You can only post in this thread if your country forces conscription or if you have a military background

You can only post in this thread if your country forces conscription or if you have a military background
>fkng mainland EU pussies cant do 1 pushup gtfo.

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only plebs don't have conscription

how long is ur conscription?

Anyone have any good army spurdos

Former member of US Army. 82nd Airborne. Veteran of Desert Storm and Panama. I joined up in 88 and my four years were up in 92. For the first two years or so I was staioned in Berlin. I remember patrolling the wall and occasionally throwing cigarettes to the soviets on the other side.

only 4 months, it used to be a year but because we got too many volunteers they cut it down.

>4 months conscription
Lucky cunts
Am doing 18 months army service, originally was 24 months

well we don't have Turks who hates us right next door.

What exactly do you accomplish while conscripted?

Dear sir, why would we need all of this in a global society, where everyone is happy and unicorns shit rainbows? Sounds like you like nazi Germany... Or are a warmongering madman... Shame on you.

Tbh they should just reinstall conscription... Ours was 1 year long, since they abolished it, lots of young men seem to have no discipline at all... I'm not saying in the exception, but I do believe in order and discipline. And I am convinced that I would have found those faster if I would have had to serve my nation for a while.

Doing 2 years was fucking overkill, man. So much wasted time. Thankfully they did it now 14 months for the next line of soldiers since the army employs mercenaries now.

T'is fun so far.

Basic training, and once you have been conscripted, you will be called back in case of a war

You learn to become a man with responsibilities instead of a numale NEET

Basically the same thing we do, then; except most remain in active service for four years. The Norwegian conscription seems to be like the army reserve then.

reporting in

It's not too bad.

Eventually the ones who have character will develop those skills. Moving out of the parental safety is mostly a mind-blowing experience, you soon find out that having a job, not acting like a child and dedicating yourself to something useful are good skills to have.


>You learn to become a man with responsibilities instead of a numale NEET

Lel, okay country with 3rd highest unemployment in EU with half of the country literally controlled by Turkey.

>Poorland trying to lecture us
Even with our higher unemployment we still have a higher GDP than you cunts

It's not about economy. It's about you saying that it stops you from becoming NEETs while having one of the largest unemployment rates in the EU, and having half of your island occupied despite saying your big manly men.

What you are claiming and what's actually happening do not match up, my hummus loving friend.

Why do you think the unemployment is high? Jobs are almost non-existant here, people here don't become NEETs because they're willing to. Also the occupation has nothing to do with the topic and even then we're trying to find ways to reunify the island if you paid any attention to the news.

You have more than double, almost triple, the population of Northern Cyprus, and literally every single country in the world apart from Turkey believes the land rightfully and legally belongs to Cyprus. Just send your powerful conscripts over to take it back, it will be entertaining.

Nigger, I hope you're shitposting. On a 1-on-1 we could take North Cyprus back, yes. But the thing is that the puppet state is also backed by Turkey. Turkey has a total of 30 thousand troops on the island, compared to our army which has a smaller number of career soldiers. Even with our conscripts we would have a hard time because Turkey also has naval and aerial advantage and could also bring in unlimited reinforcements from the mainland. Not to mention that our higher ups are a bunch of pussies, back when the invasion happened they ran off to the mountains while the soliders were without command and were slaughtered in the proccess. Do you see now why it's a horrible idea

Had a long history of the marines in my family, and my dad broke the chain, I'm working on starting it back up again.


Don't we have a massive base in Cyprus?