Ask a Korean Nazi anything.
I'm currently studying law here but ive made plans to establish a Nazi party in Korea and hope to turn Korea Nazi soon.
Ask a Korean Nazi anything
Post proof of Korean Citizenship + handwritten timestamp.
Currently I have a Canadian citizenship but I'm going to abandon it once I move back. I don't have a Korean passport atm.
Best of luck my friend
too much honor
Good luck friend
wont happen. obama ruined any attempt at continued relations with south korea.he tried to set up a outpost of black people in south korea for i shit you not a colonization attempt because he though nigs where deserving of it and could take asians
he fired on south korea with a battle ship and sprayed south koreans with some chemical weapon
after the koreans fucked up all the settlers 3 times and beat up U.S soldiers who were... mostly black and when russia tried to bail america out north korea sent japan a message about the sub because any one helping a nigger is a nigger and asians hate niggers.
Good luck brother
If there is any country that will be able to establish a new nazi party and actually win then it's probably in Asia. Your countries hasn't been as brainwashed and guilted like the western countries. Good luck friendo
There are no kikes in Korea. What are you talking about?
Also, Korea already practices national socialism. Why don't you work on subverting the witch covens that apparently control your entire establishment?
What's your opinion on Japs, would you get revenge on them from what happened 70+ years ago
>I don't have a Korean passport atm
You are, and always will be, a fucking leaf.
Are you going to holocaust white men with yellow fever?
This is a good idea. The best way to do this would to be rally citizenry to revoke and withdraw from any trade deal that is beneficiary to Japan, and reestablish it without them in the loop.
They would shrivel. And the people would support it, because they hate nips.
Be careful about marrying Korean girls who come to Canada bro, I know a black as fuck ugly kenyan nigger that's smashing some average looking Korean girl at my college.
why would you want to go back to such a hellhole? count your blessings m8
t. gook military
I'm willing to work with them but will eventually betray them like the Germans with the Italians.
Im want to exterminate all Chinese tho.
>nazi party
Start by gassing yourself first
Fair enough
Well there are too many damn chinks anyway, you'd be doing the would a favour
The world
>Leaching off of another nations success
Stop calling yourself a Nazi, you are no better than a nigger.
Gas yourself, you fucking Gookzi.
Honorable man.
You need to control your women. Why the fuck did you elect a woman?
Don't worry feminists, commies, liberals, and gays will "disappear".
Well, even though you'll want to oven me for being a chink, good luck! Hate those even more!
Will you create great Korea by uniting US puppet Korea and best Korea?
Obviously. USA declining is inevitable. they will go isolationist. China will collapse soon as well. I'm going to establish greater Korean reich and provide lebensraum for my peoples. All degenerate east Asian traditions will be erased and replaced with one that brings strength to my peoples. Chink plague will be contained and cucked.