And kids over 12 can watch it
And kids over 12 can watch it
I always hated that pot head Seth Rogen, his shitty movies and his shitty group of friends
How many of those kids are sausages and buns?
*record scratch*
what's next Overwatch SFM movie?
I have friends who think he's hilarious and it's awkward when deep down I know Rogen is a turd.
take dat dick cracker!!!
This movie disgusts the shit out of me
I watched that movie because my stoner roommates were watching it and there is only one TV in our house.
As far as I can tell the only jokes ever made are that food is saying "fuck" all the time.
The whole orgy scene is fucking disgusting
You mad white boy??
So is this movie anything beyond "Muh Atheism" and "DUDE WEED LMAO?"
>I'm a fat jew HAHAHA
>hey let's smoke some ganja HAHA
>Duuuuuuude that's not cool HAHA
>weed DUuUuUude HaHHHAHAa
Fuck those degenerate jews, they're literally killing comedy.
Not as mad as you're going to be when society crumbles and your gibs dry up.
It`s rated R you dumb niggers.
lol it's a benis
>God is a lie, your wholesome happy lifestyle should be replaced with drinking drugs and gay sex
Literally the plot of the movie
All this movie did was made me realise Sup Forums is always always right.
>Seth rogen
the first in the oven will be him
get in here bros
feels bad knowing i'm going to have to be constantly defending my apocalypse homestead from the unwashed masses incapable of making their own shelter
Good ol Jewish humour
The fuck even is this shit?
What the actual fuck
>made by a literal jew
what did you expect?
Why can jews produce art of value? 5000 years of interrupted culture and an almost mind boggling under representation among those who create beauty.
Ah, kikes have such great artistic taste.
Not in France
>American "humour"
>French movie theaters are playing Sausage Party
in a capitalistic society, morals don't matter. profits do.
so if you can sell it, you sell it, no matter how degenerate it is.
Because they are deliberately trying to produce filth so the masses become more degenerate. They promote gay sex, drug use, and people cheating on their spouses. They have worked endlessly at destroy the modern white family through immigration and propaganda in the media. Seth rogan can get stomped in the nuts.
I feel you man. Everything he does is just awful.
I sat through this movie and it's literally all puns and pot/sex jokes
>i actually thought this movie might be worth watching
how disgusting, i fucking hate how they go "oh were going to do an ADULT animated movie" and their immediate response is to shove the most degenerate sex shit possible into it, it's like that shitty Torchwood doctor who spin off that literally had an alien survive off sex
What I cant get is how faggots cant see the formulaic copypaste of 9/10 comedy movies. 90 minutes of low tier jokes tied up in whichever shiteating actor is the trendiest that year
Seth Rogan literally cannot act, he is limited to one role as a dumb pot head. Name a role in which he displays range, dispite him churning out movies every fucking year for like a decade
Will Ferrel is another great example. Just alot of the same, who gives a fuck
Where did the funny jews go?
Imagine the amount of parents going in to this movie with their kids expecting a funny animation video just to see a hot dog bun getting its asshole licked and Adolf Hitler getting fucked by a pack of milk.
>atheist degeneracy: the movie
God I hate Jews.
We all do
I wanna cum on that taco and then feed her to my waifu while she protests desu
the final redpill is realizing that degeneracy should be encouraged fervently
Terror attack at the end of 2016 WHEN
Mel Brooks, John Landis and many other funny Jews got old and lost their touch but Ethan & Joel Coen are still funny.
This is clever, the movie is secular propaganda and can be seen by even the refugees that are pretending to be 12 and up. In this way they can try and increase the number of Islamic skeptics if not garner a few outright converts.
If their welfare bucks let then show up of course.
>mfw france gets muslims to jack off to pork
>Suitable for children age 12 and above
Holy shit
For the first time in my life, I can feel the immense disgust of a conservative
everything else I became numb but this is terrible
Have u seen in the movie?
My gf has a shit taste in comedy and films in general and even she felt the need to turn this trash off after 20 mins
>people were paid to make this
>people paid money to see this
>people actually think this is funny
"Degeneracy" refers to the decay of the values and morals that built civilization. This movie celebrates and encourages nihilism and death. It's good that children get to see this, it will help redpill them earlier.
Same here. I was shocked to see the 12 rating. I think they just thought it'd be an average animated movie
>And kids over 12 can watch it
So? I started reading porno mags when I was 7. I think I turned out alright.
we can't be mean anymore
humor restricted sex, poop, and pee, or cringey political statements that get applause rather than laughter
the entire movie is literally "the gods don't exist, we need to kill them and have an orgy"
I don't know if it's genetic or if they're all in on it but the kikes have continually acted this way at least since they tried to kill america during the cold war.
So this isn't rated R in france?
Very progressive.
He played a good Wozniak
pure unadulterated nihilistic degenerate filth. it's also not a funny movie
>5/6 producers are Jews
I'm pretty sure that movie was R-rated..
it was here at least.
pirated it
watched it all
will never watch anything again with seth rogan
whole movie is sexual reference and god don't exist also white man is bad
was one funny moment in the movie, can't remember which
Here it's tagged as an adult only animation.
Haha fuck me right, I checked it to be sure and in Sweden it's actually 11 and over.
This is Deadpool all over again!
I didn't like deadpool either.
You forgot the moment when "Kill all the gods AKA humans"
sweden yes!
Didn't they fuck over the animators?
Mel Brooks just gave up. He hasn't made a movie in over 20 years. Probably because he knows he can't make his kind of movies anymore.
I thought Deadpool was decent, and I'm probably gonna be the first one in this thread to say that I actually liked Sausage party, I'm not the biggest fan of Seth Rogen but I really like most of the other actors (Jonah Hill, James Franco, Anders Holm etc)
The movie wasn't a masterpiece in any way but some things were clever and it got some laughs.
I think getting this rallyed up over humor is just pretty lame, It's no better than butthurt bitter parents, of course it's not a fucking kids movie.
>Roteiro adaptado por Porta dos Fundos
What's that sticker in the bottom right quadrant mean? Is it advertising that the theater has easy-to-find exits if you want to escape?
I enjoyed 'the douche', but the rest of the movie seemed like atheist bullshit slapped on a chinese drawn food porno.
>the rest of the movie seemed like atheist bullshit slapped on a chinese drawn food porno.
It was a atheist movie for food, dumbass.
Fun ended with Robin Williams.