruistic, but they are just chumps that don't understand nobody likes nice people in the end. Nice people are very easy to take advantage of.


Sapmi independence now!

I don't even know who half the parties here are

Is there a pro weed party?

Sweden yaaassss

i dont get it

how can people even act this way?

it seems to go completely against evolutionary instinct, not to mention basic logic

Sweden can't die soon enough.

This is what happens when all you want to be is a good person.

Soviet subversion

You mean you have no right wing parties option?

>be poor Swedish university student
>Housing shortage especially cities with university
>Have to compete against governments multi million dollar budgets who buys up all housing for immigrants with taxpayer money and bank loans
How can I even compete against them Sup Forums?

Also I didn't know SD were so left wing (I don't know why I'm a match with the far leftist party)


Move to america AND vote republican

We don't.
>living in cities
fucking cuck.

this is a feminist government

this is the ultimate conclusion of female leadership and we why we should oppose it at all turns here in the US

Fine by me, if they wanna take political suicide then they can just go right ahead. When 80% of the population thinks we got too many refugees and they want to import even more then that means the death of that party.


I want my degree then I can leave this shithole country. I have to live in big cities since thats where the best universities are in Sweden.

>implying swedes wouldnt rather commit suicide than be called a nazi for voting SD

Riot. NOW.

Get this shit to the Nordfront or whatever, you need total anarchy and chaos to clean up this shit.
Name Bonniers, Spectre, Wolodarski etc.
It is absolutely happening. Civil war is on.


Remember remember the 5th of November.
Therein lies a solution.

And yet every single post-commie country is based af (including East Germany). Really makes you think

Where are you gonna move?

Posting in this thread just because I thought that shield was a guy under a balaclava with a crown. fucking lol at the rest of the post. just wow.

That old cow is truly incompetent.
But so is the rest of the government so I suppose she's in good company.

Capitulation now?

this is what death of a nation looks like.

I surely hope Sweden does not pack refugees to trains and transport them to Finland as they did last year. If for some strange reason (which I do not understand) Sweden wishes to import jihadists, please keep them. Unfortunately I believe (((Fin government))) already has agreed to take raperef from you.

Somewhere around central Europe probably, thinking perhaps Swiss. Will have to check jobs beforehand and polish my German a bit.


Sweet jesus, why?!
What the fuck for?
What the fuck is wrong with these lunatics?

Vote SD, and make sure they have a "return shipment" plan.

Holy shit unbelievable.
We have the opposite problem here in Italy: too many parties on the center-right spectrum witouth an alliance. We should send a couple in Sweden to help you.

>mfw the average swede listen to Joe Formaggio
>mfw Joe Formaggio is center-right
>mfw you can vote even more far right


Get your shit together you faggots.

These women are definitely getting fucked nightly by packs of somalis

This seems to be a thing in Euro lately, like many developed countries. Take Japan for example, their population will actually go down the next few generations due to people not having kids. This is a GOOD THING!

We cant keep supporting mass numbers of people on this planet, so instead of taking in backwater people the 3rd world rejected, maybe we should encourage lower populations?

Of course they are. They are the same authoritarian socialist shits that everybody else is.

Remember, Sweden? Surely you can't just throw away your past glories...


Trying to cause as much damage they can to sweden before they lose their power.

This country is truly gone.

You know what?

It's not so bad. Post-war politics were a mistake. "Democracy" as defined by socialist fellow travellers and the subverted was a mistake. From the old, something new can be born. There will come a time where these idiots overstretch themselves, where normally the Soviets would step in and assume control.

But the Soviets are gone, and the prize can go to someone else. We have to ensure it's us. When the system falls apart, and the people finally look up for an alternative, we have to be there.

what an unfortunate looking girl

A solution could be to just make the skilled refugees build the housing. There's gotta be workers enough. Offer a reduced price on the final product for those who work.

The real problem with the "over population" meme is Africa is recieving free food and water because "muh humans". They would have died out a long time ago or atleast shrink substantially.

People who come here have no skills and just want free shit.

Sweden is doomed - too late for to turn back

your country makes me unbelievably happy that Trump won

>We cant keep supporting mass numbers of people on this planet

Exactly. I fucking hate the left for dropping their own values the moment it suits them. They care about global warming and the environment... when it fits in with Marxism. Africa slated to have a population equal to the current WORLD population? Not a problem. We can feed them. We'll let them emigrate to Europe. Fuck nature and fuck the world, you can't expect us to stick to our own word when it comes to black people!

It was the exact same thing with Trump here. A lot of people who voted for him (including me) kept mostly to themselves. People got so much shame for supporting Trump that it was easier to just keep your mouth shut and let your vote do the talking. That's why the polls were so wrong, the stigma prevented people from being honest about who they're voting for but didn't change their decision at the voting booth.

Best of luck Sweden. I went to Stockholm last year about a month before the migrant crisis really took off, great city. You guys really did have everything figured out, and the people (women and men) were the most beautiful I saw.

Great news! There is always more room. Anyone saying otherwise is just a pessimist.

Swedes: Which party made this proposal, and which parties voted FOR and AGAINST?
Bonus: Which politician(s) in particular made this proposal?

Switzerland does seem nice...

In this order:

At this point it's just an annoying splinter on the home stretch.

Hail SD.

>tfw brown (light mocca)
>tfw can grow a beard
>tfw my nose is a little big

I just have to dress with a turban and start babbling some pseudo-arabian gibberish and I could easily get laid in Sweden or Germany.

She looks like my cunty biology teacher whose daugher was in the same class as us in middle school

Sorry, but I have to let off steam here.

Everyone seems to be bashing European politicians for letting in refugees and not doing enough to stop terroristic attacks.

I've been living in Sweden for all of my life. Yes, there is inequality and crime and terrible things happening here and in the rest of Europe. Like everywhere else.

As to the refugees, of course they are an incredible burden for Sweden and other European countries. But what do you want to do if not let them in? You can't close the borders (see Schengen and the most fundamental elements of the EU). In my opinion, you can't send them back or just let them die on their own, because that's not only cruel but also selfish as f***. We have the capabilities of taking them in, the majority of these people are the most thankful and giving members in our whole society. And if other EU countries, or the US, or just anybody would have agreed to at least take in a fraction of the number Sweden took in, no country would have been in much trouble to give them a new home.

And what about the terrorists? First off, the majority of terrorists aren't refugees. Check that on Wikipedia or whereever you like. Most of them are radicalised at home or in the internet. And those who came as refugees would have found another way, no doubt. It's easy to get to Europe. This place is so open in any way, you just cannot give 100% security. As many of you might know, "They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety.".

So for god's sake let these people live here, let us deal with islamistic hotspots and the real culprits, but don't blame an entire group that is 99.9% peaceful.

you're gonna need a bigger boat

Kill em all, Sven

obvious bait is obvious.

>the fuck are they on about?
Complete delusion.