Brit/pol/ - UKIP are racist edition

>MPs debate motion calling for new Iraq inquiry into Tony Blair 'misleading' parliament

>Prime Minister's Questions: Jeremy Corbyn and Theresa May's claims fact checked

>May: Tusk letter justifies expat stance

>Live: MPs debate Blair and Iraq - and PMQs reaction

>PMQs: Christmas means Christmas - Theresa May vows to PROTECT Christian holidays

>Could he get any worse? Jeremy Corbyn left red-faced after huge PMQs gaffe

>Exclusive: Attorney General to Appeal Non-Custodial Sentence for ‘Child Migrant’ Who Raped Five-Year-Old Boy

>Brexiteers Fighting the Metric System, One Street at a Time

>MPs accuse SNP of opportunism over Tony Blair motion

>Watch: Douglas Murray gives Richard Gott a history lesson

>Theresa May's officials to discuss Iran nuclear deal with Trump's team


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Still voting UKIP, yeah?

FUCK Imperial Leather desu

First for Saor Alba

Tunnocks tea cakes desu


UKIP actually are racist though


Yeah? I like Carswell, I've actually met him. Decent lad I guess, don't really agree with him on most things but he's only one member of UKIP.

Hope you don't have a \/PN.

Otherwise you're on THE LIST

>The first likely case of sexual transmission of the Zika virus in the UK has been reported by the authorities. The woman has made a full recovery, and it is thought she had been infected by her partner, who had recently visited a Zika-hit country.

alright lads how's brit/pol/ today, worth ruining even?

What "List"?

>worth ruining even?

Is anything at this point?

That will be a long list user, people have used VPNs for years.


Pears has gone to shit since they started making it in India m8.


Did I miss PMQ today lads?

He's a """""CIVIC"""" Nationalist

Off to pub. Fuck you all

he's a fucking cunt and a traitor to UKIP

he's basically just a tory

>Boris Johnson's illegal immigrants plan snubbed by Number 10

Based mummy May.

> Implying they won't log all the people accessing VPNs like AIP and Nord


Are you all panicking about the Snoopers Charter because you browsed something illegal or what?

How to pick between 2 grills lads?

>family is arguing again

Brit/pol/ is unironically afraid they will lose their bennies.

t. cuckold who voted remain

>pick one
>regret it

Thats how its done lad

compare their 23andme results

it's your fault

They can't log anything meaningful, you nonce, it's encrypted.

Yea I'm meant to be socially disabled. If they see I shitpost all day they'll cut my bennies leeched from the cuck taxpayer

Good luck to them getting any further than that.

I'm more bothered that the Digital Economy bill will block furry porn tbqh

shout at them, reveal power level

They will know who uses a VPN but they can't do anything about it.
No but i have looked at some embarrassing websites.


>Results of 2014 BBC World Service poll.
Views of the United Kingdom's influence by country

>Yanks, Commonwealth Bros love us obviously
>Kenya and Ghana also, which I wouldn't have guessed
>South Korea also wtf?!

>Krauts right behind them
>Turks right behind the Krauts (what's the difference?)

>Japan doesn't have much love, but holds the least amount of hate towards us

I voted leave and I voted UKIP because I am racist. Now fuck off you stupid nigger.

>1955 - 51,113,711
>2016 - 65,111,143
>2050 - 75,360,972

>implying he doesn't hold illegal views that are incompatible with the based tories and establishment

When our ISPs grass us up to the filth for posting hate crimes on Sup Forums they are going to illustrate the SHOCK NAZI WEBSITE BUSTED articles with screencaps of Karen, Pepe and Tunnocks Teacakes desu~

The ISP will know if you're connecting to a VPN though. Everytime you make a request, you will be logged as accessing the VPN's IP.


What's this in reference to?

fucking REEEEEE


Just fucking marry her already Amed.

You can still rape little white boys on the side.

Yes, and the ISP won't care.

If the police ever need to see my internet history for some reason (they won't) they will not be able to see anything meaningful.

It's not illegal to use a VPN.

More to come mate. It's not even December yet.

We'd better stop calling them Nigger Tits then.

>Yanks love us
They love to fuck us over.

Why is everything so shit?
Why couldn't I have been born in the past to some reasonably well off family?


>"there'll be riots if brexit doesn't pass!"
>"white revolution soon!"

There wouldn't be though would there
People want to change things but nah we're too comfortable and lack power anyway
I mean why try to prop up a most likely failed revolution when you can just sit at home or party?

>It's not YET illegal to use a VPN.

Fixed that for you swissbro :3


>23% negative


Why because they want tighter control on immigration?

why do we put up with this childish weeaboo shithead?

Grill spamming me with lots of snapchats

What did she mean by this?

Which one is easier to clean. It doesn't matter how wide the hotplate is if you can't clean the fucker easily.

I'm browsing something illegal at the moment

It's called Brit/pol/ and it offends our glorious leaders.

This, sheeple are happy as long as they get TV and social network sites. Nothing else is important to them.

People in this country don't care much tbqh. not until they personally and immediatly affected by something.

The only people who protest and ""riot"" are overhyped young people.

Reminder that weeb faggots are no welcome in Scotland

Those caught with anime will be sent to Highland gulag and forced to listen to Gaelic radio on loop

Riots do nothing but make people lose sympathy with your cause tbqh.

Yeah but I don't want to pay over the top m8. Only buying as a christmas present to someone I don't really care about

if only

Scotland is my homeland.

Just like England, Wales, and Northern Ireland are also my homeland.

I can go wherever I want in my homeland, pal.

Reminder that we are a single country.

>scots in charge of sociatial repair

i've always thought how do they "prove" that you did something?

If you just say no comment

then they have to prove it?
but then how can they prove that evidence isn't fake?

I'd say "this country is based on evidence and the law not assumptions and "looks likes""
hence the multiple muzzie hate preachers

>well he's muslim and says muslim stuff, he must be a terrorist

She wants you to give her the old lickeroo mate.

None asked you medikit

actually quite sexy until "she" opened her mouth

I guess even with hormone treatments and all the advanced science we have, plus the shit loads of money the NHS throw at this type of thing now, they still can't get rid of a scottish accent

REEE I'm British.

Rule Britannia tbqhwy

I'm a good boy.
Nothing to worry about personally.

>that thing
>attractive in any way

How fucking low are your standards poof?

That's a cute Karen desu.

>Tfw monarcucks think they're men
Prepped your noble bull yet little boys?

More that I might think something illegal.

Something that you are allowed to do might become illegal one day. Free thought for example.

>tfw anyone thinks they're a man wen we all know gender is a spectrum and nobody can every truly be a man

that was the setup

you have to read to the end lad

pay attention

What did he mean by this?

He looks like my friend's sister. She's a bit of a hag.

>Sup Forums
You`re on the list, kiddo.

Whatever helps you sleep at night.

>right wing extremists are becoming increasingly sophisticated, home secretary amber rudd tells uk-israel conference
We shielded Muslims rape gangs for decades but oy vey the goyim are saying mean things on fagbook! Shut it down, shut it down immediately!

>the revolutionary powerhouses of France and Ireland

Post more lewd Karen.

Even in jest it's not acceptable to pay any form of complement

I don't feel very sophisticated.

That's to do with the quality of the people, not the system of government. Germany is the same, though economically powerful the violent and backwards nature of the German causes him to seek out destruction, even his own.
>"All people are the same, Goy. Especially your master the Queen (G*rm*n) who is as British as Ahmed in Birmingham and Winston in London".

>tfw sophisticated right wing gentleman

The Queen is related to King William the Conqueror, fagboy.

They are worried about da youth sharing frog maymays.