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Lutheran Church
I'm an Episcopalian which is pretty close to Lutheran. Neither is based but their general "live and let live" attitude is better than most religions
Heretics of their own church.
How are these contradictory? The church is saying "don't hate anyone just because of your faith and no other reason" and Luther is saying "here's some good reasons to hate the jews"
If that's not R A R E ...
Lutherans import all the Somalis.
Shut tier faggot cuck "religion"
Growing up in Minnesota and being raised Lutheran and watching them import Somalians and celebrate faggotry just completely turned me off Christianity altogether.
Haven't seen this flag before.
The kikes are pretty bad but luther was a heretic and he's burning in hell for it now.
>people are still Lutheran
well it is dead in it's homeland, that's for sure
The Missouri synod is a cancer to the lutheran faith.
I went to one once on a trip and they had a fucking rock band play. Then they all start clapping and cheering. I was just sitting there feeling that this display was disrespectful to God.
I went back to my Lutheran church the next week and never stepped foot in another since.
why dont we just start vandalizing and burning pozzed churches and mosques?
Lutheran churches do that shit all the time where I love.
Love rock bands with a little hipster coffee bar and interfaith services where they showcase their new Somalian pet they managed to smuggle into the country.
It fucking disgusts me.
Are you visiting your ancestors' homeland from Finland?
>actually thinking it's """Lutheran Social Services"""
I'll give you a hint user, Lutheran Social Services is as much of a private organization as Planned Parenthood
It's a front by the Dems here so it isn't immediately tied back to them
Can confirm Lutheran Minnesotans are the biggest cucks on the planet. The Orthodox Church is the true Church.
Pick one faggot.
Lutherans are just a branch of the heresy called Protestantism
The only based form of Christianity is Catholism.
Protestants are angry manlet cucks.
I left the ELCA precisely because of that bullshit.
Martin Luther is spinning in his fucking grave.
Religion is cancer, period
A fedora meme is not an argument.
Martin Luther was a cuck and a retard.
You're a cuck and a retard, you fucking fag. Luther literally wrote a book titled "On the Jews and Their Lies".
Don't blame Minnesotan faggotry on Based Luther.
You have to go back martinez