>take MBTI test >post results >state political stance >discuss
Its for fun and a good way of describing your personality.
inb4 most people get the wrong types because desirability bias and inaccurate self-perception.
I consider myself as politically independent because the correct answer is more important than being for team chevy or team ford.
I have a very severe problem with procrastinating and very rarely can stay on task. I pretty much have accomplished everything I put my mind to but for the last seven years I have had no determination to improve my position and have found no cause/goal worth changing my current lifestyle for.
Angel Murphy
Christopher Martin
I always get INTJ-A and my views are pretty heavily shifting between all ideologies, only think I really strongly believe in is a ethnic pure state. Meritocracy maybe can produce the best results but I'm not sure if it's the most stable alternative. Communism looks good on paper but doesn't work in reality and Capitalism needs to go away too.
Asher Robinson
According the political compass: right > left libertarian > authoritarian
Also 16personalities is more based on big 5 than mbti if you read their "theory" page.
Hudson Rivera
I got INFP-T
the other times I took similar test I got INFJ
Lincoln Young
I'm a bit of a classic liberal/nationalist, I like capitalism when its done proper.
I'm pretty open on many things, have friends all over the spectrum, (even sjw but I keep them at a distance/rarely talk to them) but I charge up better by being alone. My determination/willpower fluctuates ( I procastinate sometimes too) but if I'm really inspired by something I go full throttle.
Leo Rivera
So you're antisocial cunt?
Isaac Russell
CUNT-A ***
I am unfamiliar with Meritocracy. How is superior to capitalism? I am dumb and have an open mind.
I had seen that aswell. A lot of people I have spoken with said the 16p test isn't perfectly accurate but is pretty close for being so quick. I have a small attention span so not sure if I can make it through the longer tests.
Variety is the spice of life for sure. Full throttle reminds me of a hank williams 3 song. I can resonate with a lot of things classical liberals stood for.