lolbertarians btfo
If Trump squashes pot he will have a harder time getting reelected. I really doubt the he lets the fed pursue it.
Let me know when these policy makers try to override trumps position of states choice.
If weed really an important issue in us politics?
if you havent noticed, Sup Forums is anti drugs
fuck off back to plebbit
Way to nitpick every single pick Trump makes.
pot was better off being banned
you used to have to find somebody who thought you were cool enough to sell you pot
now any asshat can walk into a store and buy anything no questions asked
it was better as a secret/unlisted commodity
Based Fucking Trump
Yes. They've let it get too far to stop it without considerable backlash. Some ~40% of Republicans support legalization and I saw Bill O Reilly entertaining the legitimacy of recreation last night.
Americans like their drugs and are sick of getting fucked by the police over non-violent crimes that target the poor. Trump turned a lot of Democrats. If he does pursue typical neocon policies he will lose a lot of that support.
But he won't do that because it doesn't make sense.
Nobody gives a fuck about DUDE WEED LMAO
It's the *only* issue for a disturbingly large number of people here.
>lolbertarians btfo
literally my FAVORITE part of this entire campaign
muh ron paul
time to fucking grow up, faggots.
>tfw there are no pro-weed politicians who aren't either batshit crazy communists or Gary Johnson-tier
who cares, pot should not be a priority right now anyway
Somewhat. It has legitimate uses medically for people suffering from cancer and whatnot. Many believe it should be decriminalized for recreational use. The whole dude weed lmao culture has tainted weed though. The productive people that use it daily never speak out for it because of the cultural divide. Eventually it will be legal in all states. The only people really pushing back are the baby boomers or those indoctrinated into thinking it's a dangerous or laziness inducing drug. Most people understand that alcohol is more dangerous as a whole.
Weed is such a retarded non issue.
I smoke weed all day every day and I completely oppose legalization of rec weed
It really does induce laziness, that's a fact. I've had plenty of friends throw their lives into the shitter because all they want to do is smoke weed and play vidya all day. I smoke myself but too many people can't enjoy it in moderation.
What does legalizing pot have to do with making America great again?
Jesus, when did Sup Forums get so stupid?
> trump picked Romney
No he didn't, but you acted like it for days.
> trump hates marijuana
He's said numerous times, states rights
> look at these cabinet picks
Only a few are confirmed
I can't believe how many people still suck Lugenpresse cock. The only sources I've seen in any thread are Facebook click bait, CNN, NYT, wapo, and huffpo.
Garbage journalism is worshipped here.
The feds have used the war on drugs to collect more power than just about any other issue out there.
It's pretty important.
>Garbage journalism is worshipped here.
No, it's just trolls being faggots and baiting people.
So? Fuck your friends.
Pot is overrated. Just drink some margaritas and stay off the road.
Consider the fact that trump is opposing the cartel with his immigration and wall plans
Your argument is rendered shit at this realization
>not an argument
>implying obama couldn't fix this with the stroke of his pen at this very moment in history ...
Thanks for the change Obammer!
Only decent drug is LSD for therapeutic reasons. Anything else is shot garbage.
I've heard that somewhere before
Not really, but keep sucking that mango cock.
LSD and Mushrooms for recreation is fine, and mushrooms could also be used therapeutically.
It's true, Harper fucked himself over, he could have won or damaged Trudeau's hold of the youth vote.
You are missing the point: this dude is like, the biggest and loudest critic of Obamacare there is. And now he's in charge of healthcare.
He's said already that he respects state rights. Honestly this is the least worrying thing about his appointments.
>not mentioning DMT
you know nothing
I voted for one measure since 2012 and it was legalizing cannabis in my home state. Every other ballot goes blank.
And no each fucking day my state trys to add more regulations, higher standards, more red tape. I hate that, but we have some of the best pot in the world and more dispensaries than Starbucks coffe shops
t. Oregon
Sure it is. Your anecdote is literally worthless in this conversation. People have a right to harm themselves but not others.
>I smoke weed all day every day and I completely oppose legalization of rec weed
Yep, sounds like weed logic.
My argument isn't that people don't have the right to harm themselves, it's that smoking excessive weed makes people lazy. Fuck off with your lack of reading comprehension nigger.
Yeah good idea!Fuck those stoner degenerates!
Lets make it a black market commodity so we can continue to fund the cartel, and mooslims.
Also lets continue to over fill our already maxed-out prison system with small time offenders.
Those stoners deserve to be housed with the murderers and rapist.
Get a fucking grip someone smoking weed in the privacy of their own home is not hurting themselves or anyone else.
>Muh society drain
With that logic you should ban the alcoholics who drink all the damn time to
Yea fucking making a good bit of black market sales taxable.
Sales Tax
Income Tax
Sin Tax
Ya, fuck all that easy money on the back of junkies that could actually be put to some use.
It's irrelevant to the thread. I think anyone who has smoked weed knows that it makes you lazy.
People who deny that are delusional.
It just keeps getting better and better
>somebody in trump's cabinet has a view on a meme issue different from his own
>weed legalization is a neocon policy
Fuck off degenerate
How did you get the exact opposite of my very clear meaning from that post? Your reading skills are degenerate.
The electorate is mostly single-issue voters. Fag marriage, weed, and so on.
I can't believe it took so many post for someone to say this. I also can't believe how many newfags support degenerate drugs.
>Americans like their drugs and are sick of getting fucked by the police over non-violent crimes that target the poor.
>If he does pursue typical neocon policies he will lose a lot of that support.
That is implying weed not being legal is a neocon position bud
I see what you mean now
Trump already said that he wants states to have full control over this. Also, being a businessman, it'd make sense for him to go easy on weed, even if just for the tax.
I smoke tons of weed myself, but personally I think it's better off illegal. Jews have obviously been trying to find a way to sell it over the past couple of years. Why is this? Does weed aid with the cuckening? Maybe so.
>Sup Forums worships TRUMP
>trump has never smoked weed
does anyone else see the contradiction here? you have people posting about how they can think better/deeper/whatever after getting high and yet the 4d chess mastermind himself has never smoked weed and doesn't seem to use anything other than DIET COKE 24/7.
is TRUMP just levels beyond us and we need teh weed and he doesn't?
i just find it interesting that there's probably lots of ultra lazy going nowhere in life NEET stoners on Sup Forums who, nevertheless, praise its mind expanding effects, while the most powerful man alive has never smoked and actually uses his genius productively.
This new shill meme of shopping oversized eyes and mouths everywhere is unsubtle
>literally, EYES
>Sorosposters are retarded beyond comprehension
Alright but you said the opposite.
Keeping marijuana scheduled is not originally a neocon position, but it is something the neocons of yesterday were vastly in favor of, along with many other things, against the will of the American public.
That sort of thing is out! We're taking back our country.
>the FED
the enlightened inhabitants of CA already voted for recreational cannabis and it passed. The feds can suck my fucking dick. So glad I didn't vote for that faggot Trump, it is so great watching the Trumpkins stumble and backpedaling after Trump's promises fall through
You'll understand when you get older. Some people actually believe in liberty, and want to be consistent about it.
>win election
I shooped as fast as I could
That's some pretty fallacious reasoning.
Just because Trump chooses not to smoke weed doesn't mean that others shouldn't have the option to.
You can support the repeal of unconstitutional federal drug laws without supporting drugs.
Granted, I understand you progressive cocksuckers have no self control without daddy government taking care of you, but I'm willing to sacrifice your weakness in the name of liberty.
buh why he doesen wan pots
>implying getting rid of hundreds of potential stoners isn't a part of the MAGA plan