Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism...

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.


ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:


It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.








Other urls found in this thread:


>switch around communism and national socialism
>"good enough"

Why is the left's propaganda always so low energy?

unironically using 'comrades' is one of the cringiest things ever

Communism's only real future is in a post singularity, AI controlled society, with fully automated industry.


Srsly interesting at the very least.
Humans clearly cannot be trusted to do it the right way.



If we reach this before we reach socialism, it will mean the extermination of the entire proletariat.



Why do marxists WANT to live in poverty?

When can we start killing these people?




Fuck yourself you disgusting degenerate.

So what would they use to barter with the outside world to gain the essential raw materials and various items the commune has no way to produce?

! ! ! ATTENTION ! ! !
This is now a nigger hate thread.

Hello leftypol

do what u have to do,
write what u have to write,

but never forget to sage in option field,

when u reply to a fuckin commie retard!

How much do you weigh?

I feel genuinely sad for you guys. In fact, I feel sad for all raiders like you. You wake up, do whatever you do, then spend your precious time shitposting, or should I say, pissing into the ocean.

Of course, I'm a 4channer myself, but I can't imagine setting shitposting as even a short term goal for myself.

they're underage contrarian edgelords, or they're already poor bitter failures who want other peoples things without having to work

you switched natsoc and communism

Oh yeah sure, because a CEO of a company just sit on his ass doing nothing and takes your hard earned money right?

Why are you still pushing for communism when just socialism fucked France with too much taxes and regulation, making the rich leaving and the rest of the population enough money to pay taxes, rent and food?

how do gommunists reconcile the fact that they want to erode everything society takes for granted, like stable families and religion?

Your pic is not accurate, it is intellectually dishonest. The national socialism IS what communism is...what communist country today, allows their citizens to have guns? Do N. Korea and Cuba allow gun rights/protections to their citizens?

Yeah communism seems great on paper, we get it. It only works if everyone is willing to put in 100% of their effort. If we were robots, communism would be perfect.

Bump for nigger hate thread.

the lord kek has SPOKEN



your death is soon.

How does it work?

stop trying to push this in /leftypol/
fuck off back to crapchan


>people allowed to have guns
>OP is historically ignorant.

Tried, failed, no need to keep on making the same mistakes.

do what u have to do,
write what u have to write,

but never forget to sage in option field,

when u reply to a fuckin commie retard!!

well done.
also, saged.


Castro is currently in a hell he didn't believe existed 2 weeks ago.

fuck off with this shit


I don't recall in the 80's that rang true. I recall my father getting forced at gun point to work in the ship yards and we did not have guns.

>helm the communist revolution
>become Party Leader
>ruling body becomes elite with posh lifestyles while everyone else is poor as fuck
>75 years later nomenklature declares le free market and privatizez all the country's assets overnight, become oligarchs while everyone else is poor

yes america try communism it's gonna be great

you're going have a capital time explaining this idea to double-digit IQ niggers



You all realize that both National Socialism and Communism are left-wing ideologies?

The only difference between National Socialism and Communism is the belief in Nationalism versus Anti-nationalism.

All marxism is bad.
It's pseudoscience.

Well I'm not an overweight lazy marxist so 175 lbs.

Sage & slide this BS from these sub-80 IQ commie subhuman scum invading this board because they're insecure virgin nerds with no life.

If you're a true /pol-ack and you reply but don't sage, you're literally worse than a fucking nigger.

They don't know how to do anything other than repurpose propaganada albeit very shittily, not a creative or independent thought can cross their minds.

communism will prevail, the world will be communist in 30 years

So about 300Ibs desu nice try.

By the way, let me tell you what we did to commies in 1956. See pic related for example, a member of the ÁVÓ, the almost exclusively Jewish secret police of the also almost exclusively communist occupation government of Hungary.

So these guys, these commies, these Jews terrorised us for 9 years before the revolution. They kidnapped and tortured and killed people, in the name of THE people. They robbed people of their rightfully owned property in the name of THE people.

So do you want to know what's with the guy in the picture? As you can obviously see, he's being hanged by his leg and kicked in the ribs, but here's the twist: the stuff around his shoulders and head isn't just his sweater, it's also his foiled skin. That's what we did to the red scum, and that's what should be done to all of them.

It's not the current year anymore. Faggot.

>Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.
To bad this has been entirely discredited roughly 50 years ago hence the massive shift within the left to more "social democracy" shit.

Also communism as an economic organization is quite literally impossible and your pic is based on the disproven in the 1920s Marxian LTV


>muh safespace.


Tough luck pal I'm a liberal.

threadly reminder guys

sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field

always sage when talking to leftists
it's fun to poke at them, but please don't bump their threads

*exclusively Jewsih communist occupation govt

NO tolerance for socialism, NO tolerance for communism, NO tolerance for leninism, NO tolerance for marxism!

the only good red is dead!

So why exactly are the people in the bottom image digging? What incentive do they have? Are they digging their own graves?

The only good commie is a dead commie.


America is to libertarian for a situation like that to arises
Russia in 1917 or any other shithole was to backwards for a real revolution to sustain itself
I don't see an oppressive dictatorship arising in America without mass resistance breaking out
America is one of the few places libertarian socialism could establish itself


What's your definition of "left-wing ideology"?

It's so cute when cheese ridden fat fuck marxists project.

Why should we not murder every single one of you?

Why don't you do the world a favor and make yourself a good little commie?

>Having to carry around a gun while working
Sounds like a shitty third world country

Socialism is a left-wing ideology. National Socialists and Communists are socialists.

Good goy

Any proof to back up such a claim?

Why do try so hard when you're going to get nowhere?

Is there a form of communism where everybody doesn't starve at some point?

>The national socialism IS what communism is.
Not really both would be what the nat soc pic is

How many times do we need to spam an delete these threads for you kikes to fuck off? Commies are not welcome

Sage and hide


killing yourself is a trait of nazi leaders (see hitler)

Kill every single one of these people.

You don't understand.
We don't give a fuck.
You're not going to stop us from existing by spamming our threads. Repressing something does not get rid of it.

I find it funny how one single communist general makes you drumpftards so salty and butthurt

constantly seeing threads like this is the price of becoming mainstream

sage goes in the options field

Only a dumb marxist son of a bitch would think I have a fetish for kraut retards.

>Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.
How so?

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
What is a "state", in your opinion? How do you unify the concept of a "classless society" with the competitive nature of humanity that is present especially in males? Wouldn't human nature seek to get rid of the equal footing? Wouldn't a strong man seek dominance over a weak one, an intelligent one over a dumb one, an industrious one over a lazy one, etc. etc.?


Problem is there's more then one, you idiots can't even organizerl enough to not fall in the spam category.

I assume it's a scale on which communism is left-wing and capitalism is right-wing. Since nazism has heavy regulations on the economy, it is less capitalist than capitalism and is less right-wing therefore left-wing, is the sensible response. There's also the egalitarian nature under the banner of nationalism, but the economic argument is the easiest to make and the one Mises used.

Organize* shitposting on a phone is annoying some days.


All those fucking idiots who never even visited a post communist country have no clue how broken an idea is communism.

You have a place. You're just being shit tier trolls on a right-wing board.

Don't worry, I won't tell you to leave. I want you to suffer in this board right here.

just sage, man.

communism is the most insanely retarded idea that sheltered, liberal halfwit kids imagine will actually work out for them. it's absolutely insane that they think it's remotely possible, it will always be actual slave tyranny and the kinds of people who propose the idea are the ones who die a year later in a gulag.

Socialism is economically an idea that puts the collective's needs above the individual's. Is this on its own left-wing?

Or is left-wing also a matter of ethnic inclusion, basically the "nationalism vs globalism" issue? One of the core differences between national socialism is that it was nationalist, völkisch and very anti-globalist, while marxist socialism (communism) cared only about the class, not the ethnicity.

Isn't this also a defining difference between right-wing and left-wing?

Reminder that Reddit communists are trying to raid Sup Forums because they can't get enough attention on their own.

Kill yourselves. You're not even worth debating, but I hope you enjoy knowing you always have and always will lose.

Lol communism is effectively dead worldwide and will never rise again.

How does this make you feel?

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It puts each individuals needs above specific individuals needs.

I've also played Deus Ex :D

Say it with me

We have a chance to BTFO them with arguments, though. Also I'm bored, so why not try to convert some people to the light? I used to be a commie before I realized that human nature is fundamentally different from what is required by communism in order to work as intended. It's just a theoretic fantasy of a basement dwelling, jobless jew (Marx).

yeah sure

theres also more than one trumpf and nazi thread on this board. Your point?

you forget one thing in that picture
sure those guys are working together but just like in capitalism and national socialism some guy is standing behind them with a gun and taking the money
you fucking communist larpers piss me off
people will never be equal
you faggots want communism but only if you have a party card and get to sit in a comfy office

Sup Forums is a right wing board now?
Not according to your rules

Read your own rules you dumbo