Somalians BTFO!
Yeah, let's further drive that wedge between white Americans and people of color! This can only end well!
pretty sure everyone hates niggers
Found the cuck
>"people" of color
Fixed that for you
>3:20 AM
WTF. He needs to get his beauty sleep!
Sounds good.
With a big enough wedge we can push mexicans into canada and africans into mexico.
Really spread the diversity around; we can't keep hoarding all of it.
I am all for reffuges, thing is America good enough to pick and chose. My neighbor is renting to a some Arab royaltys niece or something, shes going in to some I.T program for the government. Why take in a mentally challenged refugee when we have oodles of intelligent people who want in AND will better society?
Blame isis for taking credit, not Trump you pleb
That can only end fine for whites.
That is exactly what is needed. There was never and will never be any kind of peace they need to leave, by force if needed.
Fuck you faggot, id do more than drive a wedge between us an undesirables. How about a fucking ocean
>3:20 AM
He's right
Better than driving a knife into us instead
Somalis are the shittiest "people" on the planet. Fucking disgusting, filthy people. FILTHY
> all people of color are somalians
>I am all for reffuges
Why should we take in people who have PTSD and other shit? Why should be take in people who can help resolve the conflict and fix their countries? How does taking in a refugee benefit America?
Fuck nonwhites
Why is the first post in every trump tweet thread always a retarded liberal?
CTR can you fuck off
>Trump spends 8 seconds typing out a tweet
>Media spends 8 hours over-analyzing it
>"Why is Trump wasting so much time?"
I am so fucking happy Trump won. He is playing the media like a goddamn fiddle.
I hear CTRL contracts don't expire until inauguration day.
They're still getting paid.
Daily reminder that this flag wants you dead
Another day, another outraged news cycle
The (((New York Times))) giant Fake News narrative on;
>Azns are victims too guise :(
Is going to be swept aside by flag burnings and defending BLM and ISIS when they go on stabbing sprees.
It's beautiful.
>Yeah, let's further drive that wedge between white Americans and people of color!
Get a bigger wedge and get non-Americans out of there and maybe you could concentrate on healing divisions between Americans of different races.
Just a thought.
you deserve a 223
Give them all a dime bag of wacky tobacky, a case of pisswater, 1000$ and ship them off to be truly free from the white man's oppression over in Liberia - the country created by them, for them.
>Somalis are the shittiest "people" on the planet. Fucking disgusting, filthy people. FILTHY
70% of Somalian men in the Netherlands are on welfare, 70 FUCKING PERCENT. They are the most worthless group of "people" to ever walk the face of this earth.
Does anyone else absolutely hate the term people of color? It just is so fucking stupid sounding
Fuck refugees. Send those cowards back to the shithole they came from.
i hate when they are referred to as 'people' in any way, its just not scientifically true.
Yes. Same with "Significant Other", hearing that word makes me fucking want to punch the next white nu male reddit cuck I see on the street.
Keep the filth out, Don. Let the smart ones who love America in. PLEASE keep the riff raff out. We already have enough of that shit. God I'm so sick of the violence from these goddamn barbarians.
Look at me! I'm the American now.
Your post looks soo artificial, try better next time, ctr
> Punish criminals
> This can only end well!
Yes, it usually does.
Yes, less people of color IS better.
> shot in head
> wins nobel prize
Make this a somali hate thread, post those hideous subniggers please.
>TFW he was brought in and fostered by a Catholic charity in Dallas
The Christ-cuck meme is real.
Picture of the muslim
Somalis and Jamaicans in pic related. Genetic garbage.
>When the first post is the worst post
>This can only end well!
Yes it will end well for the whites.
/our guy/
Go through Phoenix Sky Harbor Airport and look at all of the Somalis employed there. Is there really a reason to bring Somalis there just to work in an airport? Do they have some genetic predisposition for airport employment? Arizona with all of the Mexicans there any they need to import Somalis for cheap labor. Fucking insane.
Here's what people like you don't understand, and probably never will.
We didn't elect Trump believing he'd do 100% of the things he said he would.
We elected him simply for the chaos.
Whether he's a good president or not, whether he's a globalist shill or not, whether he's a secrecy member of the establishment or not, whether he brings about WW3 or not doesn't matter.
All that matters is the massive amount of chaos and butthurt he has caused.
This one man is the voice of millions who've been silent for 8 years. We got to say that we aren't happy. We wanted a shake up, because that'll eventually bring order.
That's why we elected Trump, because order comes from chaos.
>chaos candidate.
yes jeb, thats exactly what we wanted.
implying the eternal awake emperor needs any sleep.
Liberia only became a shithole after Afro-American rule ended in the 80's. Though they treated the natives like complete shit and were less than 5% of the population at their peak.
Yeah, this is a white country btw, as a majority, we have every right to choose who comes into our country, we have every right to kick groups out that commit crimes disproportionately more than the rest of the population.
So fuck off
>Wait, were not all deplorable and white supremacists, it's just a tiny subset of the movement you clearly don't think in a nuanced way about the diversity of opinion that us Trump supporters ha-