/mlg/ Marxism Leninism General

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.



ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:


It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.








Other urls found in this thread:


Stop linking the manifesto you fucking moron it does more harm than good. The manifesto is fucking shit.

Communist trash should be shot without trial. Commies are social niggers.


Nobody here is from reddit

If anything, Sup Forums is filled with /r/The_Donald shills

Okay leftypol

Gas the capitalist class!

Nazis hate capitalists too.


Fuck off




I have a few questions about marxism
perhaps one of you /leftypol/ types can explain it to me
>of each, according to his ability; to each, according to his need
You do realize this line of rhetoric, actually presents a MASSiVE logistical problem, right?

once you gulag all the evil rich people these massive logistical problems don't t magically take care of themselves (poor people are selfish jackasses too)
It would take an army of bureaucrats to delegate all goods and services if the free market was abolished
For this reason any rhetoric that says 'end stage marxism is close to anarchist' just turns many people off

I am not sure if you are being dishonest with yourselves, being dishonest with us, or just genuinely stupid.

surely some of you must know that this sort of 'end stage marxism' isn't possible
if your real endgame is controlled economies run by bureaucrats (not necessarily a bad thing), you should just be open with it, and stay away from the anCom rhetoric



To bad you don't get a safe space

too bad you are a nigger


Is it not conceivable at all that maybe some people on Sup Forums hold left-wing views?


How many times does your retarded Marxist system have to fail before you realize Marx' theories have a fundamental flaw in them that make them inefficient?



Not since 2008 lel

Just use the people that work in supermarkets.....


People still believe this shit? LOL

Where did all these Nazis come from? Sup Forums was always communist!

Is it not conceivable at all that maybe you on Sup Forums are shilling?


Hitler is our hero, deal with it.

>being a stalinist

/mlg/ is a psyop from r e d d i t. Check the sub "r/agitationcommittee" they are trying to subvert pol and move it to the left.

Not really crocodile Dundee

Our commies have the lowest energy, dont they folks??

Kill yourself

And people say neo-Sup Forums isn't just leftover reddit and stormfront raiders


is this bait, I don't even know

>Tfw leftists don't understand that there is a third way aside from Judaeo-Communism and Judaeo-Capitalism


Okay nigger


Yes it is
You fuck off to places like reddit and /leftypol/ and then when you perceive Sup Forums as having some power and influence you come back in a raid
Generals are also cancer unless it is about a happening
This is just as boring as the christian general
No one is going to be convinced of anything especially the level of discourse this general has displayed


"Marxism Leninism" is outdated eurocentric garbage. White people can literally never be socialists. Third Worldism is the only way forward.




Are Marxist-Leninists at peace with the fact that the whole doctrine of redistribution mandates a bureaucratic commissar class, that is in practice more elite and more oppressive than even the donor class of a corporatist society?

>not being a "stalinist"(marxist-leninist).

Spamin time


Fucking off years ago because of a sustained raid that forever altered Sup Forums isn't the same as being raiders though, if we come back. We're coming home.
Make Sup Forums nihilist-anarchist again.

Are Marxist-Leninists at peace with the fact that the whole doctrine of redistribution mandates a bureaucratic commissar class, that is in practice more elite and more oppressive than even the donor class of a corporatist society? I know /leftypol/ in general doesn't quite understand this, but I haven't heard much from Marxist-Leninists in general.

Fuck you and your shitty communist generals


It's serious, the people who best deal with logistics are the ones that have experience. And they're workers not capitalists, so it's OK

Get the fuck off this board commie scum.

They also hate commies

What happened to /left/ general btw?
/mlg/ is too specific

You fuckers can't even figure out that a sea creature needs water, you think anyone would trust you with economics and social reform?

>Sup Forums
>power and influence
>this is what Sup Forums believes

I'm just here to discuss politics


Go back to smoking crack and begging for money in the street... along with the rest of BLM and occupy failstreet.

The problem that unsuccessful political entities always suffer from. They blame part of themselves and splinter into tinier shittier groups.


>Make Sup Forums nihilist-anarchist again.
>In a marxist leninist general
The stupidity hurts no wonder you fucked off and yes you are raiders

I have some futurist commie leanings. but

>actually unironically being a Marxist-Leninist
>actually unironically endorsing political theories which have been proven to be failures upwards of a dozen times on the international stage

explain to me how the withering away of the state works, please.

bear in mind that your explanation must also account for the fact that dozens of socialist revolutions have successfully been completed, none of them resulted in the withering away of the state, almost all of them resulted in totalitarian dictatorships,and the remaining few ceased to exist in very short time.

I was just reading a book that included a description of cargo cults, and made THIS general observation from that.

Cargo cults resulted from a very close and shrewd observations by natives of the islands that became air bases in the Pacific during World War II.

And even I, an Evil Racist if ever there was one, do not laugh at them the way more “sophisticated” observers do. They saw what they saw, and they acted on it. photo thatcher.jpg

The islanders had almost no knowledge of these strangers who came FLYING into their land.

So the natives did what the most advanced scientist would do:

They observed the strangers’ activities very carefully and tried to learn from it.

The whites called all those riches “cargo,” and their aim was to get cargo of their own.

Their first observation, AND IT WAS PERFECTLY ACCURATE — was that the outsiders did not PRODUCE a single bit of all that “cargo” that kept flooding in.

And they were dead accurate.

So how DID the strangers get all that precious “cargo?”

First of all, as the natives ACCURATELY noted, the strangers did not PRODUCE any of it.

So the natives who wanted “cargo” did what the people who actually GOT the cargo did.

They put things that looked like earphones in their ears.

They cleared landing areas for the mysterious flying machine to land in.

They put up strings leading to the earphones.

And they waited.

In real history, when Lenin’s Bolsheviks took over Russia, they did exactly the same basic thing: They set up offices and sent people out to redistribute the cargo, which we call production. And they were astonished to find that there wasn’t any production.

This is where Marxism starts out. A far as they can tell things are produced and they just need to distribute it.

This is insane. It is insane but it is also Marxism.

The Marxism system collapsed because it never learnt to produce anything.

This was anarchist territory before you stormfront niggers made fucking bots to raid it like a bunch of tryhards.
Anarchist Sup Forums's coming back.

I am going back home. This is it.

Nazis are by all accounts, moralfags.

You realize these people are mostly shitposting right? Hillary is largely disliked among left-wing Sup Forumsacks by the way.

>Marxism Leninism General

you are literally the cancer of society

i'm glad your ideology will never again be taken seriously

there arent shills on r/The_Donald, they may be retarded but noones getting paid like you CTR faggots


That's pretty spooky, user.

>minimum wage rosita has the skills and intelligence to make sure her community does not starve to death

So why come here? What for?

No, this is my home. You are the outsider, you are the invader, the stormfront faggots are the immigrants who came here after.

Moralfags used to be denounced, not got their dicks sucked cause muh precious lil baby feelings and "right" and "wrong"


>being an anarkidie or trot
Don't do this famlan.

>playing AdVenture Capitalist

When it has been terrible for a century yeah why would you be you idiot posting jew politics.

Sup Forums has never been a leftist board
there is a reason why its called politically incorrect

/new/ was also not a leftist board

I'm glad Sup Forums isn't an alt-right safespace anymore.

You have to go back.

>politically motivated marxists at all


Every time someone tries to subvert Sup Forums and steer the popular opinion towards their own ideology, be it JIDF, CTR or marxists, something extraordinary happens every single time.

Instead of being steered in the direction that the hostile party wants, they do the exact opposite. They become more extreme.

JIDF spawned anti-semitism in people who otherwise did not care about Jews.
CTR spawned anti-Hillary/pro-Trump people who otherwise did not care about US politics.

And this will spawn even more extreme right-wingers.

They are only feeding the monster and making it stronger. Manlets, when the fuck will they learn?

latin americans telling eastern europeans why communism could/should work

while being on fire due to commie inept policies, while convivially blaming everything but themselves for this shit not working

tl;dr: fuck off and die

It's not like she does it every day- oh wait

Because I like spreading the word to the working class

All leftists must die

How does statism have worked for latin america?
Really showed those capitalists that they can't profit from the land of our indigenous ancestors eh?
Showed them that we don't need a growing economy to fulfill our needs eh?
Showed them that workers needs to be protected from evil corporations by being owned by the biggest corporation A.K.A the State. eh ?
* Sarcasm off*
To ever lasting hell with communism

What are you talking about you idiot?

>people say

Who? Your leaf weeb commie gathering at the greasy spoon every Tuesday? Fuck off and get a job.

Sup Forums was always in practice against the moralfaggotry you refugees vomit everywhere. Very black flag anarchist, we did all leave eventually though, many years into Sup Forums's life, this is why piracy went from being cool and good, to some evil against the great god "the publisher"

How is being Left Wing considered being politically incorrect?

Said in a leftist containment area that is currently being raided by the alt-right.

kys OP

Stop with this fucking threads.

Holy shit kys commies.

This non-argument will live long