So what won the election for Trump? The FBI, wikileaks?
So what won the election for Trump? The FBI, wikileaks?
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His ideas. Now fuck off.
Obamacare price hikes a week before election. I wish I could have seen Pelosi's face the moment she found out about this.
Honestly, the FBI's announcement helped a lot. Switching from using polls in the last month to only polls in the last week, Trump's odds doubled. Fivethirtyeight and my own methods both show that. Of course, the polls were way fucking off, even in the last week, so we'll never know.
It also helped that Hillary Clinton took the Rust Belt for granted, because she's a fucking retard.
Russian hackers.
Don't forget if Le Pen wins it's also because of Russia.
According to EU and Hillary Clinton all Nationalists groups in Europe and America are secretly run by Russia
The DNC sabotaging the primary to nominate a corporatist war monger everyone hates.
Also Kek
>Perfect Storm
There were so many things that the democrats failed on that they pretty much handed it to him while burning their side down to the ground.
>Mainstream Media
>President being overly partisan
>FBI scandal twice
>Hillary's past of hating gays and niggers
>Bill criticizing ObamaCare
>ISIS and Islamic extremist
>Shit Economy despite "its getting better" being plastered everywhere
>More jobs leaving
>SJW getting so loud they actually influence laws and public opinion
>Rise of 15th wave Communism
Ben Garrison,Pepe the Frog,Moonman,AlexJones and Russia
A combination of the American people rejecting leftism, and the Democrats going full retard. I have to say it would have been harder if the Dems weren't so incompetent and dead set on flooding us with hostile islamic migrants.
The 400lb hacker known as Sup Forums.
Pennsylvania going red
Anonymity in the polls won the election for him.
Where people could speak their minds without persecution from the left.
American worker's families on a brink of poverty with too little jobs in the production left?
Most likely. But I'm sure there's a lot of overlap. Clinton also ran like a cunt and expected her to just win because Trump was controversial and thought people would get more excited about muh women issues.
Sup Forums helped sway younger anti-establishment people but I don't think it's a very significant thing.
yeah, yeah, yeah
Russia finances everything. You guys are on the verge of an economic collapse with the low oil prices, but fucking EVERYONE and their sisters are in the pockets of Putin.
Meanwhile Lord Soros dindu nuffin ever, he's a gentleman and a philanthrope.
Hillary Clinton
Hillary would've been boring, modern Americans want their government to be like reality tv shows.
Clinton didn't realize how unlikeable she was.
She surrounded herself with yes-men and the media didn't believe Trump could actually win.
So she didn't really try to campaign in the Rust Belt. Instead she tried to flip Texas and the Carolinas. She lost a bunch of solid blue Rust Belt states she was "supposed" to win.
Hillary spent too much time pandering to minorities and forgot about the economy. Whenever dem would bring up the economy they'd say it was great to protect Obama which the people know isn't true because pretty much all the jobs made in the past 8 years are part time low wage go no where shit.
Bill knew what to do back in 1992 and focused on the economy because people vote with their wallet but Hillarys team thought they knew better.
stop acting like a jew
No, without a pun, in reality it was the mexicans voting to throw other mexicans out. Dems took latinos for granted and didnt spend almost anything out of a whopping 1,5 billion dollars campaign funds to make them vote hillary, turned out a big suprise for killary that they didnt vote her as in high numbers as was expected of them. That is exactly why hillary lost.
Old people and dumb rednecks.
Also, that moloch shit and pedo satanic networks turned down a lot of latinos, i remeber some online polls just a night prior to elections showing latinos were shifting swiftly
People like you are why Trump won.
The GREAT American people
But Trump only won two of those states, which were already going to him anyway.
The opposition shrieking Hitler with every breath probably helped a lot.
That and them not having any practical polices at all other than "borrow more money, give it to undesireables".
Kind of like the EU, really. It's almost as if Gloablism is really an alternative word for Marxism?
Normies want secure jobs, warm homes, full fridges and enough left over to afford a luxury at least once every paycheck. It's not a big ask, tbqh famalam. Marxism is the opposite of all of that.
Those aren't the only states with increases. All states got increases, it was on average a 25% increase nationally which is much higher than last year's average increase that was about 10%. PA for instance got a 33% increase this year.
TRUMP won the election for trump. Kill yourself pls
i think that the FBI knew that there second investigation wouldn't go anywhere They just wanted to fuck Clinton over for politically making it impossible to prosecute her. the first time around.
Director of FBI certainly has balls
It was the fear that the state you live in could be the next Arizona. Fear is the most powerful form of persuasion.
weiners weiner is a winner
meme magic
Hillary's inability to relate to people.
>and my own methods both show that
I don't think there was a single person on Sup Forums aside from CTR who believed the media polls were anywhere near accurate and that Hillary would win.
There was a recent article in which (((sources))) within Hillary's campaign said that Bill was mad because he wasn't listened to. He kept insisting that Hillary had to focus on the economy to win, but he was pushed aside by her advisors.
Imagine if the dumb cunt had listened to Willy.
Hillary being a sleazy lawyer was the biggest factor
His opponent was one of the most corrupt politicians to ever fuckin live
And real women like getting grabbed by the pussy
this is just an excuse so when donald trump inevitably puts a dozen globalist jews in his cabinet you can turn around and say "SEE LIBERALS, YOU DID THIS!!! YOU DID THIS!!! WHY DID YOU MAKE ME VOTE FOR THIS MAN WHO IS CLEARLY A ZIONIST???"
kek won trump the election check digits
This. Only idiots think it was about anti-PC and reaction against anti-white hate. Most of America either doesnt care about that shit or thinks it's retarded. If the Democrats ran a respectable candidate, they would have won.
not those these
Almost, tuga.