In order to curb Japans faltering birthrate...

In order to curb Japans faltering birthrate, should the Japanese government reform it's immigration to easily allow more to live in Japan, and thus increase possible birth rates? Some say they should.



It's our territory

No. They have the robots
AI gfs for everyone

No. That includes whites.


>faltering birthrate,

japan is the only western based society that has increasing birth rates since a decade now, without any mass invasion

I don't get how increasing immigration will solve it.

Japanese are Japanese. Immigrants are not Japanese.

If the immigrants come and breed with native Japs, then the native Japs' race is diluted and thus lost by every following generation.

If the government instead funds and provides benefits to a married couple for every kid they have, then the population will rise again.

It's as simple as this, why are leftists and globalists so fucking retarded when it comes to this?

Well, (((globalists))) want miscegenation since non-pure races are easier to subvert and manipulate since they have no identity, culture or tradition to hold on.

Mixed races never fit in with either side of their race since they're am abomination and tend to be easily manipulated, subverted or have various mental and physical illnesses and defects.

But then, why do the leftists want immigration to increase birth rates? Increasing birthrate by increasing immigration is basically ethnic genocide.

It's literally genocide.

Fuck off and die. Burn in hell.

Well working immigrants are great for economy but shitskins dont work. They shouldnt accept any refugees but make it easier to get citizenship trough working in Japan.