I wanna know how bad does pol nazis feel about the fact that they like me.
Do you feel gay and that makes you feel uncomfortable?
I did my transition when i was 11 years old so i dont have any male feature in my body.
I have a bf and he doesent care, even though i tood him i was trans afer 5 months dating.
Im a TRANSGENDER girl and
Other urls found in this thread:
But senpai you are a man. No amount of makeup will change that.
This is me when i was 10 to prove im not lying.
If your dick still works he's probably gay. If you're post-op he's probably a completely pathetic shell of a destroyed manhood.
Nice pasta
I barely have any makeup in that pic.
I don't even think about tranny nonsense until they start making noise wanting to pass laws that interfere with society at large. If they would go about their lives and not make noise I doubt most would care, but that bridge has been burnt.
1. Once a man, always a man.
2. Calling a pancake a waffle doesn't make it a waffle.
3. Putting a pancake in a waffle maker doesn't magically make it a waffle. It's just a deformed pancake.
Your male features are your genes and DNA. This is why your people needed Franco.
How long before you suicide?
>replying to pasta
What did it mean by this?
You are just a mentally ill dude with a skirt. Nothing more
Thats what you repressed gay nazis want to.
Im really happy with my looking.
this is when you see all these serious replies to pasta that you know Sup Forums is populated by 85% of newfags
very hot. 10/10 would get bj
would even give bj, Im a sucker for redheads.
now go away, attentionwhore
My brain and my dick are arguing.
The old timers like me thing anything goes. It seems the chillary shills want to paint pol into a right wing corner but actually Sup Forums pol covers every aspect of life possible.
A while back I went to Betty`s bar who is an ageing trangenda lady now and enjoyed a nice drunken night and cabaret.
So you in your corner and I in mine.
The mammal brain literally exists for the service of the body.
Transgender is a mental illness because the brain rejects its own body.
even if it wasnt pasta, it seriously reeks of bait.
but Sup Forums is 100% shit anyway, so dunno what youre complaining about exactly
just suck the cock
no talking
im sorry but the jews got you good pham. being a tranny is a psyop. (((they))) want to emasculate men, drop the white birthrate, and continue to manipulate peoples 'reality' so they are easier to control.
also u still hav benis?
very pretty
I'm a flaming newfag btw, not even a year
I wonder how many of these are trolls.
How would it be gay to like a girl if we're guys, dumbass?
I don't care. I know that there is a conservative revolution on its way and it can't be stop. One degeneracy makes no difference to me.
>user, I may trans but I love you. If you give me a chance to win your heart and ignore my 8 inches uncut dick, I can make you the happiest man on Earth
What would you do?
show feminine penis or GTFO
I did have an unnerving evening in Tokyo though. I had booked myself into a hotel and was walking the streets for a nice Indian curry. I met a fellow traveller from Taiwan and decided to skip dinner and go strait to sex.
There was a considerable language barrier but still once naked on the bed in the hotel I knew what I was getting. She then took off one pair of knickers to reveal another pair. She then took off that pair on knickers to reveal another pair. At this point my mind is racing. I was thinking was is the polite way of saying no thank you when I am face with a raging hard on.
She however unpeeled a final pair of knickers and was all women.
Still to this day have no idea why she was wearing three pairs of knickers or why she was so excited to have bought a fish. Anyway even though she gave me a nice time and her phone number I was rotten and never contacted the lady again.
>Putting a pancake in a waffle maker doesn't magically make it a waffle. It's just a deformed pancake.
But aren't waffles made from pancake batter?
Why would I ignore that fat cock? I hate post ops.
He is male. Not a man.
I have just one word for you: Sterilization
It used to be common practice so that you do not pass on your genetic defects.
yeah but u cant sexually reproduce with a pancake
Trans girls adopt the behaviour of women, they are about the same low level tier quality.
Is anal sex with a women some how different to anal sex with a man. Could a blind folder person tell the difference?
Of course there is a difference. We are visually excited by certain things. A man transformed into a women would be visually the same and therefore just as lovely to fuck.
I'm not sure I understand where this analogy has gone
you're a degenerate kys you dirty faggot bla bla bla
Can we meet someday ?
I don't like you.
Sup Forums isn't one person you child.
but melons and nice to put your cock in.
Wait, here in the realm of sanity does that mean a guy? Can someone translate this for mep please?
Im post op, so i cant have kids. I can adopt and i will.
You CAN'T?
It's a beta guy who thinks he's a girl
>Oh, you like well endowed trans, user? Them date me and you can have fun with my "friend" here too. Here a picture of "her". Also 8 inches and huge balls.
What do.
>Kid eating lays sensations
According to my calculus, you were 10 y/o 2 months ago so it's impossible you are over 18. OP confirmed underage cunt. MODS MODS MODS!!!!!!
2 nukes wasn't enough
>yeah but u cant sexually reproduce with a pancake
I'm a pancake and my pro nouns are maple syrup and honey check your waffle privilege shitlord.
You are an abomination.
>tfw that one roleplaying Spanish trap has finally taken it too far.
Ok I've made up my mind. I would fuck whatever OPs pic is but I wouldn't be happy about it.
This is a woman you cunt
Go back to 2ch
Lmao your conspiracies are shit tier.
Ur a gay man in denial
Do you still have a cock? Let me suck it.
But you will be making it I am sure!
Come here.
Just pretend you retard.
I dont have pictures of Monsanto "women" so Im posting real ones instead.
Because you are not confident about your sexuality. Fearing to be gay is pathetic. Sexual orientation cant be changed.
>Just pretend you retard.
But no trap looks like that
how do people even still fall for this b8?
I am trans waffle-leaf fluid and your use of leaf pronouns offends me!
you're not a girl, you freak piece of shit
>Im post op
you can try, but artificial womb technology isnt publicly available to mentally ill pancakes.
Id happily leave your ass full of my cum
boipuccy or btfo
you one of those fucking people who thinks the earth is a fucking globe
Would let OP suck my penis desu.
Been 9 months since anybody has
Nah, your lies are shit tier. My trips of truth confirm it.
Sup Forums is a trap friendly board.
We usually let the bigots post in their anti-lgbt threads as a means of containment
>t. most of Sup Forums
Have you tried to suck it yourself. Some lucky people can do it.
>Sup Forums is a trap friendly board.
gas yourself
>platinum blonde
>brown pussy and aoreolas
Your mangina is shit tier
>I have a bf and he doesent care, even though i tood him i was trans afer 5 months dating.
>5 months
everything is brown in sweden
I'd cum in her ass. I love traps
Actually that is unfare. 9 months with out sexual congress is tough going. You need to lower your standards. Or travel down to Essex.
I don't feel bad at all. If that picture is you then congratulations, you are one of the extreme minority of trangender men who was arbitrarily born with enough feminine features to be able to "pass" as female. Enjoy your high yellow status.
not a trap
kill yourself
I don't give a shit if people are gay or trans. It only affects them so they can do what they want. What I don't like is when gays decide to be stereotypical whiny faggots, and when LGBT people demand special rights. Everyone is equal now, time to get over it.
Lol kill yourself aint my fault you feel gay.
Don't encourage this mental illness you fucking Jew.
There are two separate issues, opposition to homosex and opposition to psychiatric surgery. One does not imply the other. Both issues intersect on trannies but I think the surgery issue defines the discourse on trannyism because it's a marginal case within the homo ideology cluster. So it's fundamentally a discussion of medical ethics and approaching it from the direction of sexual insecurities is futile.
cunt face
Might fuck a fat-ish girl from tinder, just to get back in the game, but I don't like when they get clingy.
***some*** trannies are getting pretty damn convincing. I'd probably bang one if it truly looked like a chick with a dick.
this you?