I spent a day cat calling men to see how THEY like it! >:^}

How come when MEN get catcalled by other guys instead of saying "screw you asshole!" they say "thanks for the compliment" instead?

Other urls found in this thread:


>dude catcalling other dudes
>expects not to be called a faggot or asshole

The time where vice was actually good seems so long ago that it might be a legend

But he didnt
He said that the other men just smiled and waved

>Nobody got in my face or called me a faggot
Fucking reading comprehension

In some of these it just seems like he's trying to start a conversation.

Why didn't they try the experiment with a woman cat calling men?

That's liteally what feminists are calling catcalling though

>men like getting complimented

Whoda thunk

>no archive link
Go shill your shitty article on Tumblr, you massive homo.

Vice was never good, you just grew up and stopped being a faggot hipster.


Makes me think

>But then the guy would do a quick about-face and trot back to me all excited, saying thank you before asking me a bunch of questions about LA and what they could do for fun around here and would I mind taking a picture of them by this Marilyn Monroe star?
>I didn't sign up for this. Somehow, the harasser had become the harassee.


when you're so much of a nu-male that you trigger yourself with your own catcalling

>"So..." his voice lowered, as if we were filming a bad after school special, "you think you could, uh, help me out and I'll take care of you?"

Women really don't understand how low mosto guys' self esteem is. Being born a woman in the U.S is like having life set to 'novice' settings.

>men arn't as sensitive as women

wow man, breaking new ground here, hope that liberal arts major lands ya a cozy job in a coffee shop

>This is not real catcalling until you grab them by the balls. Lol, pathetic. Not a real female experience!

Silly people desu


That`s a very faggotty thing to do.

being "social" = attractive male
catcalling = unattractive male

i remember when vice was a magazine. they used to relentlessly mock people who dressed badly. quality entertainment.

>do the lip smack thing
Why can't she be honest and admit that only niggers catcall?

>grab your dick
>Damn you have some nice titties.
A white male has never done this. She should stay out of nigger-infested areas.

I remember watching the documentaries and some of them were kind of good. There wasn't much SJW shit.

This 1000%.

>Oh, God. No. I was all too familiar with this sort. This had nothing to do with catcalling. He just needed victims to spit political crazy at. I had ventured too close to his event horizon and now, much like in Interstellar, I would escape only after many years had passed in Earth time, demoralized and having learned nothing in the process.

So apparently you don't have to be smart enough to understand the spoofed themes and lessons from a Christopher Nolan film to be a "journalist." What the fuck am I doing with my life, if this hack blogicle can be published than any 14 year old girl can be a journalist. Time to write a think piece about how Grilling meat oppresses women.

Someone should point that out to her.

Larry tried to redpil this nu-male, but this faggot just run away.

>lip smacking, dick grabbing, yelling about titties

I'm sure these were all middle class white men.

>all the triggered women in the comments trying to invalidate the result
>"Th-that's not REAL catcalling! You have to threaten to grab them by the pussy! That's what happens to me EVERY DAY!"

Oh, fuck off. As though we haven't all read and heard a a few million whines about guys doing something as innocuous as telling a woman that she should smile. "I don't owe you a smile!" Just fuck right off.

>do the lip smack thing
Oh, I see.


UGH, it's literally impossible to get a non obese girlfriend unless your are at least 6'3, weigh at least 240lbs @ 8% b.f, make 300k a year, have a Masters degree minimum, have an 8 inch penis, dress in only Armani and Valentino suits, drive a [current year] model Aventador, and are extremely extroverted and able to make friends with people within 3 minutes of meeting them.

Keep in mind these are the base requirement to date a skinnyfat 5/10 girl who works a minimum wage job.


Out of curiosity I searched to see if someone else had already done this, I don't know why I was surprised. This was just one of many articles about the patriarchal nature of cooking meats over open flames.

Day of the rope can't come soon enough.

>>do the lip smack thing
What the fuck is that, like blowing a kiss or the nigger SMACKS LIPZ thing

Fake news bs. Possibly gay programming.

None of that was catcalling. He was striking up random conversations. Nearly all women, nearly all people will make small talk like that with some guy or gal.

Are things that bad in Chyna chang.

>How come when MEN get catcalled by other guys instead of saying "screw you asshole!" they say "thanks for the compliment" instead?

cos women sure as shit are not going to start complimenting us. That is a one way street.

>Maybe guys really didn't see that sort of command as inappropriate. Maybe these fellas found the suggestion to be the boost in spirit they needed at that moment. Maybe men really are from Mars.
>Article wrote by the "man"

lol can you imagine some white business guy in a suit smacking his lips, grabbing his dick, saying "ayo hol up gurl gimmie som dat fine azz white pussi doe" and grabbing her ass?

Why don't they admit that it's niggers that are LITERALLY the only ones that do this shit.

No its not, get out of your basement more often captain autismo

Nobody except very close friends has ever told me to smile, because not even one single stranger has ever given a fuck about my happiness.

>Lip smacking
It all comes to light.

this is your brain on /r9k/

No, I'm trying to make a point to the /r9k/ faggots who cry about "muh aesthetics". They unironically believe that you need to be a wealthy male model to fuck an average bitch who works at starbucks due to their extreme autism.

I said to some older girl at school to smile, when I was a 11-12 kid. She just seemed sad.
She smiled.
Patriarchal oppressor since 2003!

Because men are rarely catcalled. But women -apparently- are, and it's non-stop. So men get less prissy about it.

They used to make cool documentaries about hidden cults, crazy drugs, third world death squads, ice man (climbed mt everest in shorts and no shirt) but now they just talk about white guilt.

Ba careful. You don't want to be branded racist or something?

>men cat call women
>reverse study by having men cat call men

because no one would get mad.

There right though.
You can't compare a one time experience with years of "catcalling".
I think the biggest problem is that after hearing the same bs from strangers for the 100st time it just gets really old.

Of course that's doesnt means they are raped but it's still quite annoying

Has anyone at Vice every just met and talked to a person? They seem to try to take everything in life and try to make it fit the SJW world view they were programed with. It's like watch NPCs run a website.

They actually did a video of a woman going up and hitting on men years ago for some comedy show. Most were flattered and (tellingly enough) a significant proportion expected some cruel trick.

>So I wanted to make a point that 1 in 3 women will be raped in their lifetime, so I dragged a random guy into the bushes and pulled his pants down but instead of resistance, he flipped me over and started fucking my ass
>I didn't sign up for this. Somehow, the rapist became the raped

Kek I remember this. Immediately afterwards there were a ton of defensive articles on Slate, Salon, etc about how white guys were actually the REAL catcallers, they were just more devious and subtle about it, and in fact even MORE oppressive to women.


>a significant proportion expected some cruel trick.
Why am I not surprised by that bit?

All you have to do is be confident and work out so you're not a fantasy. Also not looking like you just rolled out of bed helps. It's not hard if you don't put the pussy on a pedestal

>nobody will ever call you a cute

Vice had a few good things, but nothing amazing. See

Is the guy talking about that video where the woman gets hit only solely by niggers, then people tried to say it was evil white men?

Vice journalism really is embarrassingly bad, high school tier stuff.

I remember the japanese suicide forest one and the one about the British heroin addicts. Its so fucking bad now.

I liked the vice journalist who tracked down soldiers who were supposed to be rebels in ukraine, but they were actually russian soldiers. then he gets arrested for a while by russians

libtards just can't win.

The best story they had was about those donkey fucking columbians.

Have you ever had woman get sexually aggressive with you? They can tell when a guy is a virgin and like to be aggressive like men used to be with them.
I've had several women get aggressive with me. There usually single moms unable to go out socially so they look for men at the store and shit. It isn't just friendly flirtation but rubbing up and shit.

>At the beginning of my second hour of catcalling, an Australian fellow was way too eager to stop in his tracks and sidle back over to me when I asked "how's your day going?" He stood uncomfortably close to where I was sitting and offered me a cigarette as I silently nudged my friend to ready her camera. I declined his cigarette and jumped into the conversation that was now happening whether I liked it or not.
>"What're you up to?" he asked.
>"Just hanging out."
>"Cool, yeah, me and the boys are just up from Mexico for the day."
>"What were you guys doing down there?" I stupidly pressed.
>"Just on a bit of a cruise. Did some partying."
>"I see."
>"So..." his voice lowered, as if we were filming a bad after school special, "you think you could, uh, help me out and I'll take care of you?"
>This was terrifyingly vague. Did he want drugs? Did he want to buy me as some sort of rentboy? Did he need assistance changing a flat? Whatever the subtext, I decidedly could not help him out and told him as much, which sent him on his way. If my catcalling had written a check I couldn't actually cash, I felt a little guilty about it.
>Little did I know this would not be my most uncomfortable exchange of the afternoon.

Australia strikes again!

she was a thicc jewess though...

hi dummy

It depends on the phrasing. If you say you have nice shoes, a nice haircut, nice clothes, look well kept, that is not gay.

Saying another dude is hot is gay

australians truly are the master race

Leave the city man. Hot girls in small towns aren't like this.

Some men are pussies and some women are dicks.

>lip smacking and dick grabbing

That's literally rape

Now you're just overreacting.


link bls

>This was terrifyingly vague. Did he want drugs? Did he want to buy me as some sort of rentboy? Did he need assistance changing a flat?

he wanted to get his dick sucked, dumbass. you hit on a gay dude and he took you up on your offer, this guys a fucking idiot.

Because it hit close to home

The motorcycle trip to Baja and the Chernobly doc were great. The new shit sucks ass though.

Some drunk twink grabbed my ass at a party once, I spun around and kissed him on his moist faggoty lips and then told him that my grandfather would have gassed his filthy degenerate ass in 1945.

yeah but did you fug him

He sucked my dick in the bathroom and then I Alaskan firedragoned him.



>and if you can't find another possible way to meet and socialize with strangers then maybe you deserve to be alone

it's as if nu-males are trained to be insane

Hmm, i fucked a thai tranny

If some fag tried catcalling me on the street I would walk up to him and inject him with some of my aids blood. I'd then let him know he has aids so he wouldn't be hesitant about having sex with me.

What if you say their shoes make them look hot and then stick your dick in their butt?

>Alaskan firedragoned
Is now in my search history forever

Fucking hell Larry, go easy on the kid
You can't serve 4 redpills at once as a first dose, Larry!

Vice is just hipsters with cameras now. They had a few good films But now it seems like anything pushing the sjw agenda gets produced over anything of actual value. All the faggot liberals who grew up watching vice docs all got journalism degrees and got hired.

top kek

That implies still having to input actions, being an attractive woman is literally movie tier. Just sit back and enjoy it don't have to do literally a thing.

in videos where a guy gets catcalled, be it by men or women, he either laugs, tries to take it somewhere or straight up doesn't notice that it's directed at him

guys, amazingly, like compliments

What is this lip smacking thing. I can't imagine it.

You're cute Pablo.

Good Lord

He wasn't doing it right though to be fair. They should have gotten some real hood nigga to do the catcalling not some numale faggot that keeps falling into cock.