>'Turkey is like Germany after 1933'
we need to rescue her.
>'Turkey is like Germany after 1933'
we need to rescue her.
*unsheathes chainsaw*
nothing personnal kid
I want to fuck its ass
>beliving a k*rd
>Turkey is like Germany after 1933
As is Russia, the USA, the Philippines, Hungary, Poland, etc.
she looks like my penis
Post yfw Roachland descends into a bloody civil war
this will be the end for germany too.
>she looks like my penis
I want to fuck your penis
Naw. We just send them all to summer camp.
Case closed! Many such cases.
wtf I love your penis now
I'd say she is an auschwitz survivor, if it were real
Is that thing post-pubescent?
is like a fucking ghost
post anzu feet
At first I was infatuated with anzu but as I see more and more body pics I just start to care less and less...
It might be fun to throw her back and forth between two people though since she is so light.
I'd fuck that ghost
Here is some chest
I want to IMPREGNATE THAT roach
Thats just sad, its like a deflated balloon. Poor guy
Koksal will put Anzu in a gas chamber
u cant impregnate boys
its a roach, she'll survive.
you btr stop this meme u fkn burger
Next you're going to say a bug cant impregnate a woman
I want to fuck her tight pussy.
Fuck these kind of girls.
They are cute for from 18-23 when they are tiny and cute, but when they get older, that fram can't keep up with the changes and they all end up just looking like goblins.
>An international Task Force of autists join arms to liberate a qt anime cosplayer from an increasingly extremist Islamic country
This is the plot for the next Call of Duty mark my words
your seed is too weak
>Those fucking asperger shoes
II would liberate Anzu so hard she would never look back
that dude needs to fucking eat
>They are cute for from 18-23 when they are tiny and cute, but when they get older, that fram can't keep up with the changes and they all end up just looking like goblins.
this 2bh
>in japan you spouse someone by means of rape
that thigh gap only exists because her legs are like twigs
she looks like she would die during childbirth
>that dude needs to fucking eat
Thats no dude, thats a skeleton
>not she
this meme needs to stop.
this desu
you guys really fucking have fetishes over a fucking skeleton ? jesus christ !
Anzu would look a lot better with +10-15 pounds.
She is clearly fucking emaciated, zero fat on the inner thigh and arms, and her entire ribcage seems to be visible.
Are the frenchqt's really that good frognon?
>dat satanic pyramid
anzu is evil. hes an anorexic demon whos trying to fuck with your perception of reality.
what the fuck kind of name is anzu anyway? probably satanic
Not to mention her sharp fucking knees
He's ready.
surely better than your autistic drawing who don't even exist.
He's not even living in Turkey anymore.
uhh its japanese newfag
1. 2D > 3D newfag
2. Pic related is the only worthwhile Frank that's been put forth
erdogan looks deeply troubled
>should I euthanize him?
>is there a possibility that he will procreate?
>how do I clean the turkish gene pool from this?
Marion is love.
she looks gaining weight in more recent pictures
covering more skin does not equal gaining weight
Is this real?
We can only hope, her joints are going to be going to shit here soon if she doesn't get essentials in her diet.
Imagine if that gap closed by a little, thicc thighs are primo, even most 2D nip girls have em.
Stop wanting to ruin a perfectly fine cute girl with your thicc meme shit you /fit/fag.
Anzu is going to be my wife!
Anzu needs to step aside for the superior breeder
this, not everyone wants to be fat, fatty.
he's scared
he knows who truly rules Turkey
get on the line, amigo.
>you don't get to bring turks
I still think anzu is a cute, but you can't deny she is emaciated.
Discover Magazine says...
Turks = Armenians Kurds
Hot damn
Time to start writing Anzu Frank's diary so I can generate some shekels ten years from now.
I recognize you friend
Is queen roach a kurd? That would make her absolutely perfect
>Turkey goes at war with giants
>millions of turkroaches are going to be butchered
>Sup Forums plans to save a fucking trap out of them all
well, fuck
>>'Turkey is like Germany after 1933'
actually tho
Girls with no visible cleavage should not wear hole shirts
I implore that you end this meme
She doesn't look healthy senpai. It's nothing to do with THIIC, she looks genuinely sickly.
>Not wanting your waifu to be a proper sustainable weight
No one said being an autist is easy friendo.
>that disgusting frame
Gawd! Way way better.
The doctor told her to gain weight some time ago so perhaps she is okay now
I think those are breast forms
Don't ask how I know this
"She" is 25