Your top 3.
Your top 3
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Y-you want to into stornordiskt rike finnbro?
Belgium, Canada(North US), and Ukraine.
I agree. Based finn.
Israel, Ukraine and every African 'country'
Belgium, Belarus, North Korea
that's it
pretty good picks.
Turkey, Israel, Somalia
Why do the French hate Mericans so much fellow Ameribros?
Teach me French swear words. I only know "ta mère" if someone is flaming me in French.
Iran, Afghanistan, and Israel.
Belgium, USA, Switzerland
They are all non countries used by kikes to mess up the world
This is the best one, cant be improved.
Oh, now this one is easy
Sacre bleu
Fils de pute
>t. Sandnigger in Finland
Kill yourself just like your friends do
je niques ta race
Post WW2 Germany.....
hungary, slovakia, poland. unholy trinity of racist pricks
T. Reddit
Actaly swich 2 with china
t. racist
1. Canada
2. Canada
3. Canada
"fils de pute" : son of a bitch
"Nique ta mère" : Bang your mother
"Connard" : Asshole
"Con" : cunt
"Pédé" : Faggot
"Pédale" : Faggot (bis)
"Batard" : Bastard
"Salope" : Whore/Slut
"Trainée" : Whore
Such a plebbit answer
Finland should be either part of Great Russia or Sweden.
1-Finland. Because of their highly autistic and massive insignificant is the world
2-Israel. Hitler didnt finish the job!
3-USA. they are just fat lazy dumb fucks
"Nègre" : Nigger
"Bougnoule" : Shitskin
"Enculeur de singe" (monkeyfucker) : Poo in loo
"Chintok/niakoué" : Asian
"Bamboula" : Nigger
"Enculé" : Motherfucker
"Putain" : Fuck! (as an interjection)/Whore (as a slur)
That is funny
I'm aware that Trainee is an actual world, but it is pronounced Trainay
Fuck off Ahmed, Finland has no cultural identity of its own. It's literally nothing more than "ooga booga kiitos veteraanit 6-1 pls gib karelia back".
1. Russia
2. Ukraine
3. Belarus
claim the ancestal lands, Fingolia. All of the world belongs to the Khanate
>"Putain" : Fuck! (as an interjection)/Whore (as a slur)
So kinda like kurwa?
Russia ain't that bad tbqhwy
Yep, exactly like kurwa.
sweden is the oldest country in the world
Don't forget the ''Talvi sota'' WE WAZZ BRAVEEZ AND SHEEIT!
Nice meme, friendo
No. These three are utter shitholes with brainwashed slaves. No future for them.
That guys just a phaggot.
ooga booga 6-1, I wish we wouldnt be a nation and the language was destroyed
What country is this white and blue one?
Never seen or heard about it before
Who said Belgium exists?
Yeah I know, some blokes mistook a Swedish county for being an independent nation.
1. Belarus
2. Ukraine
3. Sweden
Österland NOT Finland
1) israel
2) north korea
3) belarus
>Your top 3.
Slovenia, Austria, Hungary
(Bring back KUK Monarchy bitches !)
>the entire africa continent
>the entire asia continent
>Poland belongs to Germany
>Ukraine belongs to Russia
>Isreal belongs to Palestinians
Well... Con is pronounced in a really weird way (nothing like the english or spanish pronouciation for instance)
fuck, meant for the OP
The Swedish are cucks so if we merged with them they would vote against us with their 9 million people and enforce cuck laws in our country too.
Russia can't into our quality of life so becoming a province of it would be keeping us down and Russia would not benefit much from it either.
But I think an Atlantic-Pacific alliance with all the Nordic countries, Russia and possibly Japan could be a pretty good move, in such a way that each country keeps their local democracy and they do not alter each other's laws.
Canada belongs to the world :^)
>cuck detected
t. österland
>3 regions with rich and long histories and their own ethnic groups
>shouldn't exist
1. USA
2. Flag
3. Norway
No one is ever going to take Finnish nationalism seriously because it's simply a dead end. There is nothing that Finland, as an independent country, has to take pride in other than the wars and a few hockey championships. No culture of it's own, only Swedish- and Russian-influenced. The very idea of Finland wasn't born before the fennomans in the 1840s.
More like why do YOU hate us ? You're constantly bashing the french about everything for no reason
Korea (both t b h)
Haiti (fucking dirt cookies? seriously?)
should all go desu
I don't hate France
I remember our Greatest Ally™ during the revolution
France belongs to Britain
I think this is a case of the Swedecuck trying to escape the reality of his shame by powerfantasizing about still having Finland in their kingdom.
Such aggression is pointless because Sweden is not the nation it was in the 1700's, they no longer have the military might, or a powerful people in general, and their quality of life is set to plummet in the years to come.
They start going on about how horrible the Danish and Finnish are because of their own loss of power hundreds of years ago while they stay quiet about the fact that their own civilian cities aren't even under Swedish control.
t. Mahmud Abdijullahi
>ctrl+F Israel
>Only 7 entries
1° Israel
2° Israel
3° Belgium (Flanders is much better without Walloon/Brussels cucks)
At least you have history
Stop seeking attention, kiddo.
You're trying too hard.
Yeah yea sure go fuck yourself you fat nigger
Don't forget :
Nah, it's just that
>Finland is filled with misserable cunts
>Sweden is filled numale cucks
>Denmark is the tard child of Sweden&Norway
Norway should take all of the Nordics desu
>t. swecuck
More like Britain belongs to Anjou
>Dieu et mon droit
Haha you cuck
finnbros have good maymays imo
>in any way related to Sweden
Explain how.
I never said that the Sweden of the modern day is any good, so incredibly much would need to be changed and reformed regarding the political system and society
Vocaroo this please