So , I watched this movie and it was good imo. Kinda makes you think.. what is Sup Forums opinion about Snowden ? Hero or need to be appointed to the gallows?
So , I watched this movie and it was good imo. Kinda makes you think.. what is Sup Forums opinion about Snowden...
>what is Sup Forums opinion about Snowden
he did some good but he's still a piece of cunt
If the news media was doing its job, people like him and Assange and Manning wouldn't have to exist.
Deserves nothing short of life in prison and daily torture.
Is Joseph Gordon Levitt an Asian or a Jew or something else
Crypto reptilian
On a personal level definatelly a hero. The political implications are complex and hardly to be answered in a post on Sup Forums. What I can say is: you want a strong intelligence agency against terrorism and fundamentalism. But it needs democratic control. And when you have a situation where the NSA has the government and political apparatus of my country under 24/7 surveillance - that's a crime. A crime! Especially when you have suspicions of industrial espionage.
The NSA went too far and so did the CIA. When the monster you created to protect your city turns against its citizens: what will you do?
No one honestly believed he did it for profit till the while Trump/Russia thing was going on perpetuated by the Obama administration
I know its hard for Trump to pardon him with out pissing off a bunch of people, but the man followed all whistle blower channels and it went nowhere. I feel it would be a justifiable pardon if you make that clear.
Also lol at NSA saying he was a low level data analyst, basically instead of admitting one of their own did the leak, they say they are so incompetent some menial worker could get their hands on so much classified data.
I honestly think with out him we would be at UK's level right now, IE have to register to watch porn and all your internet traffic is monitored by every agency imaginable... For the children!
That's a fucking stretch, holy shit, you can watch Enemy of the State or any of these Hollywood movies and the writing was already on the wall. Snowden changed nothing besides giving away a bunch of U.S. secrets
What is Five Eyes, retard
Without a doubt a hero. History will show he did the right thing.
Traitor. He handed a bunch of shit over to the Russians and he is their pawn, sending tweets in German when he doesn't speak the language proves he is just repeating what they tell him or isn't even control of his twitter account. Who knows what he got in return but he gave up a ton of US secrets that had nothing to do with domestic spying to get it.
It was a good movie but was all of the NSA tech legit? Can they really shut down Japans power grid? Can they get any e-mail they want? Any online correspondence?
It made me a bit scared because I have communicated with people that are in organizations that our government has labelled terrorist.
I hope I dont get rejected from a country when I move to Europe.
There is zero evidence for any of this. Why even waste your time writing it.
But where's the proof faggot?
You had nothing officially confirmed by Hollywood movies. It were all "conspiracy theories" back then. - I wonder how many more "conspiracy theories" turn out to actually be true...
And if you honestly expect me to feel sad about possible lost U.S. secrets, I am going to wade through the ocean of German and other European state secrets the NSA most likely stole as a part of its activities.
>When the monster you created to protect your city turns against its citizens: what will you do?
When your own legal residents are terrorists that want to live under sharia law, you support your country. I don't expect a cuck like you to understand.
here ya go're not fooling everyone
So? USA is the cancer of the world, pusher of ''multiculturalism'' and all other shit, so he is doing good.
yeah because history will be written by the chinks who are are doing things much worse than our leaders are
I don't disagree, but that doesn't mean he still isn't a traitor.
I just find it incredibly hilarious that Russia, the state headed by the ex-KGB officer, is ended up with being a safe haven for humans right fighters. That shit literally cracks me up everytime i read/hear his name.
Also cia officials should all commit seppuku for this kind of embarrassment.
You have movies in Israel? Hollywood movies? In the middle East???
Would give him my life. Would happily kill anyone trying to take his.