what does pol think about Georgia?
პოლ, რას ფიქრობთ საქართველოზე?
What does pol think about Georgia?
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why do you care ?
The fuck is up with the writing system? Looks pretty nice desu, what's the history behind it?
Austria is to Germany as Georgia is to Russia.
fuck off, ape
I don't know much about Georgia. But I feel like they're ganged up upon by Putin.
Historically all I'm aware of is the Christian background. Stalin, Shevardnadze and the assassination attempt on him. Power crisis, Russia using Beijing Olympics distraction to invade. Thats about it really.
Interested to visit. Do you have open borders with all your neighbours? Can you drive easily into Turkey for instance.
Oh and rugby. You have a half decent rugby team which surprises me.
abkhazia and south ossetsia are rightful russian clay
>Stalin, Shevardnadze and the assassination attempt on him
forgeting saakhashvili
Is not a province of mother Russia?
like a florida/kentucky hybrid with massive dilapidated hoods
I like your writing system, lots of character.
Dunno much about you, guys, how's it going?
Georgia? Fuck Georgia, water stealing fucks.
t. Florida
>le Georgia is a state
Great and unique joke, user!
Best of Caucasus, we both don't like russia.
Enemy of my enemy is my friend
Phage therapy is p. cool
1 usd = 1.55 lari
someone bomb us please.
Eh, Azerbaijan is cooler.
არადა, მოდი ლოგიკურად დაუკვირდი: რა ჩემი ფეხებიც ჩვენი ეკონომიკური მდგომარეობაა, რომ ძალიან გიკვირდეს ეგეთი კურსი. უფრო უარესი როარაა არ გიკვირს? რას წარმოადგენს ჩვენი ეკონომიკა ვაფშე რო მაგაზე გვქონდეს პრეტენზია და გვიკვირდეს
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I really like Georgian cuisine, but that's about it
ანუ შენ ამბობ, რომ 2014-13 წლამდე ეკონომიკა გვქონდა ?
რედიტზეც დაბრუნდი, ტამბლერზეც და 9ფაგის იუმორიც დაამუღამე თუ კაია :დ და ჰილარისაც უგულშემატკივრე :დ
>turkroaches are cooler
An Armenian named Mashtots invented their great alphabet.
Why are you lying? I was just there and $100 got me 250 lari
>Why are you lying? I was just there and $100 got me 250 lari
hello Armenian bro, also known as: know it all faggot.
Dude, how'd you get alphabet noddles on your computer!?
>what does pol think about Georgia?
You are arrogant and cocky, but good.
t. Armenian
Hotlanta is a great city !
Pretty based state since it votes republican most of the time now
They are the richest and most powerful nation in the region.
You love Turks anyway, sweeb.
he's not wrong. 1 US Dollar equals
2.56 Georgian Lari
I think they have a cool looking alphabet
> based kino
> last bastion of christianity
> fights against muslim rebels and their russian allies
Looks good to me.
Georgia predates Russia by hundreds of years. Try again, newfag.
doesn't matter how old it is its about who deserves it
It's a cool country, and cool people. Never trust them around money though, they are little shits who will try and short change you at every turn.
>Russia using Beijing Olympics distraction to invade.
someone wake up kremlin trolls
its where the peaches are you sweet southern belle
>OSCE is russian shill
საქართველოს ყველაზე გემრიელი ატამი
What the hell are you people anyway? Are you Turkic/Mongol mutants or are you Slavs?
Located tragically close to Putinland, very unfortunate
I like Psychonaut 4.
>But I feel like they're ganged up upon by Putin.
>Power crisis, Russia using Beijing Olympics distraction to invade.
This is what #CTR unironically believes.
I worked with Georgians in Afghanistan. They were some very strange cats.
You have some nice-looking hieroglyphs and good wine. How expensive is it to visit?
elaborate, please?
Honest question why do Georgians and Russian hate eachother?
They had BO, all looked alike, ate TONS of bread (would throw away entire ration packs after removing just the bread), and shit in the showers.
same reason like every russian neighbour don't like them, they ruled us in past and still want to
>shit in the showers
are you fucking serious?
Dead fucking serious. It happened multiple times and could've just been one of them doing it, idk.
Stalin and Bagration, also you nicked our flag
Kartuli ena dznelia
Georgians and Chechens are brothers
Your language looks like elvish
Oh another thing. There was a rumor going around that they knocked out and ass raped an American guy. Idk if there was any truth to that.
They also coughed without covering their mouths and would steal your shit if you didn't guard it around them.
based little country who fought the good fight agianst enemies of civilization for centuries
They are what turks would be if they were christian. Nice history and good culture but dont forget if they were muslim they would behave like turks.
fucking georgians.
Yeah you would like non white arab tier writing systems you fucking swedish cuckold
I love u georgia
Where should I visit to see the "real" Georgia?
I also want to get baptised into the Orthodox Church there. Would that be possible?
Six Nations when?
Maker of the best wine on earth.
And mineral water
go home you drunk
Always thought you were based
but then the thing with russia happened
not sure what to think now
i love your flag
though for some reason we call you Gruzika (Гpyзијa) which doesn't make sense
we use a similar flag (well the byzantium one actually)
There's a cute girl hitting on me and she looked sorta eastern and I thought maybe she's Ukrainian or something but she added me on Facebook and it says she's from Georgia
How are Georgian girls?
My favourite country.
What other nations' troops did you serve with?
You guys have the prettiest moonrunes.
there's no real definition of a Georgian girl, we have girls ranging from madshitcrazy to god-tier. do the calculations and make sure she isn't trying to get citizenship just to get the fug out of here.
greece isn't that good to be in tbqh
not sure if they're worse than you
go for it as soon as you can
Thomasville is pretty nice tbqh
I didn't "serve" in afg per se. Made a killing as a contractor. Anyway, the Brits were great troops. And the afghans we were training were terrible.
Did serve with Estonians in Iraq.
>tfw no literal 10/10 georgian gf
should have been let into the EU before gypsy infected shitholes like romania and bulgaria dæsu
not white
the two georgian girls i knew in college both had latina tier phat fuckin asses. huge noses tho
they can smell danger from 3000 km away
fucking stop dude wtf
dude i live in georgia theres a shit ton of niggers here you dont want anyone from here
I know your Christian but what is your ethnic distance to us
i'm not these guys, but everybody here loves georgia since it's basically the only european country that doesn't want to annex the shit out of us and that haven't sent us shitloads of criminals
Your language looks like it's full of "m"
Your writing system looks like it's full of "m"
I think it's cool to have its own writing system, that's unique
They steal water from Florida too? They want to change the Tennessee border so they can get more access to the Tennessee river
i went to my armenian professor's house for dinner once and she had lots of georgian food and it was fucking delicious. a lot of flavors you don't find at all in western cuisine in all these savory spreads and jams.
you have a pretty dank alphabet
Georgia needs to join NATO and get rid of the Russians for good
რატომ უნდა იკითხო ეს რუსი ტროლებით გაძეძგილ ბორდზე? აი რატომ?