Why does Sup Forums love getting cucked so much?
Why does Sup Forums love getting cucked so much?
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Emotional investments are difficult to liquidate
Wow, I'm BTFO! I'm sure this internet nu-male would have done a much better job.
They're in denial of Trumps kober family who are Jews
The never-ending obvious like red flags
This place got psyoped hard
10 bucks you are a neckbeard numale who They is they arent
Blame my kike android phone for those typos
steve bannon schools you stupid little cunts
So what?
It's still better than what hillary would've done.
That grammar..........what the fuck.
who cares about treasury? it's nothing but counting
Sometimes you gotta send your own Jew into the Jew's den
>sell you a time share
Another bigoted capitalist taking advantage of the working class
Hillary eouldve been much worse plus we would have rapefugees. If nothing else hes the lesser of the two evils
Trump only lets Jews count his money. Not kidding he actually said that. Of course a Jew banker is treasurer.
I don't think my dud knows history. The treasury, for some unknown reasons, has always been been under Goldman Sach's.
Hillary would have nominated a goldman exec so he's a moron.
Trump doesn't owe them anything.
And he said he would pick the best of the best for his cabinet. Real killers who will fight for America.
Also, drain the swamp refers to corruption
we are Sup Forums, our purpose is to outjew the jew. We do what the jew does, not what he says.
Absolutely no one has been selected for cabinet positions.
>Adam McKay
You fuckers are serious right now?
Fucking faggots. I have a rope waiting for all of you. Cucks and traitors die FIRST.
>I don't understand the difference between hiring a Jew to manage my money and selling myself out to Jews
who is a good candidate according to pol or this guy?
I heard he worked with banks and soros, but it dosnt mean he is one of them, Soros is hugely successful and many people have worked with him.
You need people who know the scene, what do yall think?
>Get called CTR incessantly for calling Trump a con man
>Trump revealed to be a con man
CTR literally did nothing wrong
I'd rather vote for the liar that promises what I want than the liar who promises the opposite and actually wants even worse things to happen.
The Mnuchin dude is truly blessed.
Pic related: waifu
Literally all I care about is the SC pick.
He could nominate jew clowns for every cabinet member and I wouldn't give a fuck. All that matters is the SC pick. If Trump fucks that up, this entire election was pointless.
>Trump not even pick anyone for Treasury yet.
>Oh my god Trump Fill the Swamp.
>If ur a Trump..
Dont care, fuck it
can't eve trigger me anymore
the stupidity
too much
can't express
If you want finance done right get a jew, just got to make sure they stay loyal. If I need a lawyer his name will have a Berg or Stein in it.
a hint of ariola very hot
>putting a banker in charge of money
How horrifying
Sad but true
Why dont you fuck off to tumblr already? We will get our own people to comment on trumps progress, we dont need you. Go fucking die already
do you know how many people have worked for goldman sachs?
working for goldman sachs isn't as much problem as owning goldman sachs, being on the secret board of the Federal Reserve and International banking.
the guy handled loans for the bank. wow. such illuminati.
Goldman Sachs is just another trigger word for anti-corporate retards. Doesn't mean shit. Only the dumbest of them all believe Trump was going to only hire outsiders. This isn't a fucking Warner Herzog movie. The government usually does NOTHING positive, so far Trump is the best President of our lifetime.
How the fuck do you pronounce this name? "Muh-NOOCH-kin"?