>tfw Ashkenazi and Black
152 IQ with a 4.35s 40 and a 7.25'' x 5.3'' dick and perfect caramel skin
Stay genetically inferior and butthurt
Aryan "master race" my ass
>tfw Ashkenazi and Black
152 IQ with a 4.35s 40 and a 7.25'' x 5.3'' dick and perfect caramel skin
Stay genetically inferior and butthurt
Aryan "master race" my ass
I look white but my dick is big. Does that make me ethnic?
>manlet detected
>4.35s 40
What does this mean?
>muh dick
Every time.
An hero nigger.
4.35 is GPA
Idk about 40 smdh
That actor is a homosexual IRL.
I'll go along with your role play. Is your mother the Jew or the African?
It's 4.35 seconds to run 40 Yards
Eggball test thing for players