I have noticed that Sup Forums has no longer become a place that promotes free thought and thinking, but rather it has become a hive mind that isn't backed by facts and logic, but rather emotion and impulse. Why is this?
The deterioration of /pol
Links and statistics used to be used to justify opinions and ideologies/philosophies rather than singular occurrences, "muh feels" and personal experiences.
I propose we have an intelligent conversation where all opinions are welcome as long as they hold proper merit. Banter is allowed of course, so long as it isn't autistic nonsense and is actually clever like pic related.
Because you have a bad perception of reality. I saved pic related last night and it stands.
>but rather it has become a hive mind that isn't backed by facts and logic
Been that way since the DUDE TRUMP 2016 faggots invaded this board.
I'll get started with the first question; what form of government is the ideal form of government?
Here is a great link that lays out the groundwork for such a difficult question.
Do I personally agree with it? Not really, but it makes several good claims about the eventual failure of democracy that are well backed and uses evidence to support its claim.
Pic unrelated, just some qt3.14's
Islam is clearly a problematic and dangerous religion her in the U.S., that is a fact.
But Trump supporters are justified because Hillary is clearly a piece of shit corrupt politician. Only fools and voluntary slaves would vote for her. Trump is at least a wildcard that could bring back the true ideology of America.
Monarchy is best government.
It was always this way. Sup Forums has always been the group that has been shunned for believing good morals should be back in America while we meme about Hitler.
The reason we are hive minded for Trump is because for the first time we unironically have found the perfect red pilled president that will get us out of the dark and return back to society that kicked us out when Obama came along.
People also still have their own opinions. You see other crap like trans fags but why would you want that anyway? If you want a place to complain about Trump go to Tumblr.
Hitler had good morals
I personally believe that the founding father's of the USA were pretty spot on.
Freedom to its inhabitants, wealthy land owners could vote, Freedom to the Sates so the Federal Government couldn't become too powerful, be a nation that doesn't get involved with foreign wars, open trade, etc.
But perhaps I'm biased because I live in the USA. How do you foreign user's like your governments? Are you content with how things are run?
The people I envy the most are the ones who lived in the USA of the founding fathers.
Also, the problem with Sup Forums have always been the underage idiots who come over during stormfront shouting matches and think that the saturday morning cartoon "nazi" doublethink is for real.
I prefer Trump over Hillary, he is the logical choice if you want to "Drain the Swamp" that is the corrupt federal government.
I'm just upset that Sup Forums no longer has high standards for responses that are well thought out. We have to attempt to keep the intellectual conversations flowing and not give into meme garbage like "kill everyone that isn't pure aryan blood".
Because Niggers don't respect the NAP
>same reason an-cap won't actually work unless we go Nat Soc first
>time to grow up
>pic related: Trying the NAP in America.
And why do say that?
I have six reasons why a monarchy is not the ideal governmental form.
>1. Royal prerogative gives extensive, unaccountable power to the executive.
>2. The monarchy has real political power to appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister.
>3. The monarchy interferes in our day-to-day political life.
>4.The monarchy perpetuates the class system and undermines the proper recognition of merit.
>5. The monarchy undermines our reputation abroad and is bad for business (even tourism).
>6. The monarchy makes it impossible to separate Church and State
Link related is where the arguments come from.
The best form of government is minarchist nationalism.
He killed a lot of good people, but he was put in a difficult position due to the Fall of Germany after World War 1. His people were suffering, and he provided an answer. He went pretty insane during the end of WW2 though.
Pic related is the state of Germany after WW1 which allowed Hitler to rise to power because of the economic disarray they were in.
@ 4:00
>pic unrelated
This. I find myself thinking this often, but I'm also conflicted because I feel a first World Nation also needs a strong military for obvious reasons.
However, a well armed and trained populace does suffice quite nicely like pic related. All citizens in Israel learn how to function within their military in case shit hits the fan. I know Israel isn't in the minarchist nationalistic category, but their well trained militia is admirable.
>Implying the second amendment shouldn't be heavily expressed in this situation.
In an ideal world, looters and thieves would be shot on sight by the person being robbed and not be criminally punished.
Thieves should be treated without mercy unless the victim chooses to give it to them.
But these underage idiots are easily influenced and can be shown the proper way to think by us older Anons. They are looking for answers, that's why they come here, we should steer them in the right direction, not send them down a path of foolishness and idiocy.
I don't think you understand the problem.
There are people in this website and others whose only purpose in life is to make fun of shit by pissing off the people trying to balance out seriousness and having fun.
not even close m8
This only works with a homogeneous gene-pool, and at the very LEAST its inhabitants must share the same ideology. Unfortunately, I think America is far beyond that.
Pic very much related.
>it has become a hive mind that isn't backed by facts and logic, but rather emotion and impulse.
too many NEETard losers getting off their Walmart hell-shifts and coming to Sup Forums to feel like they Sup Forumselong
>Trump is at least a wildcard that could bring back the true ideology of America
but then you're also a meme-spouting retard, so don't delude yourself into thinking you're not part of the problem
Fucking sneakers..really? flip flops? Those sloven appearances?
This isn't a military unit. It's a bunch of fucking women ready to sip lattes with rifles and gab about hot Muhammad dick.
Then ignore those mongs. This is Sup Forums, not Sup Forums.
It will take a group effort in order to stop the idiocy that has overtaken Sup Forums in the last 9-12- months.
We were given two REAL; (not Gary Johnson) Donald Trump and Hilary Clinton. I'm not a meme-spouting retard, I just supported the best option I was given.
. Royal prerogative gives extensive, unaccountable power to the executive.
The executive is God, and all monarchs must abide by the Bible. In more temporal senses, they are limited by the nobility and clergy.
. The monarchy has real political power to appoint and dismiss the Prime Minister.
Ok. A strong government is good if the leaders are good.
. The monarchy interferes in our day-to-day political life.
No it doesn't. In fact, less so than any other form of government due to the regional nature of lordship and vassalage, ensuring that all issues are first seen to by local authorities
.The monarchy perpetuates the class system and undermines the proper recognition of merit.
The leaders are bred and groomed from birth to be leaders. There is no higher merit than that. Democracies allow billionaires like Soros to control politics with the almost infinite unaccountable power of their infinite wealth, to buy politicians, media and protestors.
. The monarchy undermines our reputation abroad and is bad for business (even tourism).
Lolno. Monarchial palaces and cathedrals are the most awe-inspiring structures in the world and draw tourists from everywhere. Democracy is bad for relations and business when every 4-8 years your government has a schizophrenic bout and does a 180 degree turn on all issues due to regime change.
. The monarchy makes it impossible to separate Church and State
Which is good. The Church is a natural check on the power of the government, and an important force for order and morality.
Your arguments are all garbage and outright asspulls.
I doubt the were going into combat, user. In fact,, they were probably posing for the picture.
My point is that when your entire population knows how to properly handle a firearm it is a greater asset than half the population (women) running away and panicking in fear and being a liability.
>echo chamber stormweenie hugbox attracted even more stormweenies
This is why I rarely come to pol anymore.
"Cuck" is the single most used "argument" on this board.
2nd most used is "shill".
>I personally think tha-
>I disgagree becau-
This board died, when the Trumplets invaded.
Don't you have a daughter to rape?
>ein verficktes Blatt
Redditors coming here in droves, primarily from The_Donald.
Holy shit I remember this thread.
Your country is being invaded and demographically replaced by sandniggers as you speak. Your special snowflake politics don't matter, your future political system is Islam.
Great response, but like I side, they aren't my arguments, but rather one from a popular article that I don't necessarily agree with.
The problem with your response to number 2 is that powerful governments can sway political opinion using false flag attacks and use it's political power to "eliminate" those who get in their way. The leading cause of death in the 20th century was democide, a threat that is still very real to this day.
link related shows my concern for powerful federal governments is real.
The problem with number 6 is that religion can be used to fear monger over a population and doesn't promote free thought. Look at Galileo, his entire life was ruined by the Church with the support of the Monarchy for simply proving that the teachings of the Church (The moon wasn't perfectly round and had massive divots and craters in them) were false.
Besides that, you make some excellent points.
Pic kinda related.
guy on the left is woke as fuck
>immigration is bad
American education everyone.
Then we should redpill them.
Sup Forums is great because everyone is anonymous, so when someone speaks with merit and intelligence, others listen and learn. I have learned a lot from Sup Forums that I haven't learned form the real world because the real world is so afraid of being "labeled' and ridiculed for speaking about controversial things. No one has a status on Sup Forums we are all equal, so some celebrity can't come on here, bring tons of traffic with them, and turn this place into an echochamber shithole. It is what you say that matters, not who you are,
The truth reveals itself on Sup Forums when anons choose to be coherent and logical, not when people meme and shout.
I can intellectually justify killing everyone that isn't Aryan blood. It's simple application of genetic theory of altruism, strategically optimized with game theory.
>Banter is allowed of course, so long as it isn't autistic nonsense
Calm down Leaf
Your old flag is subjectively better btw
this includes Arabs and Indians under "white".
Dark Lord Trump jedi mind tricked many of the weak minded on pol
>tfw you left the chart the moment you got jewed with non-morality
apt. the kike slave thinks he's free
Monarchy is the ideal government form, as it is God's ideal government form, when God is King. A singular and unique set of circumstances, yes, but an eternal one.
>The monarchy perpetuates the class system and undermines the proper recognition of merit.
stopped reading.
So in essence youre views are muslim.
Are these fucks non ironically advocating for Monarchy? Do they think they would be part of the nobility?
Flip that trend 180 degrees and yes
Most people go from lefties or libertarians to athluritarian right when you realize there is objective morality that should be upheald for the good of all
>objective morality
Like "blacks are subhuman"?
wtf is this graph...
f(x) = -log(x + 3)?
That's a huge stretch from what he said. Christian kingdoms existed for 1600 years, and 200 years before islam. Some strategies of social organization are just superior, and should be used. Not saying monarchy is that strategy, but I don't think democracy is all that great either.
It's pretty much the same.
Post a claim? better have a source.
Anons still have no inherent credibility, and this is why we still hate trips.
You sound underage. Are you aware that you need to be 18 to post here?
No, like "You should support your family before strangers, and your nation before foreigners".
Only young idealists talk about ideologies and government forms. The best form of government is where every person in the nation is heavily armed. Then crime and government (same thing) tend to be kept to a minimum and everyone is happy (or dead).
>Post a claim? better have a source.
You mean like the magical refutation of "Guns Germs and Steel" in a 300 word picture?
Yeah Sup Forums loves sources and logic.
Because troll.
Sup Forums is and always has been the
>race casino
>le underage
>now I don't have to rebut his points
hehe, well played, kid, you won this round. but you haven't seen the last of me.
But the ideal population would be Ashkenazim Jew if you want intelligence, and arguably Japanese or Aryan for a homegenous society because of how well they work together (whether it be their culture or their genetics, I do not know)
Link related for the elevated intelligence of the average Ashkenazim Jew
Pic related
>and your nation before foreigners
Then why dont you support your black community?
Or the poor?
Or the unemployed?
Here in Austria we help everyone (including "ex"-Isis henchmen).
In the US you dont even help your homeless.
And here you are preaching about European immigration and it's drawbacks.
they just looking for some belts
>banned in germany
If that's the case then it's worse than I thought.
>but you haven't seen the last of me.
Thats because youre the size of a small celestial object.
>the National socialist revolution
>why is this banned in Germany
Pick one, Hansel.
>It was always this way. Sup Forums has always been the group that has been shunned for believing good morals should be back in America while we meme about Hitler.
Nu-pol is actually the worst.
I'm actually a Christian, I just used the pic for the lulz
The problem with this graph is that Separatist and Nationalist and Leftist terrorism becomes "Islamic Terrorism" when committed by a Muslim, and so Islam ends up getting blamed for terrorist acts that were carried out for many reasons OTHER than Islam.
Not entirely anonymous. Flags should be removed.
Trump is better then hillary or DUDE FREE SHIT, but his normalfag supporters can fuck right off this board
sure, keep believing that Jamal
According the Old Testament, God warned the Jewish peoples of the danger of having a man as their King and not solely listening to the word of God, but he ultimately allowed them to make their own decision and Saul was appointed the first King of Israel, which again, God did not approve of.
Passage kind of related, but not really.
>Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ. For the wrongdoer will be paid back for the wrong he has done, and there is no partiality. Colossians 3:23-25
t. leaf with a proxy
Banned here as well.
Knock it off Austria. Rebut his comments, don't be a scumbag.
Nation = ethnic group
Country = boundaries of a state
The USA is not a nation, it is a federation of nations, formed originally by the nations of Yankees and Dixies. The black community is its own nation in the US.
In America we do help our poor with foodstamps and government housing, free cell phones, priority loans, etc. but it has absolutely fucked our country up. We also help our unemployed by distributing unemployment for those who have been laid off. We also provide shelters and fasttrack housing for our homeless. You know nothing about American history, government programs, or the state of our country. Where are you getting this info that we kill our poor and hate our homeless? Stop listening to the leftist propaganda outlets and investigate the reality of America
Also I never preached about European immigration, you have me confused with another poster.
Could you argue though that Jews are too intelligent for their own good?
That the intelligence you're celebrating is exactly what would be their eventual undoing?
I think Aryans work so well together because there is an inherent trust amongst them. A common goal. Something to achieve together whereas with Jews its all about an individual achievement.
Really makes those dendrites dance, doesnt it?
>How do you foreign user's like your governments? Are you content with how things are run?
Hahahaha, eheheh, ooooh :c
Because lefty/pol/ is trying to subvert quality threads. Buck up and fight you absolute faggot
Are the German people okay with this blatant form of censorship? Why is there no outcry for free speech?
Pic related except replace the U.S. hand with a German sleeve and a Muslim mans hand.
Sup Forums has always been shit its Sup Forums 2.0
Shit. Forgot pic. That really ruined the reply.
>Nation = ethnic group
Moving the goalposts already I see.
Not to mention the irony of the USA being founded as a safe haven for the immigrants of all nations and the fact that if youre born in the US you are American.
Otherwise, by youre "definition" the American "nation" would be native Americans.
>The USA is not a nation, it is a federation of nations,
bla bla bla ad hominem bla bla no evidence, just empty statements bla bla
Ok lad. Keep up the good work.
But only because we allow it be. We can't ban shitposters and useless trolls, but we can not allow them to fester by not replying and remaining respectable ourselves.
Tumblr. Get out
I e watched this happen too many times.
This institution of free thought is spent. We had a massive influx of new members who sought only to gain from the wisdom here, thus drowning out the old guard without taking on their values.
So we have a group that is stuck in one way of thought meant to lead itself to glory when the reality is that they shouldn't control anything to find said glory.
KEK was a demon. He drained the power of their community by offering you greater power for a short time.
nation- a large body of people, associated with a particular territory, that is sufficiently conscious of its unity to seek or to possess a government peculiarly its own.
country- an indefinite usually extended expanse of land .
Both definitions are from Merriem Webster. I think the U.S. bro is correct, but this revaltion does make our National Anthem seem a little strange considering it uses the word "nation' improperly, unless of course the National Anthem is making the point that the American people are all one under the constitution perhaps?
Nope I need a Caliphate.
>us doesn't help it's homeless or poor
The us is extremely charitable, we have much higher rates of charitable giving and charitable organizations than euros
What country sends it a military to help nations on the other side of the world during natural disasters. What country is the Red Cross, Doctors Without Borders, habitat for humanity, bill and Melinda gates foundation etc etc etc feeding and helping millions worldwide every year
Kill your self my man
Nice meme. Never been to tumblr in my life. Heard it was a cesspool of group-think and delusion, that doesn't seem like a character building place to me.
Holy shit you're fucking weak. It's called trolling and it's an inherent part of the internet. If you honestly have your feelings hurt, kill yourself.