"Leggings/Yoga Pant Are Not Pants"

are arabs based regarding women clothing?


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>wanting to ban this

arabs must be homos

really, how gay do you have to be to not want to see this in public?

literally nothing wrong with this



As a Christian I totally agree with this. Women are to preserve their modesty. Not walk around like slutty whorebags showing off their thighs and cleavage. It is wicked.

I thought niggers like asses?
apparently not

Look what happens when you let women do what they want

>61% women voted for Van der Bellen


>being a homo with no game

now i know why mudfolk have these "emergencies"


Abdul, please. Go rape a german.

more like parents failed to raise them right

I thought hue monkeys literally had parades around asses? what homo favela are you from?

I'm white you gyppo

We should ban leggins on landwhales

Idk. I Get women like the pants, but every women including the ugly motherfuckers wear them. Even when you get a gf she'll wear yoga pants so everyone can see her ass and pussy outline.

It shows how many morals we've lost imo. I even see young girls wearing fucking yoga pants that outline their genitals and stuff. I truly get why people like yoga pants, but all the wrong people wear them also.

showing the body in public and celebrating it's indian-savage tier.

There is nothing more crude/anti-civilization than dancing naked in the sound of drums

They wear to show to Jamal and Abdul. This is a weapon to seduce and get money in society without having to study/work.

>B-but it's part white culture
don't fall for this meme.

so what? fuckers can look at her but i'm the one going to fuck her.
If she cheats I drop her and get a new one, takes like 10 minutes nowadays.

Sure Carl Ahmed Abdul-Mitz Gütenberg

Any woman who dresses like the women in this thread should not have a leg to stand on if she gets raped. No sane person could say that for example, is not asking for it.

>b-but niggers get offended and have to rape!
>blaming the woman

Yes but you guys don't know the results of the sexual oppression of Qataris.


Pedophile Qatari prince Hamid Bin Abdul Sani al Thani who raped 16 Czech minors, two of whom were under 11 according to other reports, but as usual, he was untouchable and repatriated back to Qatar ceskapozice.lidovky.cz/czechs-probe-release-of-pedophile-qatari-prince-fry-/tema.aspx?c=A111212_124410_pozice_48137

Also there are far more extreme cases where Qataris are let off scot-free; a Qatari man raped a British teacher, stabbed her in the heart and then burnt her corpse in the desert, and the man who aided the rapist only got 3 years, and even worse the Qatari courts overturned the Qatari rapist-murderers punishment after the initial press outrage died down. He's now facing a retrial, while the victims mother barely has enough money to cover the legal costs and had to crowdfund it.

You idiots keep jerking off over muh modesty, but this "modesty" is what leads to the rape and murder of European women. And I only referenced European women; the fate of Asian and African women is 100x worse. Hundreds of thousands of African and Asian women are employed as "domestic workers" (i.e slaves) in Qatar and Qataris can literally rape and murder these women with impunity. If a Qatari claims that their victim "seduced" them, they can get away with anything.

TL;DR: Extreme modesty and sexual oppression directly leads to the rape and murder of thousands of women in Qatar every year.

or we just throw those niggers out, stop selling them shit and bomb them from the skys back into the stone age.

I'd genocide all Muslims and shitskins if it means more hotties are going to wear tight Leggins/yogapants

fucking subhumans are less worth than tight pants for me

>If she cheats I drop her and get a new one,

Meanwhile in real germany

>Syrian refugee with four wives and 23 CHILDREN ‘claims £320,000 a year in benefits'

Also isn't that in germany that 1/3 of the young population is from arab descent?

>Extreme modesty

British intelligence.
Also banning women from doing degeneracy in public is not oppression.

whats your point?
I don't get it

Muslims are shit and so are their countries.
Arabs need to be killed off. Nothing good comes from them.

There are two germanys

The germany that exist in your mind where girls are hot, liberal and you can fuck them

And the real german in which women prefer arab men and/or just date another women because LGBT progressive agenda.

amen bro

how would a poorshit subhuman gyppo know Germany better than I do?

You are trying to convince me that a german that has a folder called "Yoga Pants" and is browsing Sup Forums fucks hot german girls who wear yoga pant?


You so sure you will know if she's cheating huh?

They are based. Only low test cucks feel this insatiable desire for all women to dress like whores, because it is the closest they will ever get to a woman.

>You are trying to convince me that a german that has a folder called "Yoga Pants" and is browsing Sup Forums fucks hot german girls who wear yoga pant?

You new? he is the german bro who spam threads with CP and blacked porn.

are you a virgin or something?

do you have any idea how easy it is to get laid in fucking germany?
tinder just made it even easier

>gyppo still not telling me how he knows the situation in germany better than an actual german who lived here for 27 years

easy as fuck to spot if you ain't a complete retard

>I swear i'm not a homo!

LMAOing @ your Life faggot

I'm not a Kike

that isn't true, the germany that exists in your mind is the germany i know. i fucked blonde fraulines all over that country just because i speak german with an english accent. the only places that "germany" exists are the shitty poor areas of frankfurt, dusseldorf and berlin.

he is a gyppo m8

he will never fuck a white girl

>LMAOing @ your Life faggot
>I'm not a Kike
>I fuckz lots of german aryan pure white blonde hair xDD hahahaha fuck gypsy! :D

This place has been worse than reddit. I'm migrating to cripple chan for good.

>This place has been worse than reddit

I told everyone we should have banned german and canadian posters many months ago. No one listened to me.

to be fair it was a based Belgian who had this idea. He was right you know.
it's impossible to talk to a 100% german. They are not civilized

Yoga pants are great to look at but the degeneracy should stop somewhere, and it sure as hell is degenerate to wear yoga pants anywhere other than at a yoga class.

I honestly don't understand the obsession with "yoga pants" on this site. Why do you want to ban this? How is it disturbing you, are people so bad at concentrating they lose their jobs over this or what?

Sounds more like you have some attention disorder.

A Civilzied nord
>but the degeneracy should stop somewhere, and it sure as hell is degenerate to wear yoga pants anywhere other than at a yoga class.

An uncivilized nord:
>Why do you want to ban this?
>Sounds more like you have some attention disorder.

There is still hope for Denmark and Norway. Sweden is lost

Why do her panties have a pocket?

just leaving it here before I migrate to another Sup Forums free of swedish cucks and ahmed germans

It's degenerate Cecilia. Look at what women do when they have maximum freedom to show their body.

Look at Brazil and latin america countries in general Cecilia. Women poison men's mind with sexuality.

>gyppo keeps crying like a bitch

booohoo poor untermensch

>this thread

>good goy keep collecting white trash pics
>it's healthy and good for the aryan man

>tfw see even little kids wearing yoga pants and tigh jeans
do they not have any morals?

>some poorshit gyppo trying to give me Life advice


Similiarities between Jews and Germans

>Love of degeneracy
>Always blaming others
>When someone hit back they scream "Why are you persecuting me? I'm innocent"
>Always exporting their worst authors and intellectuals to destroy other countries
>Both have a long history of known merchants
>Hitler is the father of Israel
>Killing white people is their passion
>Hate slavs love arabs
>Force mass immigration
>They are socialists and internationalists to the core

Yes. The west just doesn't know it yet. That's why your illuminati masters follow Islam in secret. The symbol for islam is a sabre half moon and star. Commonly found on mason hats.

Its why the richest place on earth, Saudia Arabia, Dubai, follows the religion to a T.

You don't get to see the secret ending unless you play on hard mode. Islam is hardmode. Christianity is fairytale land easymode. Its fake. Product of the Jews. The synagogue of Satan is the Jewish faith with Carthaginians worshipping baal and moloch.

The terrorists and such you see on TV are nothing more than the products of the Weapons industry perpetuated by Israel, America, and Russia.

>say that they are have pure blood
>They are obsessed with controlling the monetary system
>Accuse other people what things they are doing themselves

How cute, a poor Gyppo subhuman tries to appear smart

>I learned how to save pics from facebook groups and tinder xDD give me (you) I'm a strong aryan male xDD

dat butthurt gyppo

how does it feel to be subhuman and poor? :)

>Product of the Jews.
and Islam isn't? Bearing in mind Mohammed, as a trader, heard of this far flung Christianity religion and decided to get in on it. Made himself the final heir to God, incorporated a few local aminist elements and then tried to convert everyone through love. Didn't work so turned into a warlord

He is right though. The perfect definition of a German: "A man who is doing harm to others while feeling he is the victim; he thinks everyone hates him because he is superior."

In church both women and men should wear clothes that cover from shoulders to knees, women should also wear a head scarf during mass.

In public I think women need to be a little bit more modest, I don't see anything wrong with the one on the far left in that picture. But that sort of dress code for men is retarded. How are you meant to work all day at a construction site or any outdoors job if you are wearing a full suit.

We're the best tho

>muh dick

Spotted the nigger.

>A german thinks degeneracy means natural progression and evolution of society

News @ 11

why are the signs in english if this is supposed to be sweden?

>Look at Brazil and latin america

I don't see a problem, it can look good if done right. Sleeveless dresses on the other hand should be banned, that's just fucking tasteless.

>poison men's mind with sexuality

Yeah... that's like your own mental problem, most likely caused by religious hypocricy, labeling something normal as shameful and trying to hide it. It will just keep popping back up and your solution every time will be to externalize your feelings of shame and ban whatever you think created it. That's how you turn an entire society neurotic.

clean my toilet untermensch

No shame in having a big dick and liking to use it

>labeling something normal as shameful and trying to hide it.

Everybody knows that in Sweden you are proud of what is shameful.
Don't deny it nordic brother.

>Women are asking for it
Fuck off Abdul

Qatar's royal family owns Al jazeera & pushes degeneracy & secularism in the West but the complete opposite in their own country

Just as bad as the fucking Jews

>I even see young girls wearing fucking yoga pants that outline their genitals and stuff.

Can confirm. My 10-year old sister wears them (sparingly, fortunately) and I think it's disgusting.

>that's just fucking tasteless


blame the mother in raising her like a whore

>in Sweden you are proud of what is shameful

If you label a healthy sexuality as "shameful", then I suppose the answer is "yes" in your way of thinking.

You didn't understand what I wrote about externalizing your induced feelings of shame, did you?

That's the same way the eternal german behaves until the Weimar Republic imploded because so much degeneracy.

>externalizing your induced feelings of shame

Now to finish the conversation nothing better than a bunch of Freudian cliches.. what the fuck is your problem sweden?

I told you to clean my toilet you polish shit

It's interesting when you travel to Poland or when talking to arabs you behave yourself.

I bet she was your girlfriend and since she started to fuck arab men you got angry. Playing the "strong aryan" german on Sup Forums so you can forget your reality.

there is millions of cunts out there.
I never get attached to one and can easily move on because I know I can always pull more pussy

That fucking muffin top!

muslims take it way too far

western women take it way too far

but in opposite directions

modesty is the key

>qatar wants to ban muffin tops
"m-muh thicc"

>a bunch of Freudian cliches

You didn't understand what I said then. When you're taught that your sexual arousal is bad, and you are constantly shamed for it, you start thinking that it really is bad. But because it's impossible to not get aroused (because it is natural) you start targeting whatever made you feel that way - in this case yoga pants.

This mental phenomenon is what you get when you have a culture trying to suppress normal healthy behaviour as "shameful".

Here you are now, trying to export your induced feeling of shame on people who didn't grow up in your culture and never learned to make the connection that what feels good is "bad".

You just look like a moron, and everyone who's on the outside can see clearly what is controlling you.

autistic animal, you belong in a quarantine

I'm impressed actually by the level of stupidity. Freudian cliches are not quotes by Freud. It's trying to say retard phrases that sound smart but lack substance.

BUT now that you wrote this
>When you're taught that your sexual arousal is bad, and you are constantly shamed for it, you start thinking that it really is bad.

I'm 100% convinced you are spreading "repressed sex causes neurotic behavior" memes that was first explored by Freud. You think it makes you sound smart because you read them on a women magazine about human behavior.

“Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.”
“Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.”
“I get what it's like to want something, but to try and force yourself to really believe that you don't.”
“I wonder if being sane means disregarding the chaos that is life, pretending only an infinitesimal segment of it is reality.”
“The psychoanalytic liberation of memory explodes the rationality of the repressed individual. As cognition gives way to re-cognition, the forbidden images and impulses of childhood begin to tell the truth that reason denies.”
“Regulation of sexual behavior is the preferred route to wider social control.”

These are examples of cheap and stupid cliches that appeal to the masses.

>mfw arab girls in hijabs/yoga pants

Cool dude.

>has a collection of asses
oh what a virgin.

>is german

when you dont lock your door and get robbed it is still a crime.

you are dumb and i would point that out but it does not change the fact that it is illegal to rob people

Can we discuss this ass?

I can see the shape of her labia and anal cleft

How is a straight man supposed to not be aroused?

do you always go in bars and ask woman about their clitoris?

Thing is arabs can't control themselves, they see ass right there like that and they go into auto-rape mode.

maybe because they are men. German men are so brainwashed and fucked up they don't feel any desire at all.

>sexual emergency

Only when I'm in Germany


>m-muh dick