Why do people here say that free healthcare is so stupid? You always post >free, as if to imply that it's not really free.
But the truth is, it WOULD be free for the vast majority of citizens. The only people paying more are the 1%.
Why do people here say that free healthcare is so stupid? You always post >free, as if to imply that it's not really free.
But the truth is, it WOULD be free for the vast majority of citizens. The only people paying more are the 1%.
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>The only people paying more are the 1%
Unless you dont have a income progressive tax.
Also Americans are against taxing the 1% more because they are certain they will become the 1% in the near future
>dude let's have the state take care of us, as if we we're inept
>you don't want to give away half your earnings to professional politicians - what are you, a fascist?
>of course healthcare, education and accommodation are basic human rights
>and since all humans are equal, it only makes sense to have our earnings distributed by force to third worlders
>it's free lmao
I like it in theory because I don't want whites dying in the streets. I don't want Mama Mexica coming her with her 12 kids and making my rates and my neighbors go up. Also
>The state is competent and therefore I will entrust my health to them
The only people who gain something from such a system are those who take more than they give. If it's "free" from your perspective, all it necessarily means is that someone else is picking up your slack. It's inherently and unavoidably parasitical.
who will be in charge of carrying out the taxes
>t-the o-one p-p-p-percent, w-why?
gypsy cuck
>whites dying in the streets
>not the fault of jews
The American government already taxes the shit out of the 1%. They pay 40% of their income in taxes. The 1% literally pays 50% of all income taxes.
I said nothing about Jews. In an ideal scenario, there are no Jews.
this is really shit tier bate, but I'll bite with an example. I live in a mid sized city that borders Canada so we have a few people on my team who commute in every day. They all tell me that while it's cool to have free healthcare, it also blows because if there's actually something wrong with you, you have to wait a minimum of 6 months per appointment. Basically it's only good if you don't actually need to use it
How much of the 1% uses taxation loopholes to avoid paying the entire sum?
The US population, after many years, has been programmed to detest any form of socialism. They see healthcare as a way for people(undesirables) to mooch off them, when in reality it would benefit them.
taxing the 1% cannot fix the problems that poor people have. And yes, poor people have deficiencies. They arent lazy or unmotivated but theyre unable to function in society. Giving poor people material goods and free things does not address their deficient behaviors. It simply perpetuates the behavior.
All you end up doing is consuming (destroying) wealth that could be directed into capital investments and purchasing habits that enrich the lives of skilled workers and managers of assets - rewarding those that engage in functional behavior and attracting others to behave in the same manner, which is how they stop being poor.
>muh tax loopholes
That's completely irrelevant. How much do you want to tax them? 70%? 90%?
>tax ADVANTAGES are """"""""""loopholes""""""""""
this kind of mentality is while you'll always be a poorfag
Aw, you're retarded. You don't get how insurance works. See, there are a ton of people that can't afford premiums because either they're too sick to insure at or below the average rate, or they're too poor to pay the average rate or even below. Those people are added to insurance, and guess who pays for them? Me. That's why MY premiums have to be higher: because a bunch of free loading ass holes are forcefully covered by my premiums. I don't see why I should pay for something with which I have nothing to do.
>benefit them
>by destroying the wealth of the country, driving capital offshore and fostering rampant degeneracy.
Sure they get their asses wiped for them until the money runs out.
The money always runs out.
Because otherwise youre selfish and mean!!
becouse people should help each other, so everybody is happy
The socialist parasite is always eager to "help others" so long as that means he gets to decide what X owes Y without actually contributing anything significant of his own.
Shlomo, stop moving the goal posts
"Tax advantages" I guess we're making up terms now
How expensive are your medical bills?
>inb4 I don't get sick
>destroying the wealth
look at the european countrys, in germany everybody has free healthcare
And we can competive with the usa en.wikipedia.org
And your whole shitty system is collapsing so you have to import foreigners to keep your labor market sufficiently inexpensive and to maintain a tax base.
Europe is a terrible example of a long term system.
>maybe if i imply that someone else is making a fallacy without backing up my claim, i'll look like less of a retard
The claim that "Americans are against taxing the 1%" is clearly false given the already high income tax rates. The claim that the rich hardly pay any taxes in practice is also false given that 1% pays 50% of the income taxes. Pointing out that the rich don't pay as much as you'd like them to because the government is incompetent and corrupt doesn't help your case in any way. It won't become any more competent or any less corrupt if moronic parasites like you have their way and raise the income tax further.
>Romanian have blood relations with gypsies
I forgot that american interests are coitus tied with politics. You see in my country politicians just give a blowjob to the rich.
Intresting. Can you give me a sauce.
The vast majority of healthcare costs are due to chronically poor decision making, and I refuse to subsidize it
Where is it collapsing ?
We have the second best gross domestic product of the world. We are rolling in money.
check your facts dude
the fact its tax payer funded and its lower quality
i dont want my tax money going to some welfare leeching nigger or fat ass's hospital bills
Instead of figuring who should pay the ridiculous hospital bills. Why not regulate pricing on medical equipment and supplies so no established monopoly can fuck prices
I DON'T get sick. I haven't gone to the doctor's in years. Still bought medical insurance in case I happened to get pacreatitus or something. That's what INNSURANCE means. But now my premiums are higher so that a hundred million people with self inflicted chronic diseases can piggyback on the system
>Sit on your ass and collect from the government
>Get off you ass and pay for everyone else
Free = government controlled
Government controlled = no competition
No competition = shit/slow service
With that being said I wish we had a hybrid system here in America. Can get check up and doctors visits for free. They can diagnose you maybe give you a prescription make sure you don't have cancer. You know easy shit. If you have cancer or anything else that's when you have to start paying. I'm not sure why no one has proposed this type of system.
Literally giving away money is part of the GDP. GDP is not an indicator of economic health or quality of life. The closest would be median household income after taxes, minus cost of living
>The only people paying more are the 1%.
No you retarded communist, that's not true.
I don't want to have a lazy incompetent government employee for a doctor.
I had $15k in surgery this year. Some other stuff. Nothing outrageous, but they're MY fucking bills. I pay MY premiums, and I expect coverage when I need it. I don't see why I should cover other people. They're not my fucking responsibility.
Oh noes, I's a big meanie! What's I to do? Let me just pay for everyone who's sick because otherwise I'm a meanie. Fuck that noise. It's their problem, not mine.
Noone wants to pay for your handouts that you get for free.
>lives on welfare all his life
>gets fat and sick easily due to unhealthy life
>kept alive with healthcare
>taxes rise and hardworking families get punished for being healthy
Our bills are higher because we do too many tests, assays, and scans due to bonkers liability law. Also because most of Europe underpays its physicians
Take that commie shit back to east Germany, faggot. People aren't meant to be happy all the time. You're obviously still a child.
First nothing is free its coming out someones pocket second yea it may be free but the little girl who needs a new organ will ALWAYS be further down the list then someone with money you get what YOU pay for
>becouse people should help each other, so everybody is happy
That's what charity is for.
Then set up a counter liability law if no fault found on the defendant and plaintiff pays for everything. AZ has it
In Argentina, we used to be the world example of free public education and healthcare of top quality.
Children of the poor and the rich went to the same elementary Schools.
In the first decades of the 20th century, 70% of children between the ages of 6 and 13 attended school
The big difference is that the state was in charge of ensuring compulsory, state, secular, free and oriented to create national identity education.
They not taught to feel ashamed of your country.
It's not impossible anons.
The plaintiff has no fucking money. The only financially reasonable option at present is to avoid someone even filing a lawsuit, at all costs
In Germany they are, look at all the happy refugees we got. Dont be angry, you are also supposed to be happy.
Canada's health care system is actually pretty good.
Not really, our services are under a serious crunch that they can't keep up with, due to lots of reasons.
Here's an example. A man I work with broke his neck and sternum on the job, was rushed to ER waited a few days for surgery, there was a significant chance he would be able to walk again. Due to the system being stressed, his surgery was rushed and botched (they inserted the screws backwards kek) and he will never walk again. Due to the fact they had to redo the surgery and caused damage.
Tl;dr our system isn't good because health care professionals aren't given the proper time/resources to really do a good job.
In Germany we call it ,,Bedauerlicher Einzefall"
Thats the point. Its to discourage anyone to file a lawsuit against a hospital unless it is legitimate.
As soon as Arizona implemented that law time wasting bullshit civil suits was almost non existent
You're missing the point. A counter lawsuit literally isn't even worth it to the hospital because the entire worth of the original plantiff wouldn't cover the legal fees
I worded it wrong i ment a policy if the plaintiff does not win the case they are required to pay their fees and the defendants fees and everything else.
Its not a means to make this into a counter lawsuit but a discouragement of bogus lawsuits thats what i meant.