Hey Sup Forums, Give me one reason that Nationalism is superior to Globalism.
Hey Sup Forums, Give me one reason that Nationalism is superior to Globalism
just lurk a bit you lame piece of shit
>can't give an answer.
Honestly not even surprised.
Muh diversity, you fucktard.
Really, if you want to preserve diversity and originality of ideas and cultures, there must be many cultures, not only one.
Because I don't want muslims to be raping my daughters.
globalism would work if everyone was a white european
As you leave the store you enter your armored transport to make it back to the residential fortification as you must pass the muslim area established in 2030. There have been no IED attacks for a month but the driver still insists everyone put on Kevlar. Through the narrow gun port you can see the edge of muslim town and Hindu town demarcated by the crucified bodies of apostates and the low caste and despite the air filers the smell of human excrement is still noticeable.
Plumes of grey smoke rise up from fires in the nigerian quarter and there is a delay as the toll bribe is transferred to the bitcoin account of the commander of the group of 14 year ol somalis wielding RPGs that blocked the route.
Approaching the residential district the streets are lined with STD infected SE asian prostitutes and transsexuals who mob the transport until the driver activates the electroshock skin and they drop off allowing you to enter the fortified residential zone.
Everyone there is elderly as only the cheap labor classes are allowed to reproduce and compulsory abortion and euthanasia is centrally administrated. Corruption means that early 'selection' is possible for a poor performance review, a change in CEO may lower the euthanasia limit to 50 in cost saving exercise..forcing some of the older residents outside to scavenge on the edge of nigeriatown.
Globalism. Sounds great.
Its a numbers and time game with the muslims. You cunt. Muslims will take over if not for nationalism ideals.
Cultural deformation in Germany by 2022. Sigh i really wanted to go there for holiday but I guess I can visit the mosques here for the same experience
pic related
Oh look at this, an answer but OP is a fag.
Simply biology. Europe is the most sucesful continent because of the competition so many vigorous and potent cultures in such close proximity have. Goes down to Darwinism. If we're all one global culture we'll have nobody to compete with. Nationalism doesn't nessecarily imply a cessation of ideas and technology exchanges between nations. Look how nationalistic Japan was at the turn of the last century, yet was emulating so much European tech and culture.
Because fuck the rest of the world.
Exactly this. Any smaller cultures will disappear. So with globalism we end up with chink culture and mudslime.
Globalism is nothing but a way for the elites/Jews/whatever you want to call them to find and exploit vulnerable populations.
Globalism is taking a man's job in the United States and giving it to a man in Mexico who will work for half as much and in worse conditions.
Globalism is the act of undermining the power of organized labor to increase profits when profits are already more than enough to keep the business going.
It's greed, and we all get fucked over by it. People in developed countries lose their jobs and people in undeveloped countries are taken over by kikes. Trade between countries is important but globalism isn't about trade, it's about finding the least educated and most easily controlled people on earth and turning them into slaves.
globalism is anti-competitive
no competition = no progress
Have you been watching the migrant crisis and the massive increase in crime in Europe? The fact that the crime numbers are actually suppressed on top of that?
Germany - 40% increase in crime in the last year. And we all know it's way higher than that because that's what happens when you let millions of shitskins into your country.
Inbeeding is a dank ass activity. That's enough reason to push for nationalism.
Globalism is better in an ideal world, but sadly we don't live in an ideal world. You have a continent full of mentally retarded people known as Africa, 1.6 billion people following a death cult hell-bent on world domination known as Islam, and deceitful superpowers like Russia and China still out there armed and ready.
People in third world countries just don't value life like we do in the West. Globalism is a flawed ideology.
>be corporatist empire
>blow up competition
>rip rival countries off with worthless paper money
>accumulate tremendous amounts of capital
>become globalist and lose everything to third world shitholes and yuropoors because some bankers say so
Fuck that, the NWO needs to be on our terms.
If everyone was white European we would have conquered the Milky Way by now.
Remember WWs 1and 2? Yeah, none of them were started by shitskins.
>inb4 da joos
Globalism takes the power out of the hands of elected representatives and into the hands of businesses and their leaders where there are no checks to ensure that the will of the people is being considered.
If this is allowed to continue how can you be assured that your life and wishes are being considered and not cast aside as a consequence of increased profits.
Whites will go extinct due to breeding alone. All the smarts in the world doesn't mean shit if you're overwhelmed by sheer numbers.
And none of them were ended by shitskins either
But those wars were massive boons for the rapid development of technology. They didn't slow down human progress, they sped it up.
go outside
Sure it does, as long as you close your borders.
Cut 99.9% of non-white immigration, keep your nukes warm, and then it doesn't matter if sub-saharan africa's population grows to 5 billion, or 10, or 20.
(of course, without white pathological altruism and "aid" those extreme 3rd world growth rates wouldn't exist in the first place)
Multicultural societies are objectively less productive, less safe and less progressive than monocultures. Nationalism preserves the monoculture, and is therefore superior to globalism.
Africa's population is going to go down quick when there's not enough whites handing them food.
Nationalism is inextricably linked to self sovereignty and as such is fundamentally rooted in individual rights and the non-aggression principle.
Globalism is inextricably linked to collectivism and the denial of individual rights. As such it is fundamentally rooted in an amoral claim, and purports a moral subjectivity which is meaningless and internally inconsistent.
Get fucked commies.
Why would anyone expect globalism to work? Why would anyone think that cultures and societies that have developed separately would be compatible? People over thousands of years have developed different ways of organizing the world. Why would anyone think anything other than chaos would result from trying to quickly and randomly mix ancient paradigms with one another?