Is Sup Forums bored?
Study finds boredom can lead to political extremism
I believe this. Both SJWs and stormcucks are annoying faggots that live on the internet. They have nothing better to do so they have to tell the rest of the world what faggots they are.
You can't swallow the red pill when you're working two jobs, changing diapers, exhausted all of the time, etc. It's why some people don't know shit about politics or what's going on in the world around them. The busier you are the less likely you are to perceive what's going on or give a shit at all. That being said most of Sup Forums is basement dwelling neets or underage faggots with a lot of free time.
Are we prone to political extremism? Not really. We just know that liberals and sjws are cancer and have more than enough evidence to back it up.
boredom = free time
time = research about your views more indepth
more research = more extreme views because not a lot of people have researched them so that in its self makes it rare making it extreme to the common man
That's exactly why we have all these sjw
only boring people get bored
Okay this I actually believe.
In retrospect boredom is exactly what led me here.
>tfw too intelligent to get bored
well if you are out in pub in your white country you cant see on video how niggers and arabs are literaly raping western world.
It does make sense, desu I am kinda bored. Bored enough to watch The Simpsons past season 8
>oh no we can't keep some of the goys brainwashed with phone games
>oy vey why are they taking an intrest in the world around thme when we need them to tune out and vote like we want
I study politics in my free time because I have free time.
There is a reason most Abrahamic religions warn against "idleness." Otherwise the goyim will wake up and figure things out.
All of modern technology developed outside of the pressure of war with an equally advanced power has been developed as increasingly ingenious methods of evading the tyrannical boredom that pervades the existence of an idle mind. People most prone to being bored will find things to invest huge amounts of time in to escape this boredom, and many of them find the ever-changing world of current affairs and politics to be attractive as there will always be a fresh stream of new information to take in come the next morning. Naturally the more you learn, however biased your sources are, the more opinionated you become and the more confident you become in your own positions and before you know it you have an opinion on basically anything and no argument can sway you. This is the basis of political extremism.
Wrong. Most people on Sup Forums are adults with careers and families. Just make a thread asking about everyones personnal lives and see for yourself
Explains why all the faggots studying shit like gender studies are so extremist.
They are fucking bored
time flies when you are a faggot
Thats right goyim, watch multi-cultural television shows like Modern Family or play the new Battlefield as a WW1 nigger soldier, quit being bored and swallow our "entertainment".
>people dont roleplay here
back to the_donald
I can believe this
Duhh, obviously Sup Forums is filled with bored faggots with no friends whatsoever.
>muh intelligence
lol you faggots need to tell ur egos to stfu, and admit the truth
>tfw wendy's fry cook who makes 160k a year
I like this feel
seems legit, just look at the left
at least when we are bored we get a president elected
You must be new.
Honestly make a thread about politics. Find some outrageously stupid law that's about to be passed. Find a country that's doing something unique, and make a thread.
No one will even read it.
This place is more about YouTube personalities than politics. This place is more about Facebook posts than politics. This place is more about Twitter posts than politics. This place is more about who died today than politics. Look at your shitty source, Facebook is more of a source here than actual .gov publications.
Bored? Possibly. Political extremism? Not even close.
> more than likely this is a 1 POST BY THIS ID thread anyway.
Shills out in full force today. Sup Forums is not an RP board
Boredom can lead to many negative things.
Useless article is useless.
I believe this.
People wouldn't be bored if they had jobs to begin with.
You guys are retarded. It's a false causality.
Boredom LEADS to INTERNET research.
Except for me though. I am an 18 year old whole is in Highschool at home to I often browse Sup Forums, watch YouTube, or look at hot images of white, anime, and asian girls in my free time.
I am not extreme with politics though. I enjoy comfy Trump threads while calling out Tumblrinas for their BS.
But the question is: why are they bored?
good luck defining boredom, fucking morons.
Wrong. We got Trump elected. That politics.
t.marine who make 400k a year and is muslim and has 4 wives
> Waiting for a better future since 1945
I'm bored of clickbait shit like this
Makes sense, someone who isn't bored wouldn't watch 12 hours of a WWII documentary, or read Evola, let alone the giant tomes of De Maistre.
He also wouldn't watch all of Hitler's speeches unedited to find out what he actually was like.
We have already seen this: Only when a society is secure enough so boredom can exist does culture start to thrive. Because only then do people start actually thinking about existence.
We are the Aristotles and Da Vincis of tomorrow, fellow Sup Forumsacks. Think on this and despair.
I guess we aren't working enough hours. Hopefully our overlords can remedy this.
Dissatisfaction with current circumstances. Easy.
Thanks for correcting the record, Abbo. Im an American with one wife and lots of property. If you have a problem with Sup Forums maybe you should go back to redit
I don't know what happened to me, but I spent 3 months in the USA, and now I can't stay away from Sup Forums at pretty much any given time.
Since then, I've gone from being a Bernout, to rooting for president TRUMP. Fought in the great meme war (49th shitposting regiment), and am now much more in-touch with how much I hate muslims, feminists, jews, and other forms of social cancer.
Fuck this gay earth
Boredom leads to a lot of vices. "Idle hands are the devil's playthings" is really true.
I used to think I was addicted to porn, but then I found more constructive hobbies (like posting on Sup Forums) and I don't even miss porn
u got me im an abbo
>abbos can use electronics
I didn't say Sup Forums. I said stormcucks. Relatively few people on Sup Forums are stormcucks.
I am bored, though I wouldn't consider myself an extremist
>study finds having time to think about things makes you question authority
Removed the propaganda for you
European medical journals are jokes.
Sounds about right
I became interested in politics when I lost my social life
Study shows being a mudslime leads to being a terrorist
I thought abbos lived in desert caves and drank out of skulls and shit? Non-alcoholic, of course. I've heard how you buggers get pretty rowdy on the sauce.
The perfect example of this is actually Tumblr. Too many fat, homely teenage women finally got bored surfing the internet and not being asked out on dates. So they find things to rant & rave about to fill up their day.
Like I said, Sup Forums is not an RP board. The national socialist workers here are authentic. And they are grown men with lives and money, unlike you sjw babbies who come here to cry about 'muh stormfags." You thin skinned cunts need to get off this web site.
yeah we just got wifi set up at the local cave network
yeah the brothers get a bit rowdy but its all in fun
Most of Sup Forums is like that because it's easy reading
You can still find some in depth discussions going on here though
Literally a good assumption to make when you look at statistics.
*cuck, not cunt. Damn auto correct
>Most people on Sup Forums are adults with careers and families
Nobody believes this.
>article uses picture of some jew masqued as a ((white nationalist)) goy
>article fails to mention sjws were radicalized first and much harder, and that most of them were radicalized by fucking college professors
That explains why useless people always become commies.
I am tired
So very tired
internet research as viable info source
Sweet user, you guys get good reception in the caves then? If it's sedimentary, you might want to look into a good old fashioned cat5 ethernet connection. You could download up to 160mega skulls per second you know.
What is your least favorite religion m8?
I never said it was an rp board faggot. Natsocs are not as numerous as they would like to think. They are probably like 25% of this board. You all are just fucking annoying and loud about your views. I'm not thin skinned for thinking you're a faggot. I'm not calling for censorship. I love that Sup Forums allows completely free speech. You nazis deserve that right as much as I do even if I hate you.
Just look at any Trump rally. Those are the faces of Sup Forums. Please continue being triggered because youre from a country that doesnt matter
its better than adsl2
but i may look into that
i dont like muzzies brah
>ou nazis deserve that right as much as I do even if I hate you.
That's surprising. Usually it's the opposite and opposite political spectrums silence each other. Respect.
it's fucking true, spend >3 years on Sup Forums and you will INEVITABLY become a Nazi
>Needing to conduct an expensive survey for that
Fuckin hell, you abbos are alright.
>10/10 would drink from skull with
Fucking. Triggered.
Its the sjw-newfags who want Sup Forums to believe they are numerous and the Nationalists are few. Its misinformation, dishonest, and WRONG. We run this board, and this site. You wont change that
>study finds that leftists are huge retarded mongoloids and should kill themselves
>fancy site and le intelligent picture man being dumb
wow, I outdid myself with this article about lefties.
sage and go kill yourself op. You dont deserve to live for being such a dumb leftie.
this seems like a good pretext for sending us to concentration camps
>oy vey goyim why you got a differing opinion?
>clearly youre a political extremist and you need to go to an excitement center!
>you only hold your extremist opinions because youre bored goyim!
Most nationalists are not national socialists. I'm a nationalist but I don't believe in authoritarian nazi bullshit. I've been on Sup Forums for 5 years so I'm hardly a newfag. Not everyone agrees with you amazingly. It's almost like people can think for themselves or something.
i live in Woolloongabba
feel free to pop in some time
Where do you watch those unedited?
Fuck off, Ahmed.
Oy Vey! Bread and circuses aren't working anymore!
>There are 60 million people who use Sup Forums
You're fucking retarded. %99.9 of the people at those rallies have never heard of Sup Forums, let alone Sup Forums.
There was quite an extensive torrent on TPB a while ago.
is this supposed to be surprising?
any political or intellectual position is born out of free time.
Thats literally the basis of civilization. Having free time to do shit beyond simply surviving
Not an argument, newfag. You didn't dispense anything I said.
You didn't do shit faggot. Shit posting on a south Sheboygan image board for underwater knitting didn't get anyone elected. Votes do that, shit4brains
I haven't had a good discussion here in weeks. It's just 1 POST BY THIS ID (like this thread) and click bait by fake news. You probably luck out by being 6 hours different than us, you can be on while all the r3ddit people (and canooks) are sleeping.
>Been on Sup Forums since 2011
>Not a newfag
Wew lad. You need to go back
>people with careers and families are never bored
source on the quote?
Sup Forums since 2011 Sup Forums since 2006. 2011 isn't an oldfag but it still isn't a newfag.
yeah goyim you're all just bored
Why not let god's chosen people run politics
Will bring you hardcore porn and free things
in return you let us have
>gay marriage
>affirmative action
>Muslims in your country (but not ours)
You're just bored goy but we'll entertain you
This is bullshit because that would mean 99% of the population would be suddenly involved in politics, which is demonstrably not so.
Last rally I was at I saw multiple pepes hand written on signs.
You'd be surprised how many people know about Sup Forums. Most are just too afraid to come here, or they think it's stupid.
Theyre not. Theyre fullfilled and busy with life
yes goy, keep yourself busy with your 60 hour a week job and our media
Thanks for correcting my record
Yeah, I too saw like 3 signs, out of thousands at my local rally. That is a tiny, tiny minority.
Not to mention that most faggots with Pepe signs only know it from Facebook or Reddit.
thats not true. i've spent exactly 2 years, 364 days, 23 hours, 59 minutes and 55 seconds on Sup Forums and I'm not a-Wenn es dem internationalen Finanzjudentum in und außerhalb Europas gelingen sollte, die Völker noch einmal in einen Weltkrieg zu stürzen, dann wird das Ergebnis nicht der Sieg des Judentums sein, sondern die Vernichtung der jüdischen Rasse in Europa!
I thought CTR were unemployed now. Or are they here forever now too?
>feminism has turned most women into useless cum dumpsters who cant cook or do anything
>haven't been on a real date in a year, just a couple drunken hookups
>work an unfulfilling job just to see my money pile up with nothing I really care about spending it on
>blatant propaganda against my race in television and movies so you can't even go to the cinema anymore
im bored to death desu