Perusing the Congressional logs for the day and came across this:
Can't personally dig because I am working hard to manage obsessive behavior and /EWO/ is a major trigger so if anyone would like to dig, please do.
Perusing the Congressional logs for the day and came across this:
Can't personally dig because I am working hard to manage obsessive behavior and /EWO/ is a major trigger so if anyone would like to dig, please do.
Other urls found in this thread:
Also, this bill whose text is the only one missing. Why would the FBI whistleblower expansion act be redacted?
Plus, the opposing bill is here too:
The bill submitter is a regular in the Podesta Files. Can Sup Forums please give input?
Is this getting intentionally slid? WTF is with this board
Bump, what the fuck?
free bump
although your thread is kinda lacking info.
get in here bros
>reddit comic as OP
is pizzagate compromised?
I just have raw data. No info. There's a new bill on to "expand FBI whistleblower protection," but there's one that "defunds the trafficking hotline" and then there's one that funds it, which is written by Amy Kholbluchee (or something) and I remember her from the emails. She invited Podesta to a "book party"? But I can't fucking put anything together because my brain hurts.
And thanks gents. Seriously, what the actual porn slide.
Dude. I made that today on iFunny. Is it for reals on Reddit? Because that would little just slob my knob right off.
Is this whole thread in Eyetalian?
Eric Goosby (CF Board of Directors) was CEO of Pangaea from 2001 - 2009. Not sure if this is a stretch due to the African themed artwork, but check out the logos:
Also, Happy Hearts Fund liked Elpida's facebook page. Their "happy hearts bracelet" design may be innocent, but a bit concerning given the recent events that have unfolded. It is for sale here:
Many of these Charity Navigator sites have a similar design/layout.
Does anyone have a major players map?
DESU this whole thing needs to be moved on a platform that it not RUN by shills, the constant deletion is annoying as fuck
already moved. voat. pizzagate
I get I'm being fucking lazy but still.
It wasnt letting me post the link before. THought I was spam. Hope this works - https:(doubleslash)voat(dot)co(slash)v(slash)pizzagate
Fuck I forgot, will be right there
I cannot figure this site out. Might be the phone.
Mates what is /EGO/?
BUMP for the kids
Ok i understand they're following the pizzagate. EWO = Eyes Wide Open.
Sorry i've forget the term.
If I read this right, they are moving the origins of the funds for the National Human Trafficking Hotline from the Department of Justice to the Affordable Care Act Provision. They're taking money from ObamaCare and putting it to that, although it'll be difficult since Trump wants to gut most of it and Im assuming will take out the funding for it. Though that could just be a smokescreen to underfund and make the hotline disappear altogether"organically"
Don't lose the Pizza Packet angle. Pic related is the closest I have to a summary so far. I posted this in another thread a minute ago, but then had to make a change, so this is the most current one.
Archive links in order:
1.2 =
2.1.1 =
2.1.2 =
2.1.3 =
2.1.5 =
2.2.3 =
The "office" of Dr. Itchie/Itcuie Gross/Statfeld, MD.
From Pizza Packet's FB
Earlier this year, Itchie Gross started working at the Aleph Institute. Some have pointed out the butterfly logo on this page.
JZ Drizin is associated with Pizza Packet as early as 2010, yet business filings indicate that the company was started in 2014 and is no longer active. Was Pizza Packet handed off from one LLC to another? It appears to still be operational, so who owns it now?
762 Park Place, Brooklyn, NY. The Pizza Packet logo on the door can be seen on Google maps as early as May 2012.
Any pizza links / leads in panama papers?
Office of Memetic Warfare Special Bulletin:
PizzaGate researchers and whistleblowers are instructed to use the #WhitePrivelege on pictures of John Podesta and associates along with descriptions of their suspected crimes for which they have not been investigated by law enforcement
End transmission
I saw some anons saying that, but I haven't looked for myself yet.
This business entry seems contradictory to the other. It lists Pizza Packet as having been registered as a domestic limited liability company rather than a foreign one and lists it as registered in NY rather than in FL. Can the same LLC be registered twice? Did Itchie Gross register it secondarily in FL, even though he lives in NY?
>Registered agent: None
Also, it lists the 762 Park Place address. This is the second piece of evidence that contradicts the notion that the property cannot be associated with Itchie Gross, as was posted on Plebbit when the original Pizza Packet pasta was taken from here.
All I could find from ddg
It goes deeper, Serbian pede was posting in here 2 months ago about Clinton/Serbian Gov/Miskovic ties and trying to follow the money: /r/The_Donald/comments/4zzuw4/former_serbian_minister_says_that_the_government/
It goes deeper, Serbian pede was posting in here 2 months ago about Clinton/Serbian Gov/Miskovic ties and trying to follow the money: /r/The_Donald/comments/4zzuw4/former_serbian_minister_says_that_the_government/
This is already running on 8 Chan and Voat, both much more free speech friendly that Sup Forums.
>dat pic
Angels of Love, Deals From Heaven (@Compassionate_L on Twitter), which used to follow Pizza Packet on Twitter until our spergfest, goes to this address.
A for-profit that does "humanitarian" work in Haiti is registered here?
Closest we have to proof that @Compassionate_L used to follow Pizza Packet.
I wonder where the Beer Miriam school moved to.
All from Pizza Packet's FB.
Pizza Packet owner Itchie Gross's daughter does some interesting artwork.
Not dismissing the lead, but those pics dont prove shit
Look up Pizza packet on the trade mark database search.
The Trademark was abandoned in 2011.
They aren't meant to. This is a data dump. As far as I can tell, Pizza Packet no longer uses that logo where the pizza looks like a face.
So, basically, we are literally letting it slide or what? Inital hype seems to get down
The eye.
The one below is from Bourbon Lally Gallery in Pietonville, Haiti.
They pay for tricks with these paintings fyi.
I have to take a bit of a break for now. I just wanted to dump this stuff first. Keep it alive, senpai.
I tried to dig into pizza packet not so long ago. Literally nothing.
Hasids, Sheida and her sister Mina, Zev Drizin and the other company seem to have sold it to Gross around 2014 and since then they have no relation to this.
They gave him domain "" and he moved operations out of Brooklyn to Florida?
I've already posted this, but my thoughts are:
"" is mentioned on a "draft" of Pizza PAC invitation, and person who designed it entered a random domain name, for draft purposes, and the name turned to be already taken.
I'm interested in Gross regardless of whether or not he is or was connected to JZ Drizin. I guess the link we need to tie Drizin to HRC's people is more info on, but last I checked, it's protected by Whoisguard.
Angels of Love, Deals From Heaven must be aware of Pizza Packet to have followed them on Twitter and Angels of Love works in Haiti, which the Clinton Foundation is all over. Also interesting how they stopped following Pizza Packet after we started digging.
Dude teaching out to normies is necessity for some things. Just don't link it to Sup Forums
Google search returns lots of results for itchie gross, with diffirent people and name variations. Do you have more info on him?
Here's a Twitter account:
>@PizzaPAC hasn't Tweeted yet.
Exclusively follows news/political organizations, including
>Donna Brazile
Here's their Tumblr. We found this at the beginning of this investigation, but I guess it was forgotten.
Pic related.
>We believe that pizza and politics go hand in hand. And so does pepperoni.
So, is his real name Itchie Gross or Richard Gross ?
Here's a list of all 514 pages of a different Tumblr blog. Archived, just in case they shut it down.
Original blog:
I think all I've got is in this thread. I do have his FB screenshotted. Huge files with all of his friends, likes, etc.
Huh. This shit is right in line with the Comet Ping Pong Instagram stuff, and also, the account of this government employee:
This blog was started in October 2009.
>Greetings web friends to the very first tumblr post of Clinton Loves Pizza. As you can tell from the header. this is a tumblr about a lost boy who finds himself by eating pizza all the time everywhere. He loves it! As such, he has become a self-made pizza expert and enthusiast.
Pic related: One of their first few posts from 2009.
It's contradictory because it's someone involved saying to continue funding under ACA (which makes no sense. Why not have it under FBI or something). It definitely looks like it's being flushed since this bill is happening after the election and it'll look like Trump is pro-trafficking by dumping the ACA.
Respect. This shit gets in your head.