Okay men, how do we defeat ISIS?
Okay men, how do we defeat ISIS?
Nazi Piracy
We don't.
They serve a good purpose.
The rise of the Right-Wing is partially thanks to them.
you bomb the shit out of them
Cut off their funding?
Once the elections are secure work with Russia in stamping them out. So pretty much stop funding them and turn our guns on them.
ISIS will be gone in a year's time unless we explicitly help them so nothing.
And then we keep doing nothing to the middle east and instead invest in domestic energy, clean or otherwise, to make sure we never have to again.
Give them anime. Make islamic anime for them and distribute it. Without anime there would have been jihadists in the west and japan too.
Stop giving them money.
Sit back and wait for the Russians to bomb them back to the stone age.
Wait for the Syrians to mop up.
Problem solved.
Im joining the air force to fry these fucks
I fucking hate islam so god damn much
ISIS has a variety of weaknesses you have to look at what made them strong in the first place.
1) Funding: ISIS has a shit ton of money mostly from oil.
2)Radicalization: ISIS has very strong internet presence and seems to be especially good at turning vulnerable youth to their cause.
3)Leadership: ISIS is composed mostly of former Iraqi army leadership who know how to wage war effectively.
4)Manpower: ISIS is able to wield a large fighting force and has no shortage of volunteers.
You want to beat them you have to fight them that way its a multi faceted approach which will take time.
The world needs to stop trying to proxy-war Syria.
No more politics about why and how different countries shouldn't interveen in Syria.
Let Russia in. Let them fuck shit up.
Then put in a government controlled by NATO, UN or something. As the sandpeople have shown absolutely no ability to maintain a stable government.
Remove religion from interfering with public buiseness
Fake/flalseflag videos of "them" torturing/killing pregnant women.
call power rangers
>Jews and Arabs stop funding them
step 1 : get the cia to stop paying
step 2 : get the cia to stop paying
step 3 : ???
step 4: profit
ISIS is a fucking paper tiger. Even a shit military like ours could defeat them.
You need boots on the ground. Burn the fuckers out of their caves and hand the cleansed land over to the kurds, assad or Iraqi goverment.
We gotta suk dey cocks N shit, days the only thing my man calm down 4
hundreds of thousands of dogs that attack all the humans that smell of sweaty/stale musk, should do it
We don't, Trump will. Saged