>Adults with imaginary friends
Adults with imaginary friends
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Fuck off fedora fag.
>mocking your king
>tfw Mary is already the Queen of Poland
We are a country of retards, i'm sure if Jesus was real he'd be offended by the fact that he is our "king".
would you be bullied into suicide if you said things like this publicly?
>Poland is catholic
when will this meme die
when you start letting in muslims i guess
When will you die.
Fuck off athiest
Athiests are the faggots of the SS
>literally the most religious country in europe
When will polackistan die?
Measured by people actually going to church: 20%
Measured by people actually living by christian principles: 0.0%
Jesus was wittness by many who testified to his works and miracles.. of all places for the atheist meme.
I saw your Pope say mass on the Boston Common in 1979... my Uncle was on the Altar with him
[citation needed]
first of all this is catholicism not christianity
>Atheists are this uninformed about Christianity
I wish you guys would actually learn about Christianity before talking about it.
It's all symbolic you dumbfuck. By the time you figure out what all the symbols mean, it'll be too late.
I fucking live here.
But please tell me about my country.
>if you symbolically eat his flesh
What did he mean by this?
i don't think you speak for 40,000,000 people.
atheists aren't really known for getting out of the house much, or understanding Christianity to the point where they can define what "Christian principles" are in the first place.
Someone should watch Jordan Peterson and take their fedoras off while indoors.
not an argument
>manchildren with no genetic future
Taking the Eucharist which is only valid at a Catholic Church mass because the priest's hands were given authority to perform the "sacrifice of the mass". The Sacrifice of the Mass means they take bread and wine, place it upon the Catholic altar, then through "Consecration" we Catholics believe it changes the bread and wine which sits upon that altar, into the body and blood of Jesus Christ. If God the Father was there he would recognize this as his son's body and blood and practicing Catholics are of the same mind as this.
Hope that clears things up for ya!
Pollacks with no friends.
Christianity is a cult the Roman slave masters came up with to pacify conquered people a.k.a. slaves. If Jesus did exist, he was a Crisis Actor. No different than the people that faked the Moon landings. Why are people so damn gullible?
If you were told something your entire life from the day you were born you would believe it too.
It's never valid, pagan. Ever. Papist abominations are never "valid".
>no one converts to Christianity from other belief systems
wrong, there's still hope for you
i recommend to all who thinks catholicism is christianity, catholicism is totally pagan, it's babylon pretending to be christianity
Labyrinth of Truth 1-52 (in order) playlist: youtube.com
Oh I see we're past let me tell you about your country and arrived at let me tell you about you.
Out of the 40 people I interact with daily at work, maybe 2 go to church every sunday.
Since I wasn't raised a Christian, it seems exactly like OP pic related to me. Sorry, find another sucker to tithe to your retarded social club.
Pagan? Bro, the Catholic Church is the ONLY TRUE CHURCH. We're the only church who can actually trace our authority all the way down the line of popes to the very first pope, Saint Peter. Please respond tho, I'd like to hear the rebuttle.
Good, looks like conservashits are on the way out
Rebuttal*. Catholicism has plenty of rules that have no basis in Scripture, which I think is the other retard's point.
>i don't really know about christianity other than strawman facebook memes like OP's
>OP's facebook meme makes christianity sound dumb
>therefore i will never learn about christianity
you sound like a smart cookie
see this
worship me you dumb goyim or else my daddy will wreck your shit
give your money to the poor you dumb shits or else you won't even go to heaven
you fucking goyim better let all those poor refugees in or else I will smite you for being intolerant
i will always be an atheist because no religion will ever be proven as fact there for i refuse to waste my time with it
>Still believing in religion after 12
I was glad to get away from that shit when I moved out of my parent's place and joined the Army only to see they have paid religious nutjobs called Chaplains to "help" us in times of need. Fuck religion, the cancer of the human population.
>t. czech border prostitute
>Catholicism has plenty of rules that have no basis in Scripture
You must be referring to the "Traditions of the Church" which you certainly won't find in any of the variations of "Christianity" which left "the true vine". Why are those important to keep? Because since the Holy Spirit is guiding the church he placed those there on purpose through the ages. What ended up happening through the years is random people in the church, most likely led by Lucifer who wants to attack the true church, decided arbitrarily that all the traditions were somehow invalid and their version of Protestantism, Lutheranism, Methodist, etc. (mormons lol) was the actual true and correct way... DESPITE JESUS LITERALLY SAYING TO PETER YOU ARE THE ROCK UPON WHICH I WILL BUILD MY CHURCH. Why would these people break away? So retarded. There's actual scripture where Jesus himself condemned those who left "the vine" which is him. Basically Jesus, the vine, says DO NOT GET CUT OFF THE VINE and they do exactly that by creating variations of Christianity which are not being guided by the designated leader of the church by Jesus himself.
So, it's easy to conclude all those variations of Christianity are far less blessed than Catholics.
ITT. a bunch of fedoralords sperging out
Argument count: 0
So many videos here man, which one are you referring to specifically?
Also, on first impression I can see the videos cover the illuminati etc. I don't see how this is relevant to the Catholic Church but mkayy
yeah it wasn't explicit, the argument i was implicitly making was that his reasoning was absurd.
>thousands of pages of theological and philosophical examination of the universe and the purpose/meaning of holy teachings
Wow you are so le smart to disprove all of it with a handy image and paragraph
Anything sounds dumb with word play
>Athiesm is literally the belief that through real life rng, humans were born from an animal that was sort of like a human but not really which came from fish wich grew legs for no fucking reason besides random chance
>Makes perfect sense
Fuck off Christianity preserves conservative society atheism is for liberal fedoras
Pure pagan. Open your eyes. Your "traditions" come from Babylon and the Tower of Babel.
Jesus is the true vine, not the Roman church.
See where your faith is?
>he doesn't know that the Eucharist is the LITERAL BODY OF CHRIST
Damn near perfect.
Haha Muh Saint Peter.
Why don't you pick up scripture for me right now and check out Matthew 16:18 which states:
"And I say to thee: That thou art Peter; and upon this rock I will build my church, and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. "
Oh, isn't Peter our first pope? Catholic pope?
Nobody knows that, because it is not true.
No, he wasn't.
Petros is not the petra.
I suggest you look into that statement that right now means nothing to you.
fucking leave your house more often then double nigger.
Lol ignorant fucks
When you eat the Eucharist it turns to flesh and blood in the body it's called transubstantiation
What traditions come from Babylon and the Tower of Babel?
Sorry you must have a mental handicap. Here's the link to the scripture and it's written in many different ways for you to check your btfo:
prove it
Im so triggered by this as a french person. My country is a fucking atheistic liberal fucked up place invaded by Muslims, ran by jews and full of leftards.
Wish I could live in Poland right now.
Become a Catholic, eat Eucharist and believe it, then die and go to Heaven as Christ.
That's the only way to prove it.
jesus was never about worship.
jesus and hitler both have the qualities of being anti semites, and jewish at the same time.
Yeah, that never happens.
>There was a bunch of nothing and then something happened to the nothing and it became everything and then dinosaurs evolved into chickens.
The Christian Church for the first three hundred years remained somewhat pure and faithful to the Word of God, but after the pseudo-conversion of Constantine, who for political expedience declared Christianity the state religion, thousands of pagans were admitted to the church by baptism alone with out true conversion. They brought with them pagan rites which they boldly introduced into the church with Christian terminology, thus corrupting the primitive faith. Even the noted Catholic prelate and theologian, Cardinal Newman, tells us that Constantine introduced many things of pagan origin: "We are told in various ways by Eusebius, that Constantine, in order to recommend the new religion to the heathen, transferred into it the outward ornaments to which they had been accustomed in their own...The use of temples, and these dedicated to particular saints, and ornamented on occasions with branches of trees; incense, lamps, and candles; votive offerings on recovery from illness; holy water; asylums; holydays and seasons, use of calendars, processions, blessings on fields, sacerdotal vestments, the tonsure, the ring in marriage, turning to the East, images at a later date, perhaps the ecclesiastical chant, and the Kyrie Eleison, are all of pagan origin, and sanctified by their adoption into the Church." An Essay On The Development Of Christian Doctrine, pp. 359, 360. This unholy alliance also allowed the continuance of the pagan custom of eating and drinking the literal flesh and literal blood of their god. This is actually how transubstantiation entered the professing church.
what did you say about jews you fucking goy?
jews are the chosen people. eurotards were barbarians and uncivilized before the holy jews civilized them with christianity
the consumption of atomic matter and realizing food and existence is held together by god thinking. otherwise you would just literally fly apart neutron by electron by proton.
Pure Christian. Open your eyes. Your "traditions" come from man and the spirit of Satan.
Go read what the Church fathers have to say about the Eucharist being symbolic or literal.
[Spoiler]: They all agree, it is not symbolic AT ALL, and is necessary for Christians.
>Unless you eat the flesh of the son of man you have no life in you.
1) God Cant be wrong
2) Jesus is God
3) Jesus gave authority to the Catholic Church
4) The Catholic chruch says its true
5) Therefore its true
jesus calls the jews the sons of the devil, and the synagogue of satan several times.
jesus thought jews were evil, and useless people.
>millenials think atheism is redpilled
>too young to member the matriz
>neo is literally jesus
Check the Greek.
I shall call you Petros, and upon this petra (You are the Christ, the Son of the Living God) will I build my church.
See also this verse, which completely and utterly annihilates the catholic lie regarding Peter, who was never treated specially by any of the apostles, and indeed sent out by them as a messenger boy:
Ephesians 2
Now, therefore, you are no longer strangers and foreigners, but fellow citizens with the saints and members of the household of God, having been built on the foundation of the apostles and prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the chief cornerstone, in whom the whole building, being fitted together, grows into a holy temple in the Lord, in whom you also are being built together for a dwelling place of God in the Spirit.
That's the real church, not your Babylonian abomination.
If that's your plan to be saved, you will awake resurrected in Hades, awaiting trial to be cast into the Lake of Fire.
Jesus was always about worship. Always.
jesus specifically said that salvation comes only from the jews, because only the jews know the true divine
you will burn in hell for insulting my tribe you dumb goy
It does not mean that jesus makes peter a pope retard , people have freewill how can jesus safeguard a church leader? when the next person is another judas
Peter's Confession of Faith
(Matthew 16:13-20; Mark 8:27-30; Luke 9:18-20)
>66From that time many of his disciples went back, and walked no more with him. 67Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away? 68Then Simon Peter answered him, Lord, to whom shall we go? thou hast the words of eternal life. 69And we believe and are sure that thou art that Christ, the Son of the living God. 70Jesus answered them, Have not I chosen you twelve, and one of you is a devil? 71He spake of Judas Iscariot the son of Simon: for he it was that should betray him, being one of the twelve.
>Then said Jesus unto the twelve, Will ye also go away
How can jesus make peter leader of anything when he just asked them" will ye go away" this is from john it links to 16: 18... he also called peter satan a few verses later in matthew , scaring him that he is the devil who will betray him
>The Christian Church for the first three hundred years remained somewhat pure and faithful to the Word of God
>300 years
>the gates of hell will not prevail against the Church
Church fathers agree, Eucharist is not a symbol:
Yes, the proto-Catholics who shunned the true Christians outside of Rome became the Roman church, Rome of course being referred to as Babylon by Peter.
>Jesus gave authority to the Catholic Church
This is false.
its true for multiple reason. Among them:
1) the scripture
2) the miracles
Yes, because Jesus came from the Jews, from the house of David, tribe of Judah, and he's the only means of salvation known to mankind.
you know, the Talmud commands the destruction of all christian texts, wikipedia says about 85% of "known" christian doctrines are destroyed.
jesus taught buddhist philosphy, maybe something closer to shivism. which is about uniting with god, not worshiping him. most people are unaware that jesus had a wife as well, not a single person has a fucking clue what Christianity is about I'll take the perspective of my studies over uninformed opinions and misinformation
The belief that you can go around telling everyone they're wrong about their freedom of choice in a perpetual virtue signal, mostly only focusing on Christians because they're peaceful and easy targets -- and avoiding Islamists because they tend to get angry when you use your first amendment as there is no first amendment where they come from, hoping nobody will realize that you're claiming that you can free them from something while limiting their thought.
Yes, prior to the corruption of Constantine, the christian church puttered about just fine in people's homes and communities.
The Roman church is the mustard seed that grew too large, and has the birds of the air (demons) seated in it.
The devil counterfeits miracles; see Jannus and Jambris and how they countered Moses.
Also, the catholic "miracles" never turn people to Jesus or the Father, but to Mary.
thats right goy, only the jewish linage is divine and holy. remember, white people used to be nothing but filthy animals before jews enlightened your dumb goy ass
And the popes burned bibles. What's your point?
>Check the Greek
One of the great divides between Catholics and protestants (those who protest against the Catholic Church) is the role of Peter. Catholics claim that Jesus himself made Peter his earthly successor as the leader of His newly created Church, while protestants believe that Peter was just another apostle. Let’s check out these claims using sacred scripture as our guide.
In John 1:42, Jesus changes the Apostle Simon’s name to Cephas, or Peter, a name which means “Rock”. Now we know from scripture that Jesus is the Rock, or Cornerstone (1 Corinthians 10:4). Therefore, it can be assumed from this name change that Jesus is handing on to Peter what He Himself is, Rock.
John 1:41-42: He first found his brother Simon, and said to him, "We have found the Messiah" (which means Christ). He brought him to Jesus. Jesus looked at him, and said, "So you are Simon the son of John? You shall be called Cephas" (which means Peter).
(**NOTE - The above scripture totally negates the protestant argument that Jesus called Peter "petros" or "petras", which is Greek. Jesus spoke Aramaic, which means that he called Peter "Cephas", which means "Rock" in Aramaic.)
revelation 2:9 and 3:9 Christ the Jewbag King anoints the jews as the synagogue of satan, and calls them sons of the devil in John, Matthew, and Luke.
Only God is divine; only God is holy; only the divine God can make a thing holy.
The first bible ever printed was a Catholic bible, printed by Catholics, in a Catholic printing press.
>The Christian Church for the first three hundred years remained somewhat pure and faithful to the Word of God, but after the pseudo-conversion of Constantine, who for political expedience declared Christianity the state religion, thousands of pagans were admitted to the church by baptism alone with out true conversion.
The Catholic Church was meant to grow and include the new people who came in. Within this experience the Holy Spirit did the job of establishing the Traditions of the Church. How is this so hard to understand? The Catholic Church was and still is literally under 24/7 attack from Evil and Lucifer and through the Traditions of the Church those defeat evil by converting evil to good.
>They brought with them pagan rites which they boldly introduced into the church with Christian terminology, thus corrupting the primitive faith.
It was meant to borg assimilate those pagans into the Catholic church and thereby defeat evil. Next!
Only God is the Rock.
If Peter is your rock, just like Peter, you will drown without Jesus' assistance.
>Also, the catholic "miracles" never turn people to Jesus or the Father, but to Mary.
It turned them toward the truth.