Brit/pol/ - Nuttall edition

>MPs debate motion calling for new Iraq inquiry into Tony Blair 'misleading' parliament

>Prime Minister's Questions: Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May's claims fact checked

>May: Tusk letter justifies expat stance

>Live: MPs debate Blair and Iraq - and PMQs reaction

>PMQs: Christmas means Christmas - Theresa May vows to PROTECT Christian holidays

>Could he get any worse? Jeremy Corbyn left red-faced after huge PMQs gaffe

>Exclusive: Attorney General to Appeal Non-Custodial Sentence for ‘Child Migrant’ Who Raped Five-Year-Old Boy

>Brexiteers Fighting the Metric System, One Street at a Time

>MPs accuse SNP of opportunism over Tony Blair motion

>Watch: Douglas Murray gives Richard Gott a history lesson

>Theresa May's officials to discuss Iran nuclear deal with Trump's team

Other urls found in this thread:



Have UKIP peaked lads? We got the EU referendum, what purpose do they serve now?

Making sure we get a decent Brexit.

If the tories don't deliver, they will surge again

is he the future of the UKIP party, seems to have a Mosley type aesthetic to him

Ignore the thread splitting Anglo

That's a troll thread desu.

Crashing the North with no survivors

kill you are self

t. Scot who abandoned ship

>United Kingdom Independence Party Party

>of the UKIP

Nuttall is a cuck.

UKIP has served its purpose like you said. To think it has any use now is idiotic.

>tfw when

just gotta put my PIN number in the ATM machine hehe

>TFW Mummy May won't be able to see what kinks i have.

How long before they pull the "All VPN users are terrorists" card?

>previous thread was about Ben Garrison

Protest vote.

why do you have to make a thread, haven't we made it obvious enough we want you scucks to fuck off

stop being so suspicious user, the based tories will use it to catch jihadists and nothing else
tinfoil hatters baka..

>they totally don't know what you're accessing via VPN
some people believe this

Accidentally cut my nose picking it and now it looks like it's my faces time of the month.

A glorious new age of Bong shitposting dawns as anons up and down the land acquire VPNs.

The immigrant scotcuck is worse than that polish guy.

>Baroness Token

>Making sure we get a decent Brexit.

This is never going to happen, and partly why i kind of regret brexit in a way. No one in government knows what the fuck they are doing, mostly because none of them wanted to leave so have no real plans. UKIP doesn't help either, most of their members that are never getting into parliament don't have plans either.

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they ignore the brexit vote and just stay in, because even if we leave the best that is going to be negotiated is basically all the rules we have to abide now, just without being an official member with official votes and say in what goes on.

>UKIP has served its purpose like you said. To think it has any use now is idiotic.

Is there any chance for UKIP to become a proper civic nationalist party a la Front National or whatever Geert Wilders' outfit is called? I don't know much about Nuttall desu, but he seems like just another Thatcherite/lolbertarian type.

All you ever seem to do is copy and paste posts

Breitbart isn't nearly as biased, unreliable and far-right as the Express tbqh

just like the real thing desu

What would Britain be like if Harold won the Battle of Hastings instead of William?

less awesome castles?

not calling meats by their french names (beef, pork, mutton etc)

all i got for now

they were like cousins

nothing new there then

feel sick today lads

Our language would sound more German and have less French sounds

> I told him how offensive that was for certain people. He asked why I would find that so offensive, to which I responded that I lost my family to the Nazi regime and that despite the Hindu use of the symbol, this along with the name of the drink was extremely offensive. He said that London is a free city.

> I left the shop almost in tears and shivering as it proved to me how much antisemitism and fascism is still utterly present. That man had no shame whatsoever to tell me that I should not be offended by what I saw, when the use of the swastika and the name of that drink is clearly not a coincidence.

>fascism is still utterly present
maybe he should leave then

Quite a tough one to think on, that's pretty much reimagining just shy of 1000 years of history

What the hell is wring with the name Nutzy?

>I left the shop almost in tears and shivering as it proved to me how much antisemitism and fascism is still utterly present.

Lol. Why do these stories all involve the protagonist LITERALLY SHAKING?

Boris wants amnesty for long term illegal immigrants.

I told you that they are all cucks. I told you they'd flail around to prove that they're not racists after Brexit. Why didn't you listen?

Really got my neurons firing

> Go to a café called nim com soup.
> Get angry when there are puns.


The Norman Conquest was the best thing to happen to this nation.

>London is a free city.

Please tell me they do a carbonated range called Gas the Juice.

Does this person know what either of those words mean?

He's right you know...

Good one, Sven.

Mummy May can't get me now.

>be limeycuck
>Wake up at 7 bong in the morn
>Take a lookyglance outways
>Positively grey and wet like any beautiful day
>Eat my breakfast of seared grickleknob and Prince Harry on White before heading out
>On the way to work come across some impoverished afrikamen
>They demand my wallet at spoonpoint
>Gladly hand it over to the nice gents, and give em an ol' London Lollipop for good measure
>Wipe my mouth off, wish them good day and head off to work at immigration service
>Approve 36000 Pakistani families, under quota today
>Head home
>Blue Caps come me way
>"Oy mate! You're under arrest in the name of the Queen!"
>Ask wot for
>Being within 50 metres of a deadly spoon, not giving the African me wallet fast enough, and not approving enough Pakistani families
>Fair enough, take the fine and head home
>Step inside and me mum yells
>"Blimey mum, British things wotcha think I been doin'?"
>Head to room for an ol Liverpoole Handshake
>Turn on Wundahbahbox, go onto British Porn dot com
>Give the state a call for wank approval
>Purchase porn license for fitty pounds
>Whip out me Knickerstick
>Arrested for not watching interracial cuckold porn
>Won't lie, slight of a shit day
>God Bless the Queen

I left the shop almost in tears and shivering as it proved to me how much antisemitism and fascism is still utterly present.




Take your dirty foreign flags elsewhere.

How many of these do you think we have in Mi6/Mi5?

I love the leader.

Lawyers for Britain Submissions Filed at the Supreme Court

>In intervening in the appeal, we believe that we are seeking to represent the wider interests of all who participated in the Leave campaign and of the 17.4 million people of this country who voted to leave the European Union. The referendum was authorised by Parliament to give effect to a clear and unequivocal pledge in the General Election manifesto of the winning party that the people would decide (not merely advise on) the question of our membership of the EU. We believe that the outcome gives rise to a clear and unambiguous constitutional mandate to implement the people's decision to leave which must be respected by government and Parliament, and reject the suggestion that the referendum was merely "advisory".

Probably soon to be most of them now shariah May is in charge.

Every morning I have a glass of Nutzy and a bowl of Mueslilini for breakfast.

the government leaflet that was paid for using tax money and distributed by the government said, "we will implement your decision", we being the government

Where's the one of big data and things

Did she actually cover her head to meet some pakis? Fucking disgraceful I mean fuck me. I can't imagine fucking Churchill or Attlee putting on raghead clothes, WHAT HAS HAPPENED


Are you doing requests, meme merchant?

The petition shit is so fucking stupid you can get 3 million signatures and they just give you some bullshit response like "It's for your own safety"


>I can't imagine fucking Churchill
I can, immediately before murdering half a tribe of them.
>or Attlee
He'd buy them a new outfit too.

Anglos and Jews
Bad news

play CK2 and find out


They were never going to repeal it anyway, gives them too much power.

Who /stoic/ here?

>Current year
>Still watching adverts

lel, I wonder if he cares about how this shit sounds when the public see it

That's actually quoted in the Submissions pdf:

The official Government advice leaflet, delivered to every household during the referendum campaign, stated:
>"On Thursday, 23rd June there will be a referendum. It’s your opportunity to decide if the UK remains in the European Union (EU). [...] The referendum on Thursday, 23rd June is your chance to decide if we should remain in or leave the European Union. ... This is your decision. The Government will implement what you decide."

>He'd buy them a new outfit too.
People who know fuckall on a subject should not comment on that topic

We're gonna need some bigger tubes.

all female politicians put on a headscarf when hanging out in a mosque. it is considered polite

Give me 7 reasons why we shouldn't genocide the Scots,

"user I've been seeing your search history, what is this "furry" porn"

>Haven't watched TV in over 10 years
>Had some form of adblocker for years
>Watch some TV finally because I had nothing better to do and couldn't access my computer
>Fucking ads everywhere
>Felt like I spent more time watching ads than actual TV

Don't know how people put up with this shite.

big data is quite interesting when you hear about specific projects and how it is used.
internet of things is currently shit, unless you manage a russian botnet.


Fuck off you filthy raghead gook

I cant

Maybe lad

Really. Please tell me of how ol' Clement wasn't into welfare states and giving countries to brown people.

Scots are British people too.

M-Morbid curiosity that's all, i promise i am normal mummy...

Mate, UKIP peaked over a decade ago.

I can't even give you one

Post pics of your nan.

"Well Well Well user, looks like we are going to have to castrate your left bollock as punishment". Remember it's for your safety"

Brit/pol/ - Andrew Neil is a nonce edition.

When are they gonna make VPN use illegal, lads?

kek scotcucks are not people

What about Unionists?

Here's my nan and her sisters when they were little

Come on, m8.

We are one country, one people, with one Mummy May to protect us. Don't be a divisive cunt.

I highly doubt they could.