Wake up sheeple
This triggers the globecuck
I know this is bait, but are you literally mentally retarded?
We'd literally have edged water with corners if your stupid ass image is to be believed
What do flat earth folks say to about an object or person who moves in one direction indefinitely? What edge or wall does this object hit?
water is a fluid, it has no rigidity.
wtf I hate water now
Who says water is never curved?
also sage
>what is gravity
Remove yourself from the gene pool you nigger.
surface tension is a myth created by liberal elites and the (((msm)))
>what is the meniscus
>The entirety of the ocean is exactly the same height
>Waves aren't a thing
>Doesn't know how gravity works
Kys flat earth retard
Aw. This idiot believes in gravity. Lmao. Do some research
And if someone tries to disprove your retarded flat-water theory, you'll just say that light bends.
How do you know ocean or lake water is flat if there is no feasible way of measuring it?
>Not understanding gravity.
>water never curves
Fill a bucket with water. Place an object in it. By your logic the water should curve, you absolute retard
What is serface tension
The post
>water never curves
mein sides
We learned in high school to always measure from the bottom of the liquid.
What sort of retard made that image?
Another gravity believer. Damn. How stupid is Sup Forums?
I dont know, what is serface tension?
is it like posting from a cell phone you fagget?
you are the cancer.
something einstein couldn't prove in his theory of relativity.
source for HIS NOTES on the theory of relativity. photontheory.com
> We wrote a paper on this subject in 1913, although we could not obtain the correct equations for gravity.
> I came to realize that all the natural laws except the law of gravity could be discussed within the framework of the special theory of relativity.
and thats because it most likely doesn't exist; at least in the way you morons think it does.
These threads are my only reason to visit /pol
If that's true you'd be able to see the whole world, yet it curves downwards and you don't be able to see the landscapes afar.
A ball can be made from bent lines. You can't see that due to scale and position.
>Pictures from NASA are fake
>But not mine
66.5 mL
They're trying to falseflag anyone that isn't a fedora.
then what are tides user?
then why do the pacific and atlantic oceans have different sea levels?
>water never curves.
Square raindrops are terrifying.
Weather is hell in those routes
fuck. not a flatcunt here but can anyone tell me why? air temperature over the antartic at 33.000 ft is a problem?
Water always wants to be a sphere, you dumb cuck
Learn to forces of gravity
We need to start issuing 365 day bans on these fags and the tree stumpers.
Please go the edge of the earth and jump off
Can literally see curvature in the 1st and 3rd image, assuming they're straight lines
It's to test kids on the very knowledge you learned dumb ass
Oh right, it's black magic.
but water IS leveled? you dumbfack have yo unever been to the beach?
That image disproves you as he had to get to a higher point to see the curved land.
On sea level he can't see the other mountains that are hiding afar which he should be if the world was flat
Water bulged at the equator. In fact, If that bulge disappeared, all land would be 100 miles underwater
The Earth isn't flat.
You are a massive faggot.
This is why mom doesn't fucking love you.
Btw it is the static bond between particals.
This triggers the flatcuck
Nah man, the trees make sense, but these threads are retarded.
Check em
>images show horizon is clearly not flat
>drawing a line and just pretending the surface is not curved
Nice CGI. Do you have any real pictures from (((space)))?
Back to what is serface tension, or gravity for that matter.
the fuck is a tree stumper
Don't bother, Flat Earther's are genuinely some of the most retarded people in existence. Worse than Young Earth Creationists by far, it's just sad.
I think most of them are just baiting / shitposting, but I think there are some geuine retards that actually believe this shit.
Watch them respond how any video NASA takes in orbit is a conspiracy / faked. It's apparently a massive global conspiracy to them.
Boy, you sure showed all those nebulae out there
Gas does fly into the vacuum. We have an electromagnetic field to maintain atmosphere. Without it our planet would turn into mars. Please finish your education.
Durrrr i'm an atheist and I believe 1 trillion trillion coinsidences simultanously cause i'm reasonable. DURRRRRRR
You spin with the earth you daft autist
Op is a gigantic fucking faggot. If the earth's water isn't curved, why isn't the planet in the shape of a box?
no, i agree surface tension is a thing. My post was about serface tension. I'm stil waiting for you to explain what that is.
Some asshole in pyramid times figured out the earth was round by looking at fucking shadows. Flat earth people are retarded.
the very nature of a sphere would mean you wouldn't be able to see anything over a certain point.
if the world was curved you wouldn't be able to see anything past 3.1 miles because of the fictional curvature. doesn't matter how far away it is when you can't see over a bump.
it frankly doesn't matter how high you'll go. the earth will always look flat, because it is. on sea level you can see boats from several hundreds of miles away with a telescope.
>not believing in time cube
Checked, but you are still retarded.
Probably due to the magnetic poles. These routes don't exist over the north either
Prove that these (((nebulae))) exist.
This is bait but
>what it superficial tension
We don't want Fag Earth shit there either.
>what is g r a v i t y
What are tides?
Moon literally bulges water level.
No, those places simply aren't populated enough for large commercial planes to fly those routes.
By aviation law flying across antarctica would be too long of a flight for smaller planes.
>what is momentum
The earth revolves around the sun at one million miles per hour, it rotates on it's axis at one thousand miles per hour, so why are you not fucked every time you jump?
not an argument
>what is gravity
don't wanna be that guy, but this was a private individual not a government military organization..
it really rams those neurons together huh?
Water doesn't want to be a sphere because of gravity, that is due to surface tension. For example, in low gravity on the ISS, water forms spheres because of the surface tension of water.
I honestly agree about the bans though, these people are beyond redemption, they have taken the lead pill, in that they ate a huge pill of lead and are now suffering from neurological degeneration.
pedo detected
Jump of a bridge
You should be fine since there is no gravity
Sadly no. You under estimate how big earth is.
You are free to disprove me by taking a picture of the Eiffel tower or mtn everest from your home with a telescope. It should be possible if the earth is flat.
it is an arguement, considering you can't mathematically see anything on the horizon past 3.1 miles on your ball model.
Look up what a GEOID is
>The geoid is the shape that the surface of the oceans would take under the influence of Earth's gravity and rotation alone, in the absence of other influences such as winds and tides. This surface is extended through the continents (such as with very narrow hypothetical canals). All points on the geoid have the same gravity potential energy (the sum of gravitational potential energy and centrifugal potential energy). The force of gravity acts everywhere perpendicular to the geoid, meaning that plumb lines point perpendicular and water levels parallel to the geoid.
If this is not bait, western culture are really going to collapse
Tell me why when aiming a directional antenna over 7 miles you have to calculate for the earth curvature?
If you go up in the air in a hot air balloon and stay there
Will you be able to see the earth rotate and will you end up in a different place when you land?
Why or why not?
To put this another way, how come when planes take off and travel west at 1000mph and the earth rotates at the same speed, how come the plane moves?
This is all bullshit but I still want to know
What are the conspiracies surrounding people who have traveled *around* the earth, but always or usually end up dying? What are the retarded explanations? I'd love to hear for entertainment.
wtf no one here knows the answer? travelling from 1 point on a sphere to another isn't efficient by going in a straight line
Which makes more sense? That a 3 dimensional universe would equalize the potential energy on a 3 dimensional shape or in a 2 dimensional shape
>what makes the most sense is what is real
Well, fuck, I guess we're not getting quantum computers any time soon.
OP is an unloved stepchild.
Also sage and just go away. We all know the earth is a halo you triple nigger.
Holy kek this is troll science. Please make a comic