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>and the USA

I'm not proud of them.

its almost laughable that they could only come up with one example of Somali's who "benefit" the US

>Wow, one refugee out of 50,000 can use their complete free ride provided by the tax payers to be a decent person
>Really.... makes.... you....

Do they not realize this is why Trump won? Not because everyone is racist or hates Muslims its because of the left stupidity and hypocrisy

What did she do to make Ohio proud?

Why is media doing this over and over again? Seriously. Give me a good why.

Not kill students at a university

inb4 ilhan dahir blows up and we have to be inspired by ahmed #86578

Trump won because white people voted as an ethnic block against the third world invasion of the west.

If you think there was actually a magic multicultural crew of trump supporters outside your delusion on r_thedonald gas yourself.

she hasn't blown herself up yet.

>She just got two master’s degrees, one in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies, the other in Global Governance and Diplomacy

useless degrees design to just bring in more refugees. fucking perfect

Who said anything about that shit you fucking leaf faggot? Just because most people on Sup Forums are racist does not mean that most Trump voters are racist, most are not but were either voting for the economy, stopping illegal immigration or against the radical absurd left.

because people are stupid and they'll buy it every time

Thanks for being less helpful than google.


Ohio State University alumna Ilhan Dahir has been named a 2016 Rhodes Scholar. The Rhodes Scholarship supports two years of graduate study at the University of Oxford in the United Kingdom; 32 scholarships are awarded annually to outstanding seniors and recent graduates across the United States. The Rhodes Trust selected Dahir for her commitment to the empowerment of refugee communities around the world and her potential as a leader and advocate for refugees and communities in turmoil.
I don't even. I Suppose she is an inspiration for leftists.


They sell balloon rides in Cappadocia. Pretty cool looking place.

she majored in how to convince people to import more kangz

>In addition to her faith-based organizations, Dahir tutored middle- and high-school Somali students and participated on the Columbus Youth Commission. Her efforts in the Greater Columbus community were recognized when she was named a White House Champion of Change in 2012.

>As a Rhodes Scholar, Dahir will spend two years at the University of Oxford in England, obtaining master’s degrees in Refugee and Forced Migration Studies and Global Governance and Diplomacy before returning to the U.S. to attend law school and beginning a career as an international human rights attorney. She plans to dedicate her career to advocating for refugees and communities in turmoil.

How cucked can western civilization be?

just another "the best in a field nobody else gives a fuck about"

you tell me hans, or better yet ask sven

Genocide is becoming an attractive solution to the brown and black problems facing us today.

I guess it's remarkable what a woman can accomplish when she doesn't have a clit.

>this Muslim who doesn't follow the Muslim faith is the true Muslim

tl;dr: she's an inspiration because she didn't kill anyone (((yet)))

>be student at Oxford
>take the place in front of her
>shes reading a book humming something to herself
>all you can make out is
>"my head is going to explode"
how nervous are you?

I do not need a link thanks, but I will bet dollars to donuts that the article in OP doesn't not have comments or feedback enabled in any way, shape or form.

Call it a hunch. If there are comments, I would love to see them!

They don't get it. They still think we just lap up their shit. That they have a mandate to tell everybody how to think. Works for me. Never interrupt the enemy when they are fucking up.

This doesn't upset me as much when I realize that this man is our President-Elect

The user's point is the identity politics bullshit that the left has doubled down on has alienated white people and if the left continues to do this they'll continue to lose, you fucking retarded leaf.

The leaf is right. Whites voted to stop immigration. Watch any video of any Trump rally and the one chant you will always here is Build the Wall.

>wanting to protect your culture is racist

Back the reddit cuck

>a nigger is allowed to be a Rhodes scholar after what niggers have done to Rhodesia


you right

>inb4 she automachetes 10 kids on campus.

Don't worry Paco, were going to get rid of you too. Go back to Mexico and make it good for once, and stop shitting up the US.



You dipshits I'm happy that Trump is president
Do you have reading comprehension? Normally such an article after a terrorist attack would be frustrating.

Actually 30% of hispanics voted for Trump, 30% of asians voted for Trump and 8% of blacks voted for Trump.

It definitely was not all white people.

Fuck. So they picked a leftist immigrant invasion supporter as an example?


Oh shit, I'm retarded. Sorry, user.

This is fake news.

>when you think of somali akbar niggers, we want you to think of jayalalalala takbir and be (((inspired)))
I'm just disgusted.

Somalis are the niggers of Africa

Cecil Rhodes is turning in his grave.

imagine if she takbirs too lmao

Oh that upsets you?

Thank goodness there's one person keeping us informed of what is really going on, Donald John Trump.

Through Twitter, he is cutting through all the bullshit of the Mainstream Media. Twitter would love to shut down his account, but too bad so sad, he's the President Elect of the United States of America.

If that upsets you, that is fucking awesome, because it makes me feel fucking great!

Trump is using Twitter to cut through all the bullshit and as much as Twitter would love to stop him, they can't, because he's going to be president.

Hahahahaha! Suck it!

>look at this one
>she isn't killing anybody


We're in the west, where less whites = progress. It's just the way it is.

>head scarf

It's their culture you fucking white male bigot.

Do you live in a city full of streetshitters and chinks user.

Fuck off, race baiting jew. Trump movement was an inter-ethnic, world-wide phenomena.

This isn't your country goyim

The funny thing is that every time they try to cherry pick a poster child out of the millions of Muslims, they can't find anything better than someone who is just mostly normal.

>doubling down on immigration and rapefugees

well at least they won't be able to use this argument for long because THEY HAVE TO GO BACK

Its not yours either Yahudi.

The average Somalian IQ is 68.

68! It's like a nation of retards.

Hey, I wonder why Japan is so Nice, Safe & Rich,
While Somalia is so Horrible, Dangerous & Poor.

Oh, that's right, Somalis are fucking retarded.



Why are Somalis with an avg IQ of 68 flooding America and Europe.

Because the Somali fertility rate is 6.8.
Avg Somali woman has 7 children!

America brings in about 10k Somali Refugees a year.
Every year.

And even more Somali immigrants.

The average IQ in Somalia is 68. 68!
It's like an entire nation of retarded rapists.

Bringing them here is insane.

Never correct your enemy when they are making a mistake.

BLM loses cred with every ignorant tweet. Talcum X forever!

>website thinks they know the opinions of a whole university faculty, and nation.
Fuck this site

They do know that THIS shit is what pushes people to white nationalism and "da joos" right?


wouldnt isis want us to see all muslims as innocent so we don't put our guard up and let them into our countries?
>if you kill the terrorists they win

You do know that IQ tests heavily favor white people?

IQ Test are racist!

Yeah. They fear that it will be too easy and all the fun will be gone