Redpill me on Orthodox Christianity

Went to an Orthodox Church last Sunday. Shit was different than any other church I've been at. Seemed based enough to warrant further study

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Claims to have the oldest tradition, thus the true way.
Actually based on political structures of Roman liturgy used to inform and control the people.
They are political, not spiritual.
The book of Acts reveals an older tradition than Orthodox.


Always portray themselves as better than others.
They have the same issues of abuse and exploitation.

Orthodox will claim this is a government psyop against them.

>Actually based on political structures
>They are political, not spiritual.

You mean catolics ?
As i remeber pope was the ... god's representative on earth and HE can rise and take down kings ?

And here in blakans the church and the king don't mess with each other.
The king is doing secular-stuffs -ruling the cunt ,cares about the economy ,playing geo-political games,wars ,etc etc
And church is all spiritual.

has some form of limited racial realism, at least acknowledges the separation of races within their respective countries.

So its a little bit less egalitarian than the rest.

The best "Religion" that is not a limited edition anything is right wing nihilism. Full racial realism without any of the boring lore.

The Most based Orthodox American is Brother Nathanael
He is a true American.

I work for a Christian company. It is literally hell on a daily basis.


The Brother Nathanael Foundation envisions an America that is Christian in its consciousness and wholesome in its culture.

The Foundation will support work that enables individuals and institutions to access the resources needed to take America back from the forces that are destroying our nation.

Whether its litigating for Christian symbols in the public square, creating and helping media outlets with factual news, or publishing books that will bypass the censors who fear truthful content, the Brother Nathanael Foundation will be there.

Come, let's work together to build a Christian America!

This certainly pertains to my interests. Thanks for the info

1. We will PETITION to erect a Nativity Scene on the White House Lawn every December at Christmas.

2. We will DEMAND equal time and MORE for Christian symbols in the public square and support Christian institutions dedicated to the advancement of a Christian society.

3. Brother Nathanael’s Street Evangelism will be SUPPORTED by a Legal Team on staff.

4. We will work to KEEP the Internet Free.

5. We will SUPPORT current Media outlets and OWN resources to bring FACTUAL NEWS to the American people who are being DENIED this.

6. We will start an education program to bring WHOLESOME sexual ideology to Public School Students.

7. We will begin a Publishing arm that will publish CENSORED Books Like Solzhenitsyn’s “Two Hundred Years Together” which incriminates the Bolshevik Jews responsible for the Soviet purges.

8. We will expose the Zionist State of Israel as an Anti-Christ state due to its denial that Jesus is the Jewish Messiah.

9. We will enjoin members of the military to join us in our mission for the promotion of Christ's teachings on peaceful co-existence with the nations of the world.

We Will FIGHT For The Lord Jesus Christ's Honor Wherever We See His Name Being Opposed!

Priests can marry,in fact you can't have a parish if you're not married, The Archbishop is just the leader of the church,as in the CEO/President not some meme incarnation of god like the Pope claims to be,
jews are damned for all eternity unless they repent and join Jesus. More spiritual esp if followed correctly ,the devout believers are not retards like fundamentalists from other denomination/religion but genuinely decent folks.
You must hate muslims.
There are regional differences, for example the Romanian Orthodox Church won't marry cousins,King Ferdinand wanted to marrry some iinbred Kraut cousin but was slapped down so he ended up marrying a qt English noblewoman.
Fasting is important as well as Lent.
The downside is that it can make you a retard if you buy into the whole holy bones of Saint blabla that cure miracles etc etc.

it's not like that mostly, just a few drops of water sprayed over the kid

kek that little shit looks so derpy

Otrhodox Christianity is the most red-pilled religion out there. I'm glad that I live in the country where most of the people have Orthodox faith.

the water is warm though.

Another thing (tho i have no idea how to say most of these things in english)
But the ones doing sermons and having parishes are taken from a lower cast of priests.
While our "bishops" and "archbishop" are taken from the lines of monks. So while priests can get married and have families, the higherups can't.


Brother Nathanael is a monastic with the Russian Orthodox Church Outside Of Russia (ROCOR) where he is blessed by Bishop Jerome as a "poslushnik"/"novice" monk and to pursue a public ministry.

Brother Nathanael speaks and writes as a former Jew--now an Orthodox Christian--and not in any official capacity with ROCOR.

After eight years of monastic communal life (1996-2005), Brother Nathanael has been engaged in a public mission through his Street Evangelism and as an Internet publicist in order to bring a Christian consciousness and influence into every sphere of American life.

So what's the difference between orthodox and protestant?

oh god, fuck off


Orthodox are the original Protestants - refusal to follow Roman Papal demands.

They still get mad over an event they fucking deserved. Watch this.

Enrico Dandolo did nothing wrong. The sacking happened because your emperor refused to pay the people that got him put on the throne like he promised.

Holy God
Holy and Mighty
Have Mercy

This isn't proper orthodoxy it's georgians.. they're like pseudo orthodox but nor

Lord Jesus Christ
Son of God
Have Mercy

butthurt cathocucks mad that the Byzantine Empire and the following Orthodox countries like the Serbian and Bulgarian Empire were more cultured and civilized and will forever be more based than theit satan-worshiping 'brothers'.

Lord God
Lamb of God
Have Mercy

based bro

I might consider looking into Orthodox if we don't get a Pope that isn't a fucking Muslim foot fetishest

Glory be to the Father
And to the Son
And to the Holy Spirit
As it was in the beginning
Is now
And ever shall be

This pretty much.

The RPZ (ROC) gains very much political power here lately. I'm not religious but I'd rather have our church over ""refugees"" and other stuff, especially if they make people appreciate our traditional values: family, country, traditions and culture.

The gifts of God
For the People of God