Its true, there are no existing counterarguments and if you even think this is innaccurate you are automatically wrong. You can bring up history's greatest debaters, philosophers or downright geniuses and it would STILL be futile.
Pic related
Its true, there are no existing counterarguments and if you even think this is innaccurate you are automatically wrong. You can bring up history's greatest debaters, philosophers or downright geniuses and it would STILL be futile.
Pic related
Other urls found in this thread:
I dig the comic brev
fucking cancerous comic
>I only employ the most qualified people in my company!
This is racist. Whites are more likely to be the most qualified, so hiring people based on merit can be considered a centiaggression against People of Color.
You can't argue that the right wing racist society would not be the most prosperous and safe society though
The normal person is still a tool who thought that the Invasion of Iraq was a great idea.
I don't want to be replaced, I want country for my people
I'm okay with being overrun by the 3rd world
"Flood us with the third world"
Never fails to get a laugh
shame about him cutting a hole in his ballsack
"Treating everyone like an individual" is perfectly fine if you accept that you will still end up treating whites and nonwhites, as a group, differently.
>"""normal""" first panel
>Dating a nigger regardless
Yeah, nah. Fuck off m8.
>an exact ratio
>only one white guy
pretty fucking on point. kek
Normal would only have white people if they hired by merit
I'm totally in agreement with this, and I'm a Trump supporter
He's hiring whites and Asians
I wish he made more. I miss the guy.
Also, hiring the most qualified/best person for the job will probably be a white person most of the time tbqhwyf.
More strawmans
>everyone who disagrees with my superiority is exactly the same
Lazerbot and Chris Chan are 2 different people you idiots.
PLEASE don't tell me Lazerbot cut his balls off as well.
>shame about him cutting a hole in his ballsack
wait what?
Ok but don't get mad at me when I date only white girls
It's not racism it's just that all niggers are fucking ugly
It's just aesthetics
Nice divide and qonquer Mr. Finkelstein. You left out which part the jews are playing in the game.
do you have a larger version of that pic?
Oh I knew that. I thought he was talking about what happened to Mario in that chapter.
By the way if anyone was wondering this is Tails Gets Trolled. It's actually good somehow in both a good and bad way.
Yes, but, implementing rules to hire based on color is racist.
Pick your poison: racism or racism.
The problem with this is that the "normal" always gets brow beaten by the left wing antiwhites.
The "normal" is going to be browbeaten by whichever group the pendulum favors.
It is unfortunate.
Fucking finally. These days it seems that you're the only one of your kind left in the world if you aren't either a sturmfag or a SJW.
>there are people out there that think the red side is just as prevalent as the blue side
i'm glad people are becoming more aware of just how harmful 'progressivism' is, but they're still acting like it's a necessary evil because SO MANY white people are walking the streets shouting and cussing at minorities
i hope you're just mistaking the author of TGT for chris chan else i missed something
>all strawmen regardless of column, including "normal"
question: if it was a black girl who only dated black men because she didn't want to betray her fellow black people, would this be "Right Racism" or "Left Racism" ? (or jewish girl, or hispanic girl, or etc.)
What if it's a Muslim who refuses to date non-muslims? Are we still into a "racist" territory here? Or is it all just "I don't want to date someone who isn't from my own CULTURE" and was never racist to begin with and is just an excuse used to shame white people for wanting to keep to themselves.
Life is too fucking short for this shit. Live and let live.
horrible art
great story
8/10, would read again
You guys hear? They just released the newest audiobook of this!
Mfw i have been here for over 10 years. Where did it all go so right
More like indirect racism vs direct racism.
That's nice except mark and mudasir shouldn't usually be allowed into your country.
Wow, I narrowly dodged the bullet on that one.
The issue with "normal" is that the media right now is much more likely to have some form of the left side in it. This convinces the "normal" group to be at least slightly more left than right. Overall I like the comic and agree with it, but it ignores this crucial fact.
I am much more normie than I thought.
so close, yet so far
Close, but I'm definitely autistic
kek subtle i like it
I agree with your comic. Right wing racism is the best option.
I can't even tell what was changed
this makes sense if you're a selfish fucking asshole that doesn't care about future generations
so you're 11?
why would anyone here argue about this though? the dominant position here is that meritocracy is the least racist, most effective and overall most beneficial means of employment in any society and under all political conditions.
only lefty Sup Forums think differently about this. and they are fucking nuts.
well played
The most true breakdown of societal issues I've read all year.
Well, I can't say the most true. Author did not name the Jew
You forgot your leaf, OP
normalfags are the most racist people
stormfags are too self-aware to be racist in public
Kek, VERY subtle
This is brilliant, well done
The middle employer only hires whites, i.e the most qualified
[spoiler] please kill me [spoiler]
>can't even do spoilers right
[spoilers] I am a complete and utter embarrassment [spoilers]
Oh look it's the centrists pretend to be smart
I guess I am a failure.
believe it or not sometimes people like and are attracted to others outside of their race.
No spoilers here
You're very stupid.
The red column is mostly non-existent, The blue column is encouraged by (((them))), and the yellow column is the fantasies of a man with no conviction.
>I date Mark because he's sweet and caring
>Is a nigger
Except the guy in the middle is being pushed to the right because the left hates him just for existing.
I like this comic. Made me smile. Is this making the rounds on social media? I hope some of these people start to see how crazy they've been acting.
t. Jesús García
In all seriousness, I live in shitskin central of Spain and I've literally seen 2 race mixed couples this whole time. Shitskins like me aren't getting laid, they're just mooching off the welfare state and doing God knows what with their life.
tl;dr white people don't like and aren't attracted to other outside of their race unless the chick is really really worthless or the guy is really really good looking
or that both left and right have racists that only differ on what races they prefer
>take stuff both ends say
>twist it and make it more extreme
>"i date white men because im not a degenerate"
>"I value my heritage and think that mixing things up will lead to a rootless global consumerist world"
> black bf
> normal
It's a misrepresentation because Racism doesn't equal hate. I'm very racist, I still have black and even Muslim friends.
Racism is using pattern recognition to make the best possible choice with the current information. If it's people you just met, that information is little more than their skin colour, etc. If you get more data, you update your outlook.
So Racism doesn't mean I'm gonna never hire someone who is the wrong colour, it means I'm going to recognise the fact that them being that colour, TO MY KNOWLEDGE, indicates that they would be a worse employee in that position. Is it a certainty? Of course not, I'm not omniscient, I might make the wrong choice, but I'll just go with the best odds.
what the fuck did I just watch?
[spoiler]There are no spoilers on Sup Forums, only undistilled "truth"[/spoiler]
I'm ok with this
I know white women don't actually usually date outside of their race. Much less than white men so it can seem like they never do
on the other hand the ones that do tend to make a big deal about it because they incorporate dating a black guy as part of their identity because they are boring vapid people with nothing to contribute
the result is it seems like white women will never leave dating white guys unless they are full on hoodrat single mother tier and well its mostly true but its possible for there to be a normal healthy mixed race couple even including BM/WF
W theory is vastly superior to horseshoe theory.
Tails Gets Trolled. You need to read it. It is incredible. The Hamlet of the century.
some people aren't afraid of a rootless world they just want to live happy fulfilled lives with people they love and they don't see an attachment to their race or nation as a key component in that
What does it mean by this?
>le ebin symmetry maymay
>le I'm superior because I'm in the middle maymay
even quality post, 5/10
i'll give you an argument:
this is some cuck bullshit right here.
be complacent. be tolerant. employ just as many muds as whites. white women, date a mulatto. THAT is what your culturally marxist image portrays as "normal".
hail Jesus Christ, King of the Jews.
Check the second picture of the normal part.
problem is most racists are informed y misanthropic echo chambers like Sup Forums and never realize that race carries very little information about a potential person you should really get with the program and start discriminating based on class like an enlightened gentleman such as myself
>complains about strawmans
>then posts a strawman
>I date Mark because he's sweet and caring
Thought no woman ever.