Genius IQ test and I'm AnCap.
Genius IQ test and I'm AnCap.
should i buy bitcoin?
I'll ask the age old question: what about the roads?
free market will fix it.
captcha: road road
Guess that proves high IQ doesn't shield you from idiocy.
the montenegroid is right.
Geniuses are usually autistic so what am I supposed to be surprised about? Doesn't mean you know anything about the real world or how a modern economy works.
>free market will fix it.
but I don't want to stop to pay toll every 5 minutes
In an an cap society what's stopping you from ramming through the toll booth?
> implying IQ matters in 2016
> being a genius
pick one
The NAP™
literal right wing death squads
Your car will get fucked.
not if I'm driving in a tank
cheating is not ok.
What's saving them from my own band of right wing death squads that follow me around to protect me from right wing death squads?
statists BTFO
>tfw to intelligent for statism
this is when I realized I was flirting with autism and stopped the ancap meme
>online test
>posting on Sup Forums
>a town full of rapists
what goes on here Sup Forums?
>High IQ = Has the most logical conclusions about philosophical and political standpoints
Nice meme, smartfriend.
On a more serious note, how in a stateless society, do you prevent influential and rich people from forming their own states.
If you willingly live in rape town and that means you consent to being raped is it still rape?
I always thought this kinda was a good idea to be honest.
How am I wrong?