What's Sup Forumss stance on racemixing?
What's Sup Forumss stance on racemixing?
Haram, although that picture is pretty bullshit.
Whites and Asians are the significant losers in the exchange. Everyone else benefits. And yet white people shit themselves in excitement at the prospect of hosting a party for black batter in their cunts.
Makes no fucking sense.
how is it bullshit, mix water with liquid shit and you get pretty much liquid shit
Nice trips.
White+Asian or White+Light skinned hispanic is ok.
Everything else is degenerate.
no, hispanics are not okay, not even spaniards, fuck off
>White+Light skinned hispanic is ok
Nice try, spic. Build wall.
Cool analogy, but 90% of the time mulattos come out lighter than that.
Fuck off gipsy, you are worst than designated ones.
you keep you slavgypo mouth shut before i bring my orthodox beatstick to your shithole, defending spaniards means you're pretty much defending arabs, not much of a difference