/mlg/ Marxism Leninism General

Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.

>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."

>To acheive such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.


ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:


It is reccomended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.








Other urls found in this thread:



Argentino boludo

you're quite fast
how can south american shitholes that had and still have communism be for communism while eastern europe rejects it
here's a sage friend

>using the nazbol meme in OP pic

Communism is a spook


Greetings comrade

sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field
>sage goes in the options field
sage goes in the options field

Entering "sage" (by itself) into the [Options] field while replying will cause the thread not to bump to the top of the page

Faggots all of you

why are these threads not spammed with gore and pron?
What happened to you Sup Forums?


Whats their to discuss. We've had 90+ years to see communism flounder.

Venezuela was the last straw.

When people start starving because communist economics and production are realistically unstable and don't prepare for future losses in any industry it takes control over, who will replace the workers that died - and if they can't how will they be able to produce for the current population?

>why are these threads not spammed with gore and pron?
spammed with happy merchants we all have folders and who's behind communism

>World leaders praising Fidel Castro

- Ban Ki-moon (United Nations)
- Jean-Claude Juncker (European Commision)
- José Eduardo dos Santos (Angola)
- Serzh Sargsyan (Armenia)
- Ilham Aliyev (Azerbaijan)
- Abdul Hamid (Bangladesh)
- Dean Barrow (Belize)
- Evo Morales (Bolivia)
- Justin Trudeau (Canada)
- Michelle Bachelet (Chile)
- Xi Jinping (China)
- Juan Manuel Santos (Colombia)
- Rafael Correa (Ecuador)
- Abdel Fattah el-Sisi (Egypt)
- Salvador Sánchez Cerén (El Salvador)
- François Hollande (France)
- Giorgi Margvelashvili (Georgia)
- Alexis Tsipras (Greece)
- Jimmy Morales (Guatemala)
- Pope Francis (Holy See)
- Pranab Mukherjee (India)
- Hassan Rouhani (Iran)
- Michael D. Higgins (Ireland)
- Sergio Mattarella (Italy)
- Andrew Holness (Jamaica)
- Bounnhang Vorachit (Laos)
- Michel Aoun (Lebanon)
- Nursultan Nazarbayev (Kazakhstan)
- Uhuru Kenyatta (Kenya)
- Almazbek Atambayev (Kyrgyzstan)
- Najib Razak (Malaysia)
- Enrique Peña Nieto (Mexico)
- Igor Dodon (Moldova)
- Hage Geingob (Namibia)
- Daniel Ortega (Nicaragua)
- Muhammadu Buhari (Nigeria)
- Kim Jong-un (North Korea)
- Mahmoud Abbas (Palestine)
- Peter O'Neill (Papua New Guinea)
- Rodrigo Duterte (Philippines)
- Vladimir Putin (Russia)
- Tomislav Nikolić (Sebia)
- Robert Fico (Slovakia)
- Tony Tan Keng Yam (Singapore)
- Jacob Zuma (South Africa)
- Bashar al-Assad (Syria)
- Petro Poroshenko (Ukraine)
- Tabaré Vázquez (Uruguay)
- Nicolás Maduro (Venezuela)
- Adolfo Pérez Esquivel (Nobel Peace laureate)
- Jimmy Carter (Nobel Peace laureate)
- Rigoberta Menchú (Nobel Peace laureate)

>World leaders condemning Castro

- Donald Trump (Great Satan)


thanks user

How are you going to stop an elite from forming a Politburo that replaces the existing structures with a more extreme apparatus? It seems that communism meant riches and power for a few and suffering for most every single time it has been tried.
See: Sovietrussia, China, Cuba, Vietnam, North Korea to name a few.

>calling anyone else a roach

Communism isn't what follows capitalism, socialism is. And you can't have either until capitalism has run it's course and technology has advanced enough to eliminate all forms of scarcity. Marx was smart enough to know that the revolution would not occur in his lifetime, and full communism may not happen in ours. But the revolution will come, comrades, and when it does it shall be sweet.
All the pork slaves please leave and go back to masturbating to Ivanka's feet

klk manin! dame lu manin que hay con tigo?

Why are you trying to spam it though, if you have anything logical to say say it, this isn't Sup Forums. If it doesn't have enough demand it will die out anyway (which is highly probable)

> Muhammadu Buhari

Haha, that piece of shit deserves the chair.

>gommies thinking they actually know how to argue

>Comparing heterogeneous goods

Since capital goods and labor are highly heterogeneous (i.e., they have different characteristics that pertain to physical productivity), economic calculation requires a common basis for comparison for all forms of capital and labour.

Money, as a means of exchange, enables buyers to compare the costs of goods without having knowledge of their underlying factors; the consumer can simply focus on his personal cost-benefit decision. The price system is therefore said to promote economically efficient use of resources by agents who may not have explicit knowledge of all of the conditions of production or supply. This is called the signalling function of prices, as well as the rationing function which prevents over-use of any resource.

Without the market process to fulfill such comparisons, critics of non-market socialism say that it lacks any way to compare different goods and services and would have to rely on calculation in kind. The resulting decisions, it is claimed, would therefore be made without sufficient knowledge to be considered rational.

>Relating utility to capital and consumption goods

The common basis for comparison for capital goods must also be connected to consumer welfare. It must also be able to compare the desired trade-off between present consumption and delayed consumption (for greater returns later on), via investment in capital goods. The use of money as a medium of exchange and unit of account is necessary to solve the first two problems of economic calculation.

Marginal consumer expenditures represent the marginal utility or additional consumer satisfaction expected by consumers as they spend money. This is similar to the equi-marginal principle developed by Alfred Marshall. Consumers equalize the marginal utility (amount of satisfaction) of the last dollar spent on each good. So the exchange of consumer goods establishes prices that represent the marginal utility of consumers, and money therefore is representative of consumer satisfaction.

Without a price mechanism, Mises argues, socialism lacks the means to relate consumer satisfaction to economic activity. The incentive function of prices allows diffuse interests, like the interests of every household in cheap, high quality, shoes, to compete with the concentrated interests of the cobblers in expensive, poor quality shoes. Without it, a panel of experts set up to ‘rationalise production’, likely closely linked to the cobblers for expertise, would tend to support the cobblers interests in a ‘conspiracy against the public’. If this happens to all industries however, everyone would be worse off than if they had been subject to the rigours of market competition.

lefties btfo


The third condition for economic calculation is the existence of genuine entrepreneurship and market rivalry.

According to Kirzner (1973) and Lavoie (1985) entrepreneurs reap profits by supplying unfulfilled needs in all markets. Entrepreneurship therefore brings prices closer to marginal costs. The adjustment of prices in markets towards ‘equilibrium’ (where supply and demand equal) gives them greater utilitarian significance. The activities of entrepreneurs make prices more accurate in terms of how they represent the marginal utility of consumers. Prices act as guides to the planning of production. Those who plan production use prices to decide which lines of production should be expanded or curtailed.

Entrepreneurs lack the profit motive to take risks under socialism, and so are far less likely to attempt to supply consumer demands. Without the price system to match consumer utility to incentives for production, or even indicate those utilities "without providing incentives", state planners are much less likely to invest in new ideas to satisfy consumers' desires.


Will I get to have lolis and live free of niggers?

>Coherent planning

The fourth condition for successful economic calculation is plan coordination among those who plan production. The planning could either be done in a decentralised fashion, requiring some mechanism to make the individual plans coherent, or centrally, requiring a lot of information.

Within capitalism, the overall plan for production is composed of individual plans from capitalists in large and small enterprises. Since capitalists purchase labour and capital out of the same common pool of available but scarce labor and capital, it is essential that their plans fit together in at least a semi-coherent fashion. Hayek defined an efficient planning process as one where all decision makers form plans that contain relevant data from the plans from others. Entrepreneurs acquire data on the plans from others through the price system. The price system is an indispensable communications network for plan coordination among entrepreneurs. Increases and decreases in prices inform entrepreneurs about the general economic situation, to which they must adjust their own plans.

As for socialism, Mises and Hayek insisted that bureaucrats in individual ministries could not coordinate their plans without a price system. If decentralized socialism cannot work, central authorities must plan production. But central planners face the knowledge problem in forming a comprehensive plan for production. Mises and Hayek saw centralization as inevitable in socialism.

Venezuela hasn't even seized the means of production.

fuck off leftypol

>Sup Forums


communism will take over this board, too late buckos

thanks comrade

So are there any decent commie/Marxist podcasts out there? Like on the level of The Daily Shoah? I want to see how edgy the left can get

Wonderful argument ameritard
Die as soon as possible

I'm gonna bump this thread just to spite you cucks

Enjoy being irrelevant while you weep for your dear leader.

Brainwashed cuckold

you know if you filter communism/marxism to autism these threads make alot more sense

>conservatives and rightwingtards
>able to argue
all i see is salty sage posts and shitposts with spam

Will be saved till the end of time

>commie turkroach


Reminder to sage and hide all shill threads. Don't let them slide our shit.

The only thing you'll take over is the Jews' place in the camps.

thanks comrade
turkey is a wonderful country


Fuck the commies, it's disgusting!

>Trump made racism mainstream so the only way to be edgy now is to be a gommunist

>a fucking turk having the audacity to call anyone else a roach

even tripfaggots are better than commies

Someone ask Hbomb to make a Marxist podcast.

See what the wonderful Brazilian has posted
You may go ahead and ignore his points, but everyone who reads this thread and notices your blatant refusal to accept reality will know you for what you are.

This is the only thing neo/pol/ does. Hiding the truth.

What are you afraid of if you have the logical high ground you dumb shitface?
What is a few shills gonna do?

yanın ulan sağcılar :DD

isteseniz de istemeseniz de Sup Forums u ele geçireceğiz :DD


Because individuals have rights

I thought we made it clear last time.


I guess not all Turks are bad.


>everything I don't like is part of a vast cuckspiracy

Oh boi, it's not Sup Forums or /tr/. IT'S FUCKING Sup Forums

kek because every capitalist country is an epitome of success

How stupid you need to be to defend jews right to be rich
And you shitfaces have the audacity to say jews invented communism

hiding what fucking truth exactly? all these threads consist of is shitpost and /leftypol/ + /r/AgitationCommittee screaming safe space

>mfw this thread

marx was a jew and laid out the principles for communism

>How stupid you need to be to defend jews right to be rich

Shut up and take it goy.

>Yfw this is the pinnacle of /leftypol/



You can't make this shit up.

because I had communism and it left unhealed wounds on collective soul, it's retarded

>but it's okay since it wasn't real socialism
>rince and repeat

>saged and hidden

Anzu's a bad Turk tb.h

Allende wasn't even a proper communist. He was a patsy democratic socialist.


So whats your plans after high school ?

Not only hang. Take a look at this post for reference.

She bad.

>Posting an american puppet installed after a coup

Reminder that Reddit communists are raiding Sup Forums because they have shit-tier recognition with normies, and are jelly of Sup Forums's political influence.

They steal our memes and make lazy edits of them, because communism sucks at innovation; and is an ideology for 3rd-world niggers.

Sage and hide all commie threads. If you feel like it, troll and spam their threads with shitposts and counter-arguments; but don't forget to sage. Don't let them get a foothold on Sup Forums.

>turkroach is still at it
Come back when your nation admits the Armenian genocide happened. It's pointless to talk about an ideology given to genocide with a roach from a country where denial is an official postion of the state

Helicopter rides are too merciful for the communist scum.

> not recognizing Pinochet

would you like a free helicopter ride friend?

I think social democracy is the best system.

I have a master in compsci
and you?

Let me tell you, as somebody from a postcommunist country, what you are signing up for:
slave labor, crappy concrete cube commieblocks, month-long waits for a simple town doctor admission, queuing for the monthly ration of 200 grams of bread with your food tickets (the first 10 will get it, don't even dream of acquiring anything else), lack of every possible equipment in horribly overcrowded classrooms teaching nothing but propaganda, terror, oppression, internationalism, nepotism, corruption, cessation of the economy from which you will never, ever recover
Oh, and inb4 muh robots:
This is what was said for steam engines too. Post scarcity is not possible. Either there will be massive poverty and unemployment or simply the economy will expand due to increased productivity per worker. Or both in this exact order. Granted, you will stick with the first if you try communism
Stop shitting up our board, go back to r.eddit

panama with the bants

>a fucking roach

get bent commie fuckface

>Post scarcity is not possible.
It will be. It a medium distance future it will be, for sure. We are alreading heading for it slowly. First sign of it is unconditional basic income


But they are bringing arguments. You are bringing shitposts. You have no difference from plebits, just trying to supress any opposition you don't like.

>Jesus was jewish so jews invented christianity
Literally no difference

>Mfw part of me wants to be Socialist
>Mfw part of me wants to be Conservative

So? it's a tomboy cosplayer thread now?

No my brother, no.

>knows who Pinochet is
>doesn't know who Allende is


Yeah, like every anti-communist is a porky.

repeated ad infinitum

>from which you will never, ever recover

That's an excuse for the shitty neoliberal capitalism that rules over Eastern Europe now.

reminder that killing commies is legitimate self defense

Serious question, what appeals to you about socialisim?

No they don't, if you actually read the arguments you would see that.
