After seeing so many threads talking about IQ and how it is (and it is not) important, the question stands:
How smart is Sup Forums?
Pic related.
After seeing so many threads talking about IQ and how it is (and it is not) important, the question stands:
How smart is Sup Forums?
Pic related.
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There's no standardized, reliable online test for IQ.
>not smart enough to provide a link to the test so others can try.
i took an iq test at school one time and i pretended to be really dumb as a joke bc i thought it would be funny to get a low score and show my friends and i got a 40 on it and now the government gives me free money every month
>pretend to be smart
>IQ test on the net
Damn, you're a total retard.
I had an IQ test when I was 12, cause I was always bored in school.
it was fucking 4 hours long.
Back to Africa with your 5 in abstract reasoning
Don't care how many times you took the test until you got a "high" score.
>online IQ tests
Sure thing, Jamal
This. Took one in school once. Took forever and had a mechanical and verbal section. Multiple choice online is to give rubes a sense of artificial superiority.
131 IQ IRL due to having to get full-blown mental health evaluation for probation, AMA brainlets
I bet pol has an average IQ of like 120 2bh. A little higher if roaches and pajeets couldn't post.
Fucking pussy
I am 35. When I was about 12, I had a psychological workup done because I was off the rails and no one was sure why. Part of that was an IQ test. The IQ was 134 by their scoring, and all my skills were at college level (this was 7th grade).
When I was 32, they finally found out what was wrong with me after 17 years of thinking I was bipolar. It was autism.
So, let me tell you ... that higher IQ is fucking worthless when you can't hold a conversation with a stranger about any topic that requires you to think. You're lucky if you can correctly say "Thank you" instead of "you too"
I'd rather be a 110 with the ability to participate in society any day.
What's so great about participating in society? I have average IQ and I hate participating in it.
>four hours
Stanford-Binet series (currently on V), which are the global standard, are administered with a 20-minute time limit, and Raven matrices take even less time. You weren't given an IQ test. You were being diagnosed for developmental disability.
>which you have, retard
To clarify, I'm not saying all people with high IQs are socially inept. Just my personal case.
>Well normed high range IQ test
> Designed to distinguish scores >130
> Get on my level plebs
why were u in probation?
>pajeets couldn't post.
But but according to the narrative poo in a loo faggots are super smart or something.
Can't you google a free test?
The one I published I did 3 years ago. For some absurd reason the software house I worked for paid every engineer to do this test, it was USD 40 if I'm not mistaken. They had some kind of certification, but honestly I don't even know if it's reliable. I just decided to publish it here because happened to be a hot topic but not a single person shares theirs results.
On those online tests i have gotten an average of 127-130 consistenly without cheating and doing it on the required time limit. I know it doesn't mean shit, since it isn't a real iq test that is much longer.
I'm at 126 on the online tests, pic related.
In second grade the entire school was mandated to take an IQ test to place us into "normal" clases, GATE classes (advanced classes), or seminar (highest IQ). So much of the school tested into the GATE level that they made the entire school GATE. It was a high income white neighborhood, and a few minorities bussed in from far away in the name of diversity. They were ALWAYS the stupid kids in the class. They got held back pretty frequently. In second grade I tested into the 96th percentile, which equates to 128 on the IQ charts. So I've always believed if you do the tests properly online, you'll get a pretty accurate reading
Also, no mental illnesses have shown themselves to me. However, my entire family is littered with mental illness, OCD, Depression, hoarding, alchohol abuse, bi polar, and aspergers. I may have lucked out so far
I get pretty consistent scores on all of them. Learn how to fucking conduct your own research, goy. Who exactly are you trusting? MIT niggers? Fuck off, CIA.
Hi Terry
I just did another online test for the fun, had 30 minutes, completed in 12 and got the score of... 127. Probably coincidence, but I got the same result from another test that I did 3 years ago.
Clearly IQ tests are racist!
I really believe they're pretty accurate. The website I used in that picture had a time limit and it was like 35 questions or something, so not too long, but yeah I've always had pretty consistant results.
Very racist, so racist that because they give you low IQ scores, it causes blacks to be violent everywhere, and gives them aids and sickle cell
Online IQ tests are clickbait you mong
Mexican intellectual coming through.
t. leaf with a proxy
Not all IQ tests. The stupid buzzfeed IQ tests are clickbait. Pretty sure an IQ test with zero advertisements isn't clickbait
Take it for yourself
t. pleb chairo jelly of superior regio with a proxy
If were all taking different test then their is no consistency you fucking leaf