Modern Women

How do we fix them?

People still use skype?

fix yourself first
why do you think your women are fucked up?
you cucks allowed it in the first place
women NEED a strong hand, submissiveness is nature
if you can't provide it don't cry when chad mc tyrone mc abuser does it lmao

confirmed cuck

go to the lake house and beat the shit out of her

>not stealing a gun then using it to execute all 3 of them while wearing boots to big, stolen pants and a stolen shirt

This is how it goes with women and male friends.

When a man and a woman encounter each other, they both size each other up, a man for the most part will want a date or sex, the woman depending on the attractiveness of a man, will want the same thing. If the man however does not start flirting within the first to three encounters, she will write him off as a pussy and will put him in the friend zone. Clearly this "york" guy doesn't have much confidence and didn't bother to show any sort of interest in a relationship or sex, and this girl "Elysia" is probably his only female friend, of which he has latched onto.

However, women's regular bullshit plays a factor into this, his mother tells me to be nice, women on TV always talk about getting a nice guy, but in reality women deep down want a caveman that will beat her ass cold with his club and drag her back to his cave.

As for the sex between the girl and the other faggot, that can't be helped, teenagers have sex, simple as that, but this york guy could be more assertive, and that can be helped... Too bad this image is ages old, york is probably 27 years old and still a virgin.

>tl;dr York is a pussy and needs more confidence, teenagers have sex and it can't be helped, women need to be locked up in cages.

What a loser

Kill them all and replace them with pic related.

nothing wrong with women. they just don't know any better. guys aren't the clueless ones - it's the women usually.

wow, is this you OP? Fuck me that bitch is cold.