Hmmmm. How will anti-communists recover from this one?
Hmmmm. How will anti-communists recover from this one?
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The mourn him at gunpoint. Mandatory 7 day lock in I think. Cause you know things are so good there they need that time to mourn. Totally not trying to suppress riots that appear every time the boot on the neck of the Cuban people might be lifting a bit.
>The mourn him at gunpoint.
Really? Where are those guns? There are pictures of Castro's funeral and no one has a gun to their head.
Does he think they would be allowed to celebrate in cuba?
Jesus christ .
Probably because if you criticize Castro you'll get a publicly subsidized bullet in your head
Out of frame. There is armed forces at the funeral.
Those tears were legitimate, retard. And Kim Jong-Il wasn't a dictator. The DPRK has a functioning system of democracy.
There were armed forces at Reagan's funeral too dumbass.
But you are allowed to talk shit about reagan without getting called a servant of the empire and shot without a trial.
If cubans loved him their baseball players wouldn't defect
What makes you think being "shot without trial" is a thing in Cuba? Have you been there?
What makes you think "gassed for being a Jew" was a thing in Nazi Germany? Were you there?
Thats not a good analogy since that probably didnt happen.
Worked to death might be real and certainly typhus, typhoid fever, tuberculosis, and dysentery. Especially after the supply lines broke and the bulk of the death count started adding up.
That site is CIA propaganda you dumbfuck. Show me a real legit source by an actual Cuban in Cuba about people who shittalk the government being shot without trial.
Fucking cultural illiterate: government-mandated emotions were the main stock of anti-communist satire for a century. Now this child doesn't know about it. He probably also thinks the crying in DPRK over Kim was sincere.
So the governments of communist states manipulate emotions but the MSM in AmeriKKKa doesn't?
>people in cuba allowed to post proof and live
We only can get proof from unamed sources or people who have gotten out and are now safe to talk dumb ass.
A live source talking about how the government is killing people who say what they dont like is impossible within the governments reach.
From "Cuba: Life on the Island from the Eyes of an Active Witness"
my twitter got flagged and i have to verify it with a phone number. all the online sms have been banned.
anyone know a fake phone number that works with twatter?
How do I know that's not CIA propaganda?
the Cuban government was literally shutting down unrelated birthday parties for this shit, they don't want a single person celebrating ANYTHING during the days of mourning.
Same with kim jong il you dumbfuck
That video isn't staged. The Kim family are loved by most people in the DPRK. It's not even a dictatorship.
how do I know that you have a functioning brain? No matter what evidence anyone shows you, you can just dismiss it as "CIA propaganda". Stay ignorant if you are really afraid of accepting reality.
Being this retarded.
>Durrrrrr its the peoples republic guizeeeeeee
Was watching Tucker yesterday and he had Geraldo on talking about Castro.
>They can't publicly display anything other than unwavering support for the regime, Geraldo.
>I think you give their secret police too much credit. Fidel was the most prominent figure in Latin America since Simon Bolivar.
>Secret police
>Not protesting the existence of a secret police
I always knew he was a faggot commie. "Libertarian" my ass.
North Korea is actually a democracy.
"Democratic People's Republic of Korea" sorry,
You can put lipstick on a pig but it doesn't make it Pamela Anderson. You can b8 all you wan't North Korea isn't "democratic"
Did you watch the video? The DPRK has a very complex form of democracy and they celebrate voting.
Hi Kim Jong Un
why have so many people fled from North Korea and Cuba if it's such a nice place to live?
pol selects what redpills to take
the anti-castro brainwashing has been long and effective and sadly people here can't see past the propaganda.
castro was a beloved leader, he stood up to the mighty american empire and kept cuba sovereign, unlike the rest of latin america. he's a people's hero, just like assad and gaddafi.
Newsflash: most DPRK "defectors" you see on TV are actors. There is no way most of their stories are even close to being believable. Also most legit defectors end up returning to the DPRK on their own free will.
"complex" aka vote all you want, Kim Jon Un is still your "Supreme leader" speak out and we shoot you with an 88mm flak cannon
cause they can't have iphones and brand new cars and get in debt and they really fucking want it for some reason. you are more enslaved than they are, burgerboy.
Is that why Gaddafi had a sword stuffed up his sphincter? Becuase he was a peoples hero?
Cuba and the DPRK both have cell phones.
And food.....
Gaddafi was one of the greatest Arab leaders and was a true socialist. Those Libyan "rebels" were CIA agents.
>And food.....
sources? you're an idiot if you believe everything your state media tells you
>Cuba and the DPRK both have cell phones.
but not iphone 7
>it's a Sup Forums defends North Korea episode
Watch the documentary Under The Sun and tell me that north koreas total control over free speech and information is just CIA propaganda.
yeah, precisely that's the reason why
educate yourself
just like the meme
Of course the DPRK has to monitor speech. How do they know there aren't CIA spies in their country? They are still technically at war with the South aka Fake Korea.
>go watch the (((documentary))) goyim
>it will inform you
>don't read fake news goyim
>tfw actually agreeing with the commie faggot on this one
yeah because all those """moderate :^)""" western backed muslims aren't fucked up in the head or anything
nice strawman smugie faggot
now everyone that respects castro for being a good leader to the cubans is some kind of ignorant numale cuck that only exists in your wild alt-right fantasies.
you're so smart and have great arguments, keep enlightening us.
Why would I waste my time finding sources.... your just gonna shit over them with no basis, then stick your chest out and strut around like you won.
>it's a contrarian faggots defend Kim Jong-un, Fidel Castro and other communist dictators episode
These episodes are the worst.
>everyone is CIA
how about all of the published articles I have been posting you dumb commie? oh wait they are all from the CIA according to you
Shill thread. Sage. Stop giving this faggot clicks!
Hey, it's the same as North Koreans and Kim Jong Il's death!
It's not just a typical documentary, it's a guy who goes there and secretly records the Korean government creating scenarios with actors to make it seem like they don't live in a hellhole
I don't normally believe every USA GOOD OTHER PLACE BAD documentary but this one is proves that the DPRK truly is terrible
Name one communist state that isn't poor and oppressive to its people.
This one deserves the finest helicopter.
>those tears are legitimate
wow it's almost like constant propaganda and a cult of personality can make people behave in ways they might otherwise not
>functioning democracy
2/10 made me reply
This. We know they are not gonna accept any source
>embargo no real
Fuck off.
The same leftist shills who suck Castro's Cuban cock will spend the next four years whining that Trump is an evil fascist who will destroy all of our rights.
How do you know those images are legit?
>muh embargo
Why is it that people aren't starving in Iran?
secret service
>there's a vote
wow it's almost like there's only one choice oh wait
Most of their democracy is localized.
I lived two years in cuba, never seen people more happy. They're educated, they have complains but they have all their basic needs covered. Watching burger tv you can easily see how fucked you are when half of the ads are for mental health meds. Cubans don't have that, they are not a sick cannibalistic society like yours, even if the CIA says that you can't criticize the regime, they do criticize it and participate in it. What is sad is that as a latin american leader you have to be really careful or you'll have a (((rebellion))) and a new puppet government put in place to serve the interests of chiquita banana.
how about you actually refute what I posted? is the marxism melting your brain?
Is that why Kim Jong Un's uncle got the rope?
Huh, you're really firing my neurons up.
Thanks for proving my point, nothing is good enough for you. I could bring you a starving North Korean and you would claim they are a CIA actor
Nice get
norway, denmark, arguably sweden, germany and canada.
now you name a capitalist regime that is not a elitist cleptocracy that fucks their own people up to serve corporate interests
Glad you think being forced to be a good little boy is worth it.
>US North Koreans celebrate Kim Jong-Il's death, Koreans in DPRK mourn him. Those who live there honour him. Enough said.
Fucking moron.
that's bullshit and you know it. I have relatives living in Cuba and the only reason they have their necessities covered is because they work in the Mexican embassy.
quads of truth
>Any of that places
Pick one
Actually I have. The whole country reeks of fake happiness and people being coerced, kinda like in those documentaries about North Korea.
>norway, denmark, arguably sweden, germany and canada.
u fucking wot m8
The government is shutting down celebrations that douche is a fuckig idiot. They even made one family stop a birthday party.
Note how the people defending Castro don't live in or near South Florida
None of those are communist.
Nobody argues that capitalism is a perfect system. It's one that often requires checks and balances, but at least with it we can afford to have greater freedoms than we ever would with the bullshit oppresive regimes of communism.
>dude lmao Castro was a good guy. everyone who is not forcing propaganda down your throat will know that he was a hero
I really really really wish all countries could just work together and dedicate a continent, maybe south america or something, to communism / socialism. Just so whenever some faggot in a capitalist country rants about the failure of capitalism, and how much better socialism would be for all of us, they can fuck right off.
South America has plenty of resources. It has plenty of space. What a world of wonder and joy. When the entire continent is practically on the verge of collapse, we'll have them contained, and anyone trying to leave can be shot on sight.
The not real communism meme goes both ways. And these countries are not REAL communism, but when everything is socialized and you pay more than 60% of what you make it taxes, how would you call it?
Didn't you call bernie a commie for wanting a socialist democracy like in those places?
you get my point, since you're here and not in fb, I'm assuming you are not that stupid.
Obviously according to OP Kim Jong-il and stalin were even more wonderful
This is why arguing with communists is stupid. Everything to them is a CIA plot.
>if you are not brainwashed by american propaganda you are a communist
Entrepeneurship is still somewhat incetivized though the market, while controlled, is still a thing.
>And these countries are not REAL communism, but when everything is socialized and you pay more than 60% of what you make it taxes, how would you call it?
social market economy, ie not communism
not sure how I linked you twice
If I were brainwashed by MSM propaganda, I would be crying over Castro's death. It was the Failing NYT that put him in power.
The DPRK citizens love the Kim family. Again, you're not listening.
The Castro brothers rule Cuba since 1951 and ever since people are educated in a way to think that they are protecting Cubans against the wrath of the evil capitalism and the evil USA. They also live on welfare, and believe that should the "revolution" end they'll lose the little they have.
There are people mourning him with their hearts, but that's due to some twisted shit.
US Koreans celebrate Kim Jong-il's death, Koreans in #BestKorea mourn him. Those who live there honour him. Enough said.
>What makes you think being "shot without trial" is a thing in Cuba? Have you been there?
Do you claim that detention without charge (let alone trial) is fake?