America is already Brazil-tier nation. The government is lying to about the "60%" number. It is beyond saving. Focus on saving Europe.
Other urls found in this thread:
>America is Brazil tier
>Focus on saving europe
>Implying Brazil is somehow more doomed than Europe
Implying its worth to save white people. Whites are a bunch of limp wrist weakling cucks. Nothing worth will be lost when the last white disappear.
Your gibs and technology will be lost
Have fun wallowing around in the dirt without shoes like your favela brothers, stupid nigger
Ok mixed-skin mistake
delete this
Fuck Europe, and Fuck you. Posting this shit under an American flag, you are a disgrace. You really think Europe wants your help? Or in the event that I'd did, do you think they would welcome you with open arms? Europe is a lost cause for anyone that isn't European and you aren't European no matter how lily white your ass looks. You are an American, be American, have some goddamn pride in yourself and stop shilling for Europe because white people started there. Your ancestors had the common sense to get the Fuck out, who are you to abandon your country for a bunch of arrogant faggots hell bent on destroying their own nations so they can be "one of the good ones."
>a bloo bloo bloo I saw a brown person
Grow up, you think it's any better across the pond? Oh yeah being surrounded by poor white people will probably be much better then living in a country where a large number of poor brown people are... that most semi successful white people don't even have to live near.
>Muh heritage!
>Muh white homeland
You became a mongrel the moment your ancestors integrated into America. You will never be a native European and they will never view you as such. Stop placing so much stock in having white skin Euro ancestors. Make something of yourself here and make your nation what you want it to be or don't, flee to a dying continent full of self loathing progressives and live as an immigrant. Never becoming a true citizen, relegated to "our American friend" at best and a "damn American" to everyone else.
>you think it's any better across the pond?
It was just 20 years ago. It can be fixed again. Eastern Europe is still 99% white.
You are even worse. You don't have any loyalty to your people, or to your blood. Only to a flag. But the flag is meaningless when the people who occupy its lands are no longer the same as those who first hoisted it.
So fuck off faggot, enjoy your mulatto grandchildren
>muh civic nationalism
Honestly I can't see the point in shitposting on /pol just because we (some more than others) are getting cucked by niggers, kikes and spics. If your country has a problem then do something to fix that.
>Muh white people
>muh blood
>muh ancestors
Been working out great so far hasn't it. Nobody gives a fuck where you can trace your lineage to. Have some pride in your nation or go be an immigrant elsewhere. If I cared about what some white pride faggots on the internet think I'd ask you to get a trip code before you go so in a year's time you can come here and post about how you are 100% ethnic German or wherever you end up squatting. Maybe post a picture of you holding a "we are all European" sign next to some Syrian refugee in a burka.
Shitskins are this stupid.
The dissonance you have is astounding.
>refugees and burkas
I guess you're forgetting about all the Mexicans and niggers in this country who are arguably even worse. Or let me guess, you're one of them yourself.
>If I cared about what some white pride faggots
Right. So you don't care. Probably because you're not white. Must be nice having white European men build shit for you so you can your shitskins cousins can come move in and co-opt it for yourselves. I care about white pride faggots, you know why? Because that's who built and founded this country. You're the only immigrant here, shitskin.
You're welcome beaner.
Lmao you may be the lowest testosterone American I've ever come across. Who the fuck cares about faggot Europeans?
Forgetting about the USA? Go live in a Balkan shithole then you traitorous fuck. I care about how republican the USA is, and they just elected one of the most based leaders of all time, meanwhile Sweden just let 10k more refugees rape their assholes.
America is land of the free, home of the brave. Europe is land of the shit economies, limp wristed homos, and refugee rape. Fuck off with your defeatist attitude to some loser country (like Canada).
>70% white
>no one cares about lineage
What world do you live in? Everyone cares, you retard. Blacks bitch about light skins. East asians hate jungle asians. American whites don't consider mixed race people white at all. Western Euros shit on eastern euros.
We went from 90% to 70% in mere years, because a bunch of cuckholded whites let a shit ton of refugees in.
You don't get it, do you? I have no idea what state you grew up in, but if you hate California and the numales who live there, just wait till you go to "muh nordic" countries. Those guys are massive fags. At least the USA has the balls to block refugees and elect Trump for Christ's sake.
>America is land of the free, home of the brave
why are ameritards so stupid?
>thinking roach opinions matter
How does it feel to know that turkey is whiter than %60land?
Yes we know Ahmed. Now go back to paying for your 3 million refugees
The Turk is actually right. Istanbul is whiter than most of America.
I addressed this here >America
60% is still better than 2%, sandnigger.
>one autist who thinks the government is lying and uses Sup Forums meme images to "prove" it
>another who thinks that being a mulatto is just fine because FUG YUROP XDDD
The real reason America is fucked is because everyone here is fucking retarded
And who the fuck cares? Sweden is far whiter than the US is, yet they are cuckholded beyond belief. I'd rather live in a society which is pro gun and pro business and anti sjw then some all white sjw haven like Sweden.
>Implying Spics think of themselves as American.
Nope, I'm not sharing a country with Hispanics and blacks.
I too cringe at racemixing. But dont you value preserving your rights above how white a country is? Again, Iceland is white as fuck but they also are a literal matriarchy because the men are too weak. I think its more about American culture.
Gtfo roach
See that i agree with. Every citizen needs to describe themselves as American first.
Searched for american people and turkish people and took the 2nd picture in both searches, no cherry picking
Now tell me delusional burgers, which picture would you call more white?
In a democratic republic where the races don't view themselves as having the same political goals numbers become everything
Hence maintaining a majority of white Americans is a good thing for me, especially since niggers would not be able to maintain a society due to their belief that gibs are a right
Rights already exist and will continue to exist as long as the constitution exists. More non-whites means balkanization, race war and a new constitution which restricts rights in favor of racial unity in a rump-America for whites only (northern states and the whiter parts of the south and west coast) is in fact more likely to destroy rights.
Hence a whiter America is a freer America, a less white America will lead to a balkanized America will lead to a natsoc America lacking in rights.
>But dont you value preserving your rights above how white a country is?
to a limited extent. biology is a massive factor.
>Focus on saving Europe.
top fucking kek
To an extent. When you see white millenials today, I think they are just as capable of voting away your rights. And yes you're right, nigger culture is terrible.
Out of curiosity, who would you deport first: all blacks, or all white hillary supporters?
>Focus on saving Europe
The place whose populations have already decided they want to become the US, demographically? The place where racism is outright banned and not even the government is allowed to have guns. A place where refugees are welcomed by the boatload and allowed to access the state's welfare. And more broadly speaking this is the place that has deliberately chosen to give up on being militarily powerful because it has another country, the US, to do it for them. This is the region of the world that once owned the entire planet but gave it up because "racism".
No matter how hard you try to imagine otherwise OP the US is not nearly the same level of cucked Europe is. Even California arms their police officers with handguns, a thing which most European countries refuse to do.
The only hwhite countries worth saving at this point are Finland, maybe Switzerland, Norway, Denmark, and maybe the Netherlands.
Of course, there is no way we will have any significant effect on those nations, considering this is an ENGLISH LANGUAGE BOARD, mostly used by AMERICANS.
Go to yliluata or something if you want to save Europe. This board is a Trump shill colony.
>implying you would want to leave this if you're not a cuck
The majority of 18-35 year old white non-Hispanic people voted Trump. I wonder how that demographic would change if you added white Hispanics. Overall it doesn't matter.
Also the niggers go first. Without niggers VA and a bunch of other states would be red. White liberals would be isolated in a handful of coastal states.
Europeans don't *want* that at all. I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Their governments are forcing it on them and eventually they're going to snap. Have you even spoken with them? Even the average European woman has had enough.
>deafening silence
>not even a "hurr durr sandniggers are not white" reply
Thanks for proving my point homies
>When you see white millenials today, I think they are just as capable of voting away your rights.
that's where you're wrong
Burgerboi is mad because his country is a literal degeneracy factory controlled by Jews. And they export cuck propaganda through hollywood and the media, and the rest of the world has to see it. Fuck you and your aspertamed brain you stupid fat burgercow.
Go fight another war for the Juden and claim you're somehow superior, bitch.
it's pretty easy to explain this away. When you search "american family" you're more likely to get stock pictures or articles about american families (written by liberal cucks) than you are to actually get a randomly selected family photo.
Fuck off shill. Europe is far worse off than us, and we've got President Trump taking office in a little less than two months.
>deafening silence
It's because most of us skip right over turkroach posts.
The democrats already show no respect for the constitution. All gun regulations are violations of the second amendment, yet they pass anyway due to democrats being voted in, in part by millenials.
Top kek. Europeans vote for those policies. They are low T faggots. They are overwhelmingly anti gun, anti free speech, and pro refugee. It took 2 million migrants into germany for germans to even CONSIDER choosing another leader.
Europeans do want it, every time they keep re-electing the current cuck governments into power. France even went to far to reject the Maastricht Treaty but their government still joined the EU (as we now understand it) anyway, and they faced to consequences. Even right now the biggest question in Europe is not "how to deal with the migrants" or "how to restructure the Euro" but "how to keep the "fascists" out of power". And their parliamentary unitary government system reinforces it.
For point of reference Merkel has been in power since 2006 and things are shaping up where she will likely remain Chancellor until at least 2025. In that same period the US will have had four different Presidents and ten legislative elections.
>Even the average European woman has had enough.
The "average" European doesn't care about politics, same as America. They keep voting for the same centrists they've always voted for. And if push comes to shove they'll likely vote for them over a euroskeptic party that promises change and instability. Europeans chose security over self-determination long ago and they are not going to change any time soon.
And again, remember that Europe right now is far more cucked than the US as they simply refuse to defend themselves because that's "racism". Frontex's main job is to bring migrants safely into Europe, not keep them out. This is the exact opposite of what ICE does.
someone's butthurt
hollywood died this election yet europeans still cling to it because it promotes their own cosmopolitan world view
Fuck off kike
Europe can burn for all I care, we aren't going to stop winning just because you can't stand the sight of our victory erections
Get the fuck off our clay if you don't want to be here
Its that simple
It can be saved.
>I addressed this here
>with anecdotal evidence
Good job being a faggot, faggot.
>Europeans don't *want* that at all. I'm not sure where you're getting this from. Their governments are forcing it on them and eventually they're going to snap. Have you even spoken with them? Even the average European woman has had enough.
You couldn't be further from the truth.
Most Europeans WANT to be replaced. I see it, I hear it. I talk to people. 90% of people I talk to either don't care or they advocate it. If a population does not want to secure itself, it deserves to die. And so does America.
Yeah okay bud, go watch sausage party with your wife
See i agree with you, American white people are the most republican race. And I believe that it is because they are the most patriotic and americanized people in the country.
But again, clearly it has more to do with culture. Western Euro whites, in today's age, would vote against gun rights, free speech laws, and be pro refugee. And clearly some groups, like blacks, refuse to integrate. So what do we do then, for example, if American whites can't get their birthrates up? Id like to see the US stay right wing. Clearly importing Western Europeans wouldn't work. And Eastern Euros are too poor and bring no skills. So what then?
Eurocucks are the ones voting in these people who do
No matter your beliefes you cannot deny that more cucks are voting FOR the destruction of Europe than against that
Ffs Brexit had to trick voters into voting for it despite it being borderline mandatory to have if Bongistan wants to even consider to continue being a people
Americans are white, they're just mutts
If everyone had even 1% of negro DNA, the population would look completely different
Look at Cubans
There's ALWAYS something off-looking about them
They're white, but there's something that tells you "they're not white" in your head when you see them
It's that 1% negro that blows it all off
American (the supermajority) are certainly not mixed
I'd say like 5% have injun blood, but injun blood is recessive
because I'm an adult, I don't watch cartoons
has it occurred to you yet that some of us here are older than 18?
>They're white
Fuck off Amerimut.
Before the 70's America(not JUST the white population) was almost completely homogeneous
That's because we had the world's second most successful state sponsored eugenics program in history
>t. Achmed
Nearly every "white" American I know has injun blood in them.
Says little Pakistan
Anti white detected
Hispanic is not a race and any race could be hispanic
A brown beaners race is "Mixed" or "Mestizo" not hispanic because hispanic is not a race
Don't lump Spaniards with Niggers ever again you idiotic anti white tumblr dyke whore jew.
Blame blacks and mestizos, not blacks and hispanics because then you are blaming white hispanics like Ted Cruz and Spanish men
Hispanic is a geographic term, not a racial one
Read the spanish caste system before you post again
The brown bad criminal "Hispanics" are mestizos filled with aztec blood. They aren't brown due to their "Hispanic" genes from spain
Go to school nigger
This meme again
What hell hole part of the country do you live in where every white is both half nigger and part Indian?
we're whiter than you and we're pure
you're 58% "white" pmsl and half of that are mongrels lmao
If you're so pure then why are half the english swarthy looking shits like this?
I have seen my first non-white today.
He didn't explode or rape any women.
He was just a normal person.
You lied to me Sup Forums
Google black Irish you mut
>this man is classed as white in america
>I have seen my first non-white today.
where the hell do you live?
some backass village where even the bus makes a stop only twice per week?
Berlin prob
apparently a lot of Americans go there on holiday
That guy is definitely, definitely the product of infidelity on behalf of the mother. Go look at pictures of both his parents. They're both overwhelmingly white and British and this guy looks like a fucking ISIS fighter.
>sees one non-white person
>suddenly thinks he is an expert
Talk to me when you are the only non-white person in your neigborhood and when you go to festivals or shopping and you are the only white person in a sea of browns. You will change your mind very quickly.
Why do you want to visit? Do you want see the guy too?
According to americans germany is already overrun with too many non-whites and we are all cucks.
I thought we are already way worse than you.
Wish we had this flag instead of that EU Abomination
>Eastern Europe is still 99% white.
Eastern Europeans aren't white.
The (((Elite's))) of USA and Europe are pushing the celebration of white demographic replacement to protect their Mass Immigration Scheme (provides them with Cheap Labor.)
There is not saving Europe or anywhere else until every single lower level white understands what is being done and why it is being done.
Spread the word!
also i never claimed white i just said i was a mongrel with white skin who contributes to society. thats a lot of people in america
>thinking any of them are white.
If Eastern Europeans aren't white then nobody is
My burger friend, if you only knew. The amount of quadroons in this country is huge, and mixed Brazilians are mostly ugly as hell, don't fall for the "Brazilian Beauty" meme.
I'm a """pure-breed""", as you can see, but I'll tell you this is rare as fuck where I live.
Genetic heritage thread?
yeah that one some icelandic guy got really triggered at me cause i called myself whitepassing(on account of my white skin and everyone i know assumes im white) and he kept telling me im not white by any metric it was hilarious
you have a very detached judeo-nihilistic perspective, I wish I could say it was just simple ignorance
clearly you're some kind of mixed race person, you couldn't possibly understand, you belong to a lower form of life, it's actually very possible that you're not even an ensouled being, literally a flesh golem created to serve the jews
no, i wouldn't expect something like you to empathize with our plight nor to understand our collective desire to return to our ancestral homelands
If you look at actual population studies, you'd know why that's bullshit. White Americans are overwhelming white, they cluster right over Western Europeans, less than 5% of self identified whites have any admixture, those who do have very little. You can thank our past obsession with eugenics and purity for this. Covert mass sterilizations, rejection of impurity via the one drop rule.
The problem is that white Americans are absolute retards. Oh, wow, look at this romantic Indian warrior, one with the wind! I must be part Indian, look at my black hair/brown hair/brown eyes! Anything that is not blue-eyed and blonde must be part Indian!
This is how they, we, think. My family had our own Indian princess story, recently disproven by genetic testing. And we're all blue-eyed and blonde. Why did we end up with this fake story? Why do white Americans across the country have the same fake family story? Because everyone in this country is a conformist retard who wants to be special at the same time.
meant for
Oppression Olympics
True. They consider Arabs white.
Places like Sweden and France are basically fucked too though
We had a eugenics program? Please elaborate.
>well known that London is the most fucked area of the UK
>where I live is still 96% white
>area I'm considering moving to, celebrated for it's diversity, still 90% white
>look up stats for London
>59.8% white
Hahaha fucking Amerifats, your entire country is as fucked as our capital. We purge the capital and we're good to go, lets see you purge your entire nation.
Typical jew post to try and divide whites. Fuck off, Kike. Saged.