“I’ve been raped. By a significant other while we were together,”

>“I’ve been raped. By a significant other while we were together,”

What does she mean by this Sup Forums ?

Who fucking knows. Female mental gymnastics, morale relativism etc etc.

that she agrees with the hollywood machine so she can keep her job

I had sex with a headache and didn't have fun.


lmfao what a stupid uneducated retard

anybody who uses the phrase "moral relativism is bound to be an ignorant fool, so this is some sort of extra level of idiocy

All women have rape fantasies. Most men do too.

It's a control thing. Sometimes you want to lead, sometimes you want to follow.

>What does she mean by this Sup Forums ?
"I want attention for my career"- 90%

10%- dude actually forced himself on her.

> I had consensual sex then changed my mind a few weeks later

It can happen. Julia Roberts pretty much gets raped many times by her husband in Sleeping With the Enemy.

It means dude didn't give a fuck about that headache and gave it to her anyways lol. Hopefully she gets shit on.