>no weed
>constant pain of havin no weed
>wish i had weed
>Americans have the right idea
No weed
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How harsh are the weed laws there, for growing or buying?
dude weed lol
Soft as fuck.
Unless you are dealing a smallish fine is the worst to expect.
1- Easy to grow
2- Growing is more fun than smoking
>actually addicted to weed
ugh... keep this shit illegal
Haven't smoked in almost 24 hours.
Fucking fiending.
Can't stop sweating.
Can't think about anything but how much I want to smoke a fat blunt.
I would suck an AIDS riddled nigger dick for a roach right now.
where are you located?
nice b8
>Ran out of weed recently
>Fucked up on (((Black Friday))) and now -$49 in
>can't re-up on weed until Friday
Uuuugggh fuck retail
just grow some, keep a plant going at all times, it's cheap and easy.
holy shit wtf im addicted now
I've got only a little bit of buds right now.
I ran out of oil but I got some goopy looking reclaim
Ehhhh I've done worse with less
how do people in australia even get weed? in america we have mexicans that make it and bring it up
In many states possession of a gram or less, or possession by ingestion, costs more than a DUI with more jail time.
i hear ya, OP. I've been a daily smoker for years such that going without for even a day becomes a nightmare scenario. I've been trying to "quit" lately. The first day abstaining is always the hardest but it gets slightly easier from there, still the craving never subsides and I always end up back on the pipe.
The longest I've been able to go without relapsing is 3 months. I'll tell myself something like "I'll buy some, but only smoke on the weekends!" but it never works out that way. If there's weed in the house I'm smoking it. I can't resist.
This time I tried a different technique and bought some hash cookies, which can be taken in more discrete doses than buds, and are also more expensive so I don't feel quite the same temptation to binge. I've been able to control myself and only eat a cookie on weekends, but I'd still love to get high all the time if I could.
I hate what a hopeless addict I've become, but I ain't got shit else.
Weed is stupid.
Ive spent a month away from the UK and ive realised its stupid and a waste of money.
It makes you boring. For pain relief and other health things i accept it, but recreational smoking every night makes you a boring, one dimensional person.
Source-have smoked every day for 5 years until now
I don't smoke weed it should still not be illegal because it's up to the individual and heir social circle to enforce behavior not the state
I found a used weed needle with some left inside it.
It'll keep me from going through withdrawal sickness till I'm able to steal something to generate some cash.
that sounds like a you problem
cannabis is different for everyone, stop acting like its a one size fits all plant
Tfw you have a guy who gives you a cone for free.
America will never be great again until cannabis is legalized.
>past 4 years of smoking weed I thought I'd be crippled by anxiety/depression when I quit
>ran out 3 months ago and never got more
>turns out I was a lot more anxious and depression prone when I was smoking
go figure
Do you sprinkle crack in your joints?
It might be there is something else going on. Read A book by Maia Szalavitz. Often times, substance use is a symptom, not a cause. For example anxiety or depression. Yes, Cannabis can be habit forming, but compared to some other things (eg. cigarettes or alcohol), it's on the average way easier to quit. If I had to guess there was, and probably still is something wrong with you and if you never resolved that, you're probably still in pain. You should probably see a shrink. No shame in it.
It's real simple. If you're using drugs because you're in pain, you treat the pain, ignoring the drugs unless they're a danger. Once the pain is gone, people stop using the drug. There are all sorts of other issues that make it more complicated (getting in bad drug habits), but drug use by itself, or any substance use, is largely cultural. Look at rates of drinking in Denmark versus the US for example.
If you've been taught to use a substance in one way, to take massive bong rips and dabs all day long and what not, you're going to abuse it. If you share a joint with your spouse after you get home from work, it's another matter. If you treat it responsibly, you won't have a problem. Don't be an idiot. It's the same argument with Guns. Taking my liberty away, well that's just a return to prohibition and does nothing but fund crime.
If you want a WN argument in favor of Cannabis legalization, it's this: in states where Cannabis has been legalized, the owners of the businesses have almost exclusively been white. Blacks are being excluded from the new Cannabis businesses because most of the Blacks who have experience largely have criminal records. If you believe cannabis to be harmful, well, you can sell it to black folk in legal states and exclude them from the profits. Be like FARC in South America, which manufactures coke but forbids it to it's own people.
>all those leftist cucks in highschool trying to convince me that weed isn't addictive
>starting to see posts like this pop up frequently on Sup Forums
I was straight edge before it was even a thing. Oh fuck I am so cool.
You sure you're smoking weed there friend
Well that's the thing. If you over-use it, it causes more problems. Once you realize that, you either quit cold turkey, titrate yourself down somehow (maybe through a friend), and then you get over it. Or you simply add more CBD to the mix (CBD counteracts the paranoid type effects of the THC). Watch. It's science:
you stupid cunt
you don't inject weed, you snort it
you fucking idiot
>weed needle
Now I know that I'm being trolled. Epic.
Just picked up 2 grams off my cousin who lives opposite me. Hitting my little mini-bong now.
To all you bong smokers out there, I highly recommend getting a small, can sized bong. It hits better than big bongs because the smoke is far more dense and the pipe itself is short, so you get a dense hit that you take all at once.
Blows my fuckin 'ed off every time boys.
>just wants to suck on that BBC
>he doesn't use weed rectal suppositories
Who needs weed?
wisdom, more efficient too desu
but how do you find a decent bowl / cone?
gooks don't know how to make a decent cone piece, the hole is too big and you lose half your weed every time.
i have bought 50 of these things.
It just got legalized in my state this month. Feels good man.
0/10, try again
Just hit my first cone this very minute.
Feel your pain though. Sticks when you're dry
>he thinks you can't be addicted to weed
Wow.. you are a faggot. Hands down. Please kill yourself. Now. Do it now.
wisdom indeed
Who's man's is this? Who are these unbelievable faggots. I am cringing reading these posts.. I used to shoot fucking dope and I was NEVER THIS FUCKING GAY.
You're supposed to use pipe screens you numpty, a little metal mesh you put in the bowl to stop suckin ya fucking weed through
god I can't imagine how much good weed you've just sucked straight through that pipe mate, sort yourself out
Weed is not some fucking physically addictive substance.. like literally no physical withdrawal. You need to kill yourself. I am not going to ask you to do it again.
6/10, too much
These threads are being made by people who haven't taken the full redpill or cucks who enjoy trolling people here.
Wasting government money on something that has clearly not worked isn't redpilled, it's a jewish tactic. The pharmaceutical companies love your ignorance.
>tfw there are dispensaries all over your city
>tfw you can walk in and choose from a dozen different strains and every imaginable weed derived product
> Pain
Weed doesn't have withdrawl.
I can't help it man.
My momma, god bless her, used to put weed in my bottle as a baby to help with teathing pains.
She used to give me a hit to reward me when I did my chores.
My first words was were "blaze it"
This 100%. The pharmaceutical companies and alcohol companies were the ones paying for anti-legalization commercials in my state and many others. I love how all these blue pilled cucks think being a contrarian makes them red pilled.
I smoked for 2 years straight everyday , multiple times a day and I stopped cold turkey 3 weeks ago and feel nothing. You guys are some weak willed faggots. Kys please
Hemp could literally stop oil wars and level the petrodollar.
Use jet lighters
Don't, they burn too hot and you only need to start an ember in the bowl, not torch it
Fuck that kill the bowl in one pussy
I don't get people who smoke every day but use disposable lighters and smoke from Gatorade bottles.
If something is a big part of your life why not invest a little money so you don't look like a hobo when you're doing it?
Besides, a disposable lighter is $1.50, a whole can of lighter fluid is $4, which do you think costs less in the long run?
Ligter fluid is poisonous to inhale, use hemp wick. Also you should all start vaping because smoking bud isnt much better than smokin cigarettes for your lungs...
You're good bro
get in here bros