Sup Forums will unironically agree that broadband should be freely available, as a service, similar to drinking water
Free broadband for citizens
Hi sven
Free dial up would be more reasonable for basic communication. Broadband is a luxury.
No. Free broadband provided by the government will make it far worse than the Internet by corps.
>In4b Why?
Competition, that's why.
Something basic like 3mb would make sense.
Not really, some homes don't even get built with phone Jack's anymore, lol
Not if the government buys service from the cheapest and most reliable company.
In an ideal world ofc.
It's getting to be like a public utility, so probably we should discuss whether and how to regulate it as such.
I don't know about free, though. I still pay for water, and by and large we're not facing the health epidemics that would come from lack of water supply.
Nothing is free.
yes via taxes this is correct
Taxes means it's not free, sven.
Anyway, before the US can discuss taxes too far, it needs to nationalize the (((Federal Reserve))) and abolish the income tax. Our income tax doesn't actually pay for anything but enriching the Jews. After that, it would be possible to have a rational discussion of how to use taxes to fund public services.
Water might cost you but barely anything. You're likely paying 4-5x your water bill and half the USA has data caps. Government should remove caps, make them illegal, and then implement a cheap nation wide solution. Not free, but cheap.Then allow us to pay for more and faster speeds
No i won't. Why do you think the megarich are working so hard to bring internet to people worldwide? It's because they can't make money off the people without access.
I pay about $20-$40/mo for water. That's well more than it would cost me to get a state ID to vote with.
But you're correct that my interbutt costs 4-5x that and is almost the cheapest plan short of paying to have my copper reactivated, for a telephone plan, and getting shitty and unreliable DSL again. But at least they don't seem to be capping me or throttling me.
I view it as a bargaining issue. I have no power to bargain before signing the contract. I either agree to their terms or I don't get any internet. So some sort of collective bargaining force starts to make sense. The government might be shit at pretty much everything it does, but it's ideally meant to be a way that individuals can exert pressure on collectives like corporations.
Water isn't really free, is it.
it can't be much worse than comcast, really it can't.
the first thing they need is for it to be available to buy for everyone LOL
I had government powered internet in college, it had like 400mbps download speed because it was based on utility, not stealing money from people lol
the cost of water is the pain of being alive
Also, nice to see Kek is with us again.
My monthly water bill tells me otherwise OP.
Its not practical for the whole country. There are areas where you're lucky to have analog phone service.
Rural electrification was arguably pretty good infrastructure spending for its day. Might be interesting to consider the possible benefit to upgrading telecommunications while also considering the roads and bridges and power lines and pipes and all that.
We do get laughed at by much of the rest of the world for how old and decrepit our telecommunications infrastructure is compared with nations that got built up from from 3rd world status with newer technology.
I have a well and believe me water is definitely not free.
Just like your healthcare system!
drinking water is free?
In fact in some places it's even illegal to collect free rain water.
That's just how Jewish the UN is.
Look at how shitty the internet is now.
Then imagine 2 billion more underage, impoverished shitskins using it
>water is free